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Author Topic: Newbie Question #2  (Read 12987 times)


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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2008, 07:55:13 pm »

If brand has reputation of high cost of operation, poor customer service, unreliabilty or other negatives, it might not manner how good it feels at wet test.

WHy does Cal Spas always have to get puled into this? ;D

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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2008, 07:55:13 pm »


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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2008, 09:15:53 pm »


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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2008, 10:11:22 pm »

WHy does Cal Spas always have to get puled into this? ;D

It still kills me to read Spaman (ex-Cal Spas apologist) having a change of tune when it come to Cal now that he's seen the other side.

Did the laser removal hurt much when they removed that Cal Spa tatoo?  
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2008, 08:53:57 pm »
As I am also a newbie, I have to add my thoughts.  The question was what spa might fit the bill.  Sorry, but I think to give advice unsolicited on how someone should handle their money is bordering on rudeness.  I am sure there are many of my friends and family who believe that my decision to buy a spa was irresponsible.  I too had dreamed of one for many years and decided to take the plunge.  Yes it is a luxury, but the time spent with my family is wonderful.  The time spent with my spouse under the stars without TV, phone and other distractions is priceless.


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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2008, 02:25:32 pm »
I agree......maybe I am wrong.....but it seems there is a message between the
lines that is saying:

"Hey if you can't afford the $8-$10K spa I am selling then son you have no
business owning a spa.....and if you think you can get a nice used spa on CraigsList for $3K.....well thats dumb too.... because something might break on a used spa

Like stuff doesn't occasionally break on all kinds of used stuff we buy throughout
our lives? I dunno......it just seems like more of the "My way Or The Highway" stuff......
or even better "My Way or You're an idiot"!

« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 02:25:59 pm by Zep »


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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2008, 03:02:14 pm »
I must admit that I don't even remember who the original poster is, but I do have one piece of practical advice.  Don't forget that the price of the spa is only a part of the total cost.  Depending on your situation, you might need to have decking reinforced or have a concrete pad poured.  In addition, you will have to have electrical hookup ran to the tub, which can be costly.  If you are on a tight budget, please get estimates for these things before you actually purchase a spa.  Don't forget that there is the cost of chemicals and things to maintain your spa and it's water.   Based on your last post, I get the feeling your income might not be as limited as the wording of your original post reflected.  You sound like you are just very careful with your money and who could blame you.  Good Luck.


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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2008, 06:15:06 pm »
I agree......maybe I am wrong.....but it seems there is a message between the
lines that is saying:

"Hey if you can't afford the $8-$10K spa I am selling then son you have no
business owning a spa.....and if you think you can get a nice used spa on CraigsList for $3K.....well thats dumb too.... because something might break on a used spa

Like stuff doesn't occasionally break on all kinds of used stuff we buy throughout
our lives? I dunno......it just seems like more of the "My way Or The Highway" stuff......
or even better "My Way or You're an idiot"!


You are WRONG!!! I didn't buy a $8 to $10K spa AND as I said I couldn't afford one for the longest time. I did put a limit on a spa price and that was that. Personally when I read spa prices and people pay the money they do I am shocked. A spa to me is not worth the money that is being paid for them but that's just my opinion.

As I also said it sounded like the poster thought it through and it was his decision to buy or not buy the spa.

Was it rude for me to bring it up - possibly but it wasn't my intention. If at this point you don't have a clue of what I am talking about - you're never going to have a clue. Obviously life has been a little better for you money wise than for me.

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Re: Newbie Question #2
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2008, 06:15:06 pm »


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