Hi all,
My 1.5 year old Niagara has developed a hum that is audible from 10-15 feet away (while the circulation pump is running). It is not "terrible", however, it was inaudible (in my opinion) when the spa was new.
I read in another post on this site that one should not hear the circ pump, unless there is something wrong with it. Can anyone tender a guess whether the pump is failing, wearing, ...
I called up the dealer, since it is under warranty. He stated that he would send somebody out, however, if it was just that something in the mechanical compartment might have shifted, that it may not be covered by warranty and that I might wanna take the cover off and peak at it. I took the cover off, and saw nothing that I deemed should make the resonant humming sound.
I was first looking for feedback regarding the noise with the circ pump, but also to gauge whether or not I have a valid reason to have the dealer check out my concern of a semi-loud resonant humming (even though everything is functioning properly - as far as I can tell in the filtration of the tub).
I get the sense that he does not want to be bothered by me (because there might not be a warranty pay claim in his eyes). For whatever reason (and NO I have in no way been a pain in the *ss to this guy) that I was treated a lot better during the "courting" stage than now when he has had the sale. Just a bit frustrated...