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Rboehme had mentioned the point that Arctic spas ..they color code their plumbing. Since you are a tech let me ask you this question pertaining to servicing a tub. Correct me if I have this wrong. If the plumbing is color coded wouldn't it make it easier for a tech to troublshoot a problem quicker with the aid of a color coded system? I am not a tech but a plumber pipe fitter by trade. I don't see color coding aiding any one but the untrained. Upsteam of a pump is upstream of a pump and downstream is downstream. Flow is easy to figure out, especialy on a hot tub. There's so little plumbing upstream anyway.
Rboehme had mentioned the point that Arctic spas ..they color code their plumbing. Since you are a tech let me ask you this question pertaining to servicing a tub. Correct me if I have this wrong. If the plumbing is color coded wouldn't it make it easier for a tech to troublshoot a problem quicker with the aid of a color coded system? I also believe that this type of service call may be covered under warranty but when the warranty expires wouldn't a color coded system aid in making the service call quicker? which would mean that the tub could be back online quicker for the customer which would = a happy customer?? I would assume that when the warranty expires all service calls would be subject to an hourly rate for service? If there is a colored coded system in place this could aid again in a quicker turnaround time on the service call.. This would be less of a service fee for the spa company but more of a saving for the end user.. I would like to save money wouldn't you?? That's how I see it now.. Thanks for your input very helpful..
Rboehme,Thanks for your feedback. I really don't believe that color-coding the pipes would aid a tech in troubleshooting a leak; my point was that it would make it easier for a tech to locate each pipe and repair it quicker. If that is not the case and any tech would be able to get into a spa and troubleshoot a problem quickly without a color coded system than it just maybe just a selling feature that the average consumer may be impressed with. When I talked to a sales rep she had mentioned that feature and I did not ask the question of what benefit the color-coding offered. If I talk to a rep again I'll ask that question and see if I get an answer. I'm intrigued about this now!!I seem to be reading allot about the Arctic "selling tactics" and that they are negative. Does anyone have evidence that points out that they have "negative selling tactics" What is negative about the selling features they point out? Are peoples opinions that their sales pitch /selling points are fluff and they hold no credibility in the spa industry? Are they misleading in their sales pitch? Are they falsely advertising their product? Pointing out features of a product is what marketing and selling is all about in my opinion.Where are they crossing the line? Please give me your thoughts on this point.Thanks, Fedman