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I went outside tonight to top off the tub in anticipation of a nice late night soak......I then FORGOT about the hose, and it ran for a solid 2+ hours. The water in the tub is pretty cold, so I assume that almost 300+ gallons spilled (my tub is 390 gal). The scary thing is that the tub is OFF. NOTHING. I tried flipping the switch in the main box, and the resetting GFCI in the tub box, but it wont let me reset. I assume that water got places that water should not go......but now what? I'm going to wait until daylight, but I'm worried. I know that we have had some heavy rains before with no such trouble. Is it possible that water could get in the control panel on top? That worries me too......What should I do?
Could be unrelated. Often we jump to conclusions that one thing led to another. Maybe the spa shut down and was cold before you overflowed it.My tech told me he did a service call on a 110v spa that had no power. He proceeded to plug it in.Embarassed homeowner hadn't checked the plug. After all, she didn't unplug it.
So, is it running? Is the failed spa the source of your crankiness? :-/ Don't you wish you had bought that Hot Spring after all? Then you could have Term advising you to get an AK47 and shoot your hippie neighbors when they come to visit you in your spa.
They'll call tomorrow. ...I do wish that I had a dealer as local and as helpful as you!
Most spas are waterproof. Hopefully yours is as well. Termie
Sorry but unless your spa is made from solid steel or glass it is not waterproof. In all other materials the molecules are not tight enough to stop water but as in acrylic, plastics... is does greatly slow it down.