Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: hottbpete on April 09, 2007, 03:19:55 pm

Title: Now that the heat is coming
Post by: hottbpete on April 09, 2007, 03:19:55 pm
Do you need to use a spa cover in the summer months?  I was not sure if not having a cover on would do any chemical harm? :-?
Title: Re: Now that the heat is coming
Post by: drewstar on April 09, 2007, 03:23:57 pm
Sunlight can affect chlorine.   also, it helps keep out bird droppings, leaves, dust, pollen, bugs etc. An uncovered tub is also a saftey issue.  I would imagine you might also have significant evaportion?

Here in New England, the summer gets to hot 80-90s, but even at those temps,  I keep my tub at 98 and still need the insulation. otherwise , it will be trying to cool to ambient temps.  

There are several types of covers, and not all of them are "insulatiing covers"  Check out Dr Spas site for differnt types of covers if you think in the summer you don't want to have a heavy insulating cover.
Title: Re: Now that the heat is coming
Post by: Vinny on April 09, 2007, 08:19:49 pm
You need to use the cover to protect the spa's surface. The acylic can become damaged from the sun.

I once went to a Beachcomber dealer who had a really great price on a 700 series tub. Would had been the best value I found except the tub was sitting outside with no cover and was filled with gunky, slimy water. I wasn't too concerned about the water as a cup of dichlor will kill everything but I was concerned about the spa sitting who knows how long in the sun unprotected.

If you're worried about the spa water getting too hot, raise the corners of the cover with tennis balls.
Title: Re: Now that the heat is coming
Post by: anne on April 10, 2007, 02:05:24 am
Thanks Vinny! You reminded my to go out and remove my tennis ball tonight!!!
Title: Re: Now that the heat is coming
Post by: hottbpete on April 10, 2007, 11:56:22 am
I was more worried about being the lazy blob I am.  Thought I could get away without having to lift it on and off throughout the summer.  Vinny and Drew thanks for the good advice....I guess I will get me exercise.