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So if something happens after year seven, the hot tub owner ships the spa back to the manufacturer, with the help of the dealer.
I agree. However, how companies use the warranty literature to gain or influence a sale does matter and brings a companies integrity into question.
That is exactly right!! So if something happens after year seven, the hot tub owner ships the spa back to the manufacturer, with the help of the dealer. Currently at a cost of around $200-$300. Sounds great to me, seven plus years down the road the ultralife shell fails on the spa, you get a new one for a couple hundred bucks!!
With the verbage in the warranty stating that it is "At the Option" of the Mfg to decide if they are going to fix or replace said spa, the "Limited" lifetime warranty is just that, "Limited". Maybe they'll fix it, maybe they won't. Either way the customer is going to pay, deaming the lifetime full replacement warranty an actual 7 year warranty. Still a stong warranty none the less. My highlighted portion of that part of the warranty comes in handy on occasion.