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Hello all. So we've had our FreeFlow Passport for about a week and a half and I'm very happy with it. But I do NOT have a handle on the chemical stuff. I have a few questions.1) We have an ozonator and a chlorine starter kit. The person who sold me the tub said that because of the ozone, we only need to toss in a half a capful of chlorine each day that someone is in the tub. I was doing that, but my chlorine was reading SOOOO low. I mean the lightest color on the test strip. If I put in around a tablespoon (it's a small spa) then the level comes up in the pink where it should be. So what is the ozonator doing?? Should I be using a different test strip with an ozonator, or should the reading be lower than what is recommended on the strip?2) The test strip comes up in the lowest color for calcium. But I can't find a product to raise the calcium. My dealer tells me don't worry about it, that low calcium is fine. But then why doesn't the strip say "fine" for anything UNDER a certain amount? Do I need to fix this?3) The water surface often has this white swirling in it. If you look closely, I think they are tiny little air bubbles, but it makes the water LOOK like it has a white swirly film. How do I get rid of it, or is it fine?Thanks for any advice.Meredith