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KYGirl...you ready for my wet test yet? I would like to see if yours makes me itch too, call it a test for the other users benefit
II have noticed from the start that every now and then my shins itch terribly about 5-10 seconds after getting out. It is only my shins affected for some strange reason and it goes away within about 10-15 seconds.
I think Bring the wife and the cute kid, go to the airshow and then come soak. )
Sounds like Chlorine is too high. (at the moment you soak) a quick rinse with cold water will stop it. The blood vessels and nerves are very close to the skin on your shins so its susecptible to extreme heat or cold quickly. The hotter your tub is the more you notice it. And the longer you soak the more likelyyou are to feel it.
I think Bring the wife and the cute kid, go to the airshow and then come soak. Of course I'm on call so chances are better than good that I'll get called in since there's more interesting things to do around town and at home. I'll leave the key under the mat for you.