It sounds as if you have the 110 volt Bengal, which came with a 1.65 HP jet pump. If you liked the layout and the rest of the Bengal, perhaps you should take a quick look at the new one. It is available the same as you have now, but also in a second model, which is 220 only, and has a larger pump. You can run more jets at the same time, and the big "Jetstream" jet has more kick to it as well. It also comes with a waterfeature, which may or may not interest you. Wet test, of course to be sure it is enough of an increase for your wife.
Here are the Specs for both models:
Control System
Convertible IQ 2020; 115v/20 amp, (includes G.F.C.I.
protected power cord. Or 230v/50 amp, 60Hz)**
Convertible No-Fault(R) (1500w/115v or 6000w/230v)
Jet Pump
Convertible Wavemaster(R) 7000
(1.65 HP Continuous Duty,
3.5 HP Breakdown Torque)
Control System
Dedicated IQ 2020; 230v/50 amp, 60Hz,
(includes G.F.C.I. protected subpanel)
Dedicated No-Fault(R) (6000w/230v)
Jet Pump
Dedicated Wavemaster(R) 9200
(Two Speed, 2.5HP Continuous Duty
4.8 HP Breakdown Torque)
Water Feature Amur(R) (backlit with blue LED lighting)
You should be able to get a trade-in if your Bengal is in good shape - new siding is much better, BTW.
While you're at it, be sure to see the Limelight series. Lots and lots of power - in my opinion, if you are looking for max power in the jets, they are the best value for the buck in the Watkins lineup, with the new Hot Spot Spas gaining fast.