The 1st dealer said he didnt like dealing with engineers! Lol. He said we are too complicated and expect things to work flawlessly. On the 2nd Tub, the first problem was a design flaw that made the skimmer door not filter right(engineers are good for something!), the wellspring filtration circulation pump never seemed to clean tub, the buttons went out, the speakers went out, there was a bulge coming out of one side of the tub(not the access panel side).
I’m sorry my post seems odd. It’s my experience and was just wondering if anyone else had similar ones. I really love the massage and the versatility of the jetpaks and the aesthetics of the Bullfrog spa so it’s not like I’m talking down on them. I’ve just had 3 tubs and problems.
A technician is coming out today to replace the buttons and speakers. Hopefully that will resolve all the problems.