So it's been 7 years since we had to sell our house and leave our emerald spa.....i did so much research back in 2006 when we bought it. But i guess old age set in and my husband and i just up and bought a Master Spa Clarity 7 spa from a roving band of gypsies....i mean a exhibition sale. i did so much research back then and this time we made a spontaneous purchase which we may come to regret. With our Emerald we used bromine this spa came with chlorine.... di-chlor....has ozone but i am not sure if it is activated/working, i am hoping it is automatically programmed to work but we're a little rusty on this now. We've had it up and running for about a week and one of us have been in daily and yesterday it was a little cloudy and some foam was present when the air jets are on...know some of it is from detergent and soap. so i have di-chlor and shock......not sure when to use them. I was using the shock tsp per bather. the ph is good and alk is good but water is a bit cloudy.....any suggestions....feel like a newby again.....please spare the fact that according to this forum our choice wasnt the best but it is what is is.....just sprayed off the filter....hopefully that will help. gonna but a hose filter for the next fill.....just want to make sure the ozone filtration is working....sorry to be long winded it buyer's remorse...oh yeah and before we had it hooked up and fillled...rain water leaked through the i wrong in thinking water in heat out?
First off what is the "shock" you have, MPS? Use the dichlor to shock, get it up to 20ppm or more and let it filter overnight. How long are you filtering. Does your tub have a small circulation pump for filtering or does it use the jet pump to filter for the pre programmed times you choose? Ozone WILL NOT sanitize your tub.
Oh and Master is as good as Emerald, you are fine.