Am looking for recommendations for a hot tub/spa. Looking for reasonably powerful jets for massage purposes (explained below), ozone function, a 2 person hence somewhat lighter hot tub, able to function in Colorado climes which here are down to typically 20 degrees, occasionally dipping down to 10 to 0, and only very occasionally below 0 tho this year we never went lower than 7 degrees here, so far. And looking for a 110-220 capability. Cost is an issue too.
Reason for cost considerations and massage action is… my wife is a liver transplant recipient, just celebrated 25 years. Meds from the transplant ended up tearing apart her joints. She incurred 6 total joint replacements and two ankle fusions, one within the last couple of months. To put it simply, she lives in high chronic pain. Hence the need to find a reasonable massage type jet action for the neck, upper and lower back, and legs.
I know this is asking a lot for a lower cost hot tub, but cost is an issue as we are skewered financially. But I need to find something that can help this aspect of her pain.
I’ve arrived at the QCA Cordoba as a prime candidate. And believe Hudson Bay and Aquarest spas have possible candidates.
Opinions? I would appreciate any insight towards what I think may work, bang for the buck and function.