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I am a big guy, 6'5 and my wife is 6' and we do not fit in many tubs.
I had a couple come in and purchase a HotSpring Grandee a couple of months ago. He was 6'8" and she was 6'2" !
Ask them if their kids have an agent yet and if not send them my way as they should have some huge kids we can groom for the NBA or NFL.
They neither one appear to be able to withstand severe wind gusts (more like Manute Bol than Shaquille O'Neal). Would really need to spend some time at the training table!
MasterSpa or Cal... Man, I can't believe I'm saying this but I would get the M....M.....I can't say it. Just don't get the Cal.And don't tell Windsurdog I said that.