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Author Topic: 5 and 1/2 years in, the next week will get a lot of use  (Read 3416 times)


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5 and 1/2 years in, the next week will get a lot of use
« on: October 09, 2009, 09:52:20 am »
I still remember when I bought my tub, I got so many comments that the novelty would wear off and it would sit unused. 5 and 1/2 years later we still use it 5-7 times a week.  In that time I'm also made quite a few friends here.  In the next 10 days I expect the tub to get a lot of use and I wanted to share with my friends here.

As many of you know, I've lost 80 pounds in the last year and I'm now free of blood pressure problems and sleep apnea.  In fact I'm pretty solid at a repeatable 120/80 and a 59 resting pulse rate.  I attribute much of the weight loss to running 15-20 miles a week.  During that time, the hot tub has been an extra blessing.  In 9 more days I will be obtaining a life long goal of running in a marathon.  Ok, I'm only running the 1/2 marathon (13 miles)

To put extra pressure on myself and to make sure I do it, I signed up with tweetmytime.com which will send updates of my start, the 10k point and my finish to my facebook page.  To set this up I had to create a twitter account, something I said I would never do.   If any of my forum friends would like to see if I make it,  I am Bill McCall (Columbus, Ohio) on Facebook, or my twitter account is billmccall614.   The race starts at 7:30am Sunday and I am hoping by 10:30am I will be home and in the hot tub.   I'm hoping to complete the race in 2 hours.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current

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5 and 1/2 years in, the next week will get a lot of use
« on: October 09, 2009, 09:52:20 am »


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Re: 5 and 1/2 years in, the next week will get a lot of use
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2009, 10:42:25 am »
Awesome Bill...congrats!!  My husband and I lost quite a bit of weight together last year and we used our tub almost as often as you and your wife. But...last August he took a job in Europe. The result is that the tub sits idle..I don't enjoy it witout him and I have gained back about 20lbs. That is really depressing!

So be very proud of your accomplishment and grateful for your wonderful wife and life partner. I really miss those days ..Southbeach breakfast, coffee and a nice soak in the tub with my husband.  :( :( :'(

I started a facebook, so I will be looking for you...best of luck!!

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Re: 5 and 1/2 years in, the next week will get a lot of use
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2009, 08:53:33 am »
I'm with you, Bill...seven years of spa ownership and I still use it almost every day.  Congratulations on all your successes.  It is very encouraging and good luck with your race.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 5 and 1/2 years in, the next week will get a lot of use
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2009, 08:53:33 am »


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