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We’re placing our new Caldera Niagara on a concrete pad about 2 feet away from our house. The electrician said he will mount the subpanel on the outside wall of our house (north end) & bury the line 12” deep about 15- 20 feet from the subpanel to the spa connections. Apparenty this subpanel must be at least 5 feet away from the tub. Most of this trench will be along the concrete pad from what I understand.I don’t know if this is a common installation & I know nothing about these things, but it seems reasonable. We’re getting another electrician to come by for an estimate today.BTW, the price he gave us was $2,400. The line from our main panel to the tub subpanel is about 20 feet running through the basement ceiling. We don’t need to upgrade our power supply as we did this about two years ago during a major remodel of our house. The price quote includes a $450 “filing fee”. We are located in the NYC metro area so I think this is the cost of doing business around here.Does anybody know how we would deal with an existing outside wall outlet near the south end of our proposed site? I thought I read somewhere that this must also meet code requirements regarding minimum distance from the tub (7 feet?). I need to be sure before I have the concrete poured. Any other comments would be helpful.Thanks!Sunny
. I'd bet that 450 is a bonding and insurance fee he has to pay because he hasn't worked in that city before and he's passing the cost along to you
Steriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik one. Thanks for the thoughts. What I was hoping to learn was the best way to run power to the tub, not that the we've got to get the deal 5 to 10 feet away from the other deal. I've seen some pictures of those who have run it up over the slab........sort of a big cord , 220/221, what ever it takes. A nice thick cord to trip and step on while navigating around the tub. I've heard about but not seen the concept of having the power come up under the tub, through the slab, into the "box"....................thus the idea of grounding the the slab.