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Is it safe to say,Hot-Springs won't be in his "spa-off" this year?
I would say that is a safe bet.One thing I would like to state whenever I get the chance: HotSpring did not lose it's UL listing. ETL uses the very same standard (ANSI/UL-1563) that UL has used. This move was, "Unilateral and did not involve the advice or consent of UL in any way" to quote Watkins President Steven Hammock.Further, the decision was made in 2004, a full two years after the USCPSC voluntary Corrective Action Plan was closed by the USCPSC. These data are all public record and easily proven. Interestingly enough, all heaters used in all watkins spa products - both then and now - are UL listed and have the UL mark clearly and proudly upon them.Consumers - if you want the truth , feel free to call the factory and ask for customer service. 1-800-999-4688Or go to the ETL website and look up the listings yourself.
So let me make sure I understand this.......Hot Springs Spas are going down as in going out of business???
I'm reading on the spa deceptionist board that Hot Springs in going down. When will Hot-Springs be outta business? Is it safe to say,Hot-Springs won't be in his "spa-off" this year?
http://www.masco.com/investors/pdfs/MascoAnnualReport2004.pdfJust in case you don't believe Chas.
Question Chas? Despite, the title of this thread, I never would!