Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: rhuecker on April 11, 2007, 01:02:09 pm
I'm now the proud owner of a Bull Frog 552 Hottub. Finally got it up and running this past weekend and I've been in it once so far. Any thoughts or comments about the Bull Frog brand? I got it used, so I couldn't pass up such a good deal. And I love the fact that you can swap jet packs around the tub.
Are there any recommendations on where to buy filters and chemicals? What about accesories? I'm fairly handy so I plan on making my own steps. And would love to make a towel & robe warmer too. Suggestions on these items would also be appreciated.
Let's see what you guys think... this is the hottub in the backyard before I put H20 in it.
And this is the inside of the hottub. It feels as good as it looks.
and another pic looking away from the house to the hottub.
Congrats on the tub. :D
I think everyone could agree that this is one of the best times to be soaking.
You can to to find your closest dealer to get your accessories. Throw some pics up so we can see it.
Do not forget to move them jet packs around.
I added pics as requested. I didn't even think of doing that so thanks for the suggestion.
Be careful not to expose that shell to direct sunlight for any substantial length of time. A black shell color like that is very succeptible to cracking if left uncovered.
Good suggestion.... i'll keep that in mind. the location is in direct sunlight on a hot day. I figure I'll be going thru quite a few covers.
Bullfrog is a good solid brand with a solid marketing strategy. One of my personal favorites. If you have the pump power to support it you should REALLY get one of the "neck-blaster" packs. They are AWSOME! Also, what kind of price did you get it for (ballpark is OK) and did you buy it form a dealer or an individual?
There are some happy Bullfrog owners that frequent here, so I'm sure you will like your tub. You may want to check with a Bullfrog dealer to make sure your model has been updated to address issues with a lack of circulation behind the packs. As far as info, has a lot of good information in their FAQ's and guides, and it is a good place to shop for chems and accessories, as is eBay, and your local dealer.
We do have one of the neck blaster jet packs and yes, we LOVED it. Out of the 5 jet packs we have, there was only 1 that was just ok. the other 4 were great!!!!
We paid $3500 for it. used. but in perfect condition.
It cost quite a bit to run electricity to it (125 ft of wiring), but I like that it's not crammed up against the house. It's going to be great for pool parties!!! I know, my wife's family is looking forward to this coming weekend.
nice folks at Bullfrog, nice spa, Congratulations.... :)
Thanks for takin' the time to post some pics.
I'm envious of your backyard. My next house will definetly back to trees. You have the complete package now....sunroom, pool, spa, and trees. 8-) It looks like a fresh coat of stain on the fence as well. Great color. Speaking of color, your shell looks black upclose and dark blue from a far. What do they call that color?
Is your tub sittin' on a slab of concrete or some sort of 12 x 12 pavers?
Is that a spring board and how deep is your pool?
Congrats!....Looks like a really nice tub!
Thats a pretty color tub and shell.
I wonder if dark shell tubs retain heat any better?
I know black cars that I have owned sure were alot
Let me know how the moveable jet packs work
I think that may be a unique option that only
BullFrog offers.
Happy Bubbles!
Congrats on the new tub, the 552 is a great looking tub.
We have had our 451 (same colour shell and skirt) for about one year and we love it.
Bullfrogs web site should be able to help you out with your local dealer for service, chemicals and accessories. There are a couple of other Bullfrog owners the frequent this site so if you have any questions you can post them and someone should be able to answer.
Good luck and happy hot tubbing
Be careful not to expose that shell to direct sunlight for any substantial length of time. A black shell color like that is very succeptible to cracking if left uncovered.
I would agree if its left empty.
Once full, the water will cool the shell and prevent the conditions you are concerned about.