Hot Tub Forum
General => General info Somewhat hot tub related => Topic started by: cooltoy2000 on October 03, 2007, 11:22:48 am
That would definitely be a reason to buy a Hot Springs
Is that an HS or D1? They both used tiles.
Thats what my grandpa would call a gaggle of girls!! The 2 in the back right corner. :o
It's a HotSpring and that pic is an oldie but goody. Ya'll would blush all over if you saw the rest of that picture set. :o
It's a HotSpring and that pic is an oldie but goody. Ya'll would blush all over if you saw the rest of that picture set. :o
Is that a tryout session to be the next Hydrotherapy Technician at the E. Tx Spa company?
It's a HotSpring and that pic is an oldie but goody. Ya'll would blush all over if you saw the rest of that picture set. :o
I saw it. Is that what you call what happened to me - "blush"?
So where might a person go to draw his own conclusions on blushing vs. not blushing? 8-)
It's a HotSpring and that pic is an oldie but goody. Ya'll would blush all over if you saw the rest of that picture set. :o
OK, you've got my curiosity going.
I think he has everybody's curiosity going
WOW :o :o
I left all of that wicked lasciviousness behind when I relenquished POD duties to Cooltoy2000, a position which he has elevated above and beyond what I could ever have hoped to accomplish with my demure sensibilities. I have long since lost that link, but still have stirring memories of the picture set in question etched permanently in my mind and loins.....
ask Cooltoy and he will show you the way to the land o' milk jugs and honeys.
No way am I posting those pictures here. We don't want all the guys "blushing" at work.
Nor would I distribute that kind of material without know consent of my mom.
Send it to me PLEASE PLEASE :D :D
I left all of that wicked lasciviousness behind when I relenquished POD duties to Cooltoy2000, a position which he has elevated above and beyond what I could ever have hoped to accomplish with my demure sensibilities.
But you were the inspiration and your pictures were mostly taken by you or with you in them, which I could never hope to achieve.
I've got to concur with the rest of the folks on here, I'd like to see the rest of the set. Come on, Cooltoy! Where's the love?
If you don't tell we're going to recall the Flame back to you want them to be that horrible again? :'( It's on your head >:(
I believe distribution of pornographic material is a federal offence, and sorry, but I do not want a certain federal agency knocking on my door.
Use your imagination. ;)
....but I do not want a certain federal agency knocking on my door.
Cooltoy, we won't let immigration deport you down here to the states.. ;D
I believe distribution of pornographic material is a federal offence, and sorry, but I do not want a certain federal agency knocking on my door.
Use your imagination. ;)
If you don't want to post the pictures you could certainly post a link and let the rest of us decide if we know, and like, pornography when we see it...
Don't have a link just had the pictures. got them through a torrent file. don't have the pictures anymore either.
How depraved are you people? ::) :D
How depraved are you people? ::) :D
Ummmm, somewhat. :-[
But our hockey team is 1 and 0!! ;D
You own a hockey team? Cool.
Post the pics or BAN FOR LIFE!!!!!
did someone say something about pornagrphy.... :P :P :P
Calm down boys......I got what you're looking for right here......
Ummmm, somewhat. :-[
But our hockey team is 1 and 0!! ;D
So it ours after defeating last years Stanley Cup champs.
You own a hockey team? Cool.
A former coworker of mine owns an NBA team and a cable network.
A former coworker of mine owns an NBA team and a cable network.
Mark Cuban? Awesome! He's a hero of mine for being such a proponent of HDTV...