My tub has been reading very high in alkalinity and a little less high in Ph lately. I just added some Ph/Alkalinity down (one product). It didn't seem to do much so I will try again. My question is what are some reasons my Ph and alkalinity are getting this high in the first place? Also, once I get it balanced is there any way to keep it that way. I tend to use plenty of non-chlorine shock oxidizer. The directions say to use it after every soak to keep the water clear, but I wonder if that is too much and if that is possibly contributing to the very high Ph/alkalinity. I also add my chlorinating granules at the same time as the non-chlorine shock oxidizer. I think I recently read that I shouldn't be doing that. My water stays clear, but I'm thinking I'm probably doing it all wrong. Please advise me in layman's terms.