Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: tublessnomore on May 09, 2007, 07:00:21 pm
Finally I will be joining the ranks of all the members of this forum who enjoy spatopia. In just 2 days my new Sundance Capri will be delivered. As soon as it is up and running, I'll be changnig my name.
Any start-up tips would be a great help. I've had the water tested and have a print out of what is needed as well as a start up kit.
Finally I will be joining the ranks of all the members of this forum who enjoy spatopia. In just 2 days my new Sundance Capri will be delivered. As soon as it is up and running, I'll be changnig my name.
Any start-up tips would be a great help. I've had the water tested and have a print out of what is needed as well as a start up kit.
Congrats! As for startup, make sure you're not using softened water (but you probably knew that already). Some people use cartridge filters that attach to your hose & filter your fill water. I always put an old t-shirt over the hose & tied it on with rubber bands. I was always amazed at how much junk was on the end of that t-shirt after the fill.
So, have you thought of a new name yet? How about tubfull? Tubs a'plenty? Tubless No More?
Tubless Nomore was actually one that I was thinking of. Is it common practice to fill then drain the tub right away? I read that in the start up kit. Also, should I go by the sample test print out rather than the start up kit directions?
I don't think many folks dump their water right away, some do a dump and refill maybe 1-2 months in because they may have messed up their water chemistry in the first attempts at managing it.
To get some good real world tips you might post the directions you have and folks can give you some feedback. Be prepared for some conflicting information though, there are plenty of ways to achieve the same result, not that either is right or wrong.
I actually used a little bit of info from the start up kit directions, directions from the dealer and from forums like this to decide on my first startup procedure.
One guiding principle for all of this is use what you need, nothing more. Keeping it simple is key, so you don't over manage your water.