Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: bluesman on March 10, 2007, 10:13:24 am
First and foremost I want to formally thank all of the folks on the forum that have consulted with me during my search for a hot tub. :) After much research and testing we decided on a tub. The wet test was the deciding factor. It came down to the Hot Spring Envoy and Marquis Reward. We purchased a brand new Marquis Reward. :D It was delivered and set-up Thursday. My wife and I had our first soak that night @ 9:30pm when the water temp. reached 101 degrees. It was 18 degrees outside that evening and I must say it was awesome!!! :D We are ecstatic. I hope the pic comes through.
Bluesman 8-)
Congrats. Enjoy.
About to head out to my spa.
Of course its only in the high 50s or low 60s here. :)
Let me try to send this pic again.
I have to tell you, not only do you have an awesome tub, but you are going to be very happy with your dealer. They have a wonderful service crew.
Maybe someone can help you with your picture, I am sorry, I don't know how.
Did you get the soundsations and the in home monitor?
Very nice!
Congrats on the new tub!
I'm sure you will have many "Rewarding" years with it.
Good color choice. I've got grey siding and a grey tub too.
I chose a green umbrella to break it up a bit, and I like it a lot.
Congrats, and beautiful setup
Welcome to SpaTopia.
May you soak long and prosper.
Congrats! Great spa...Let me know if I can ever answer questions. Don't get freaked out if your light comes on by itself (ask Phil) you can set it to turn on at the same time every night.
I love my in home remote!!
A bit of a warning though...Now that you've posted a picture of your house and backyard on the forum you've exposed yourself to photoshopmanipulationalaterm. ;D
Congrats! The color combo looks very nice with your house! Happy soaking! ;)
I have to tell you, not only do you have an awesome tub, but you are going to be very happy with your dealer. They have a wonderful service crew.
Maybe someone can help you with your picture, I am sorry, I don't know how.
Did you get the soundsations and the in home monitor?
Thanks again for all the great comments.
I am installing Bose outdoor speakers in the attic sofitt directly above the spa, and yes I did get the in-home remote.
Term is that your cousin?
Bluesman 8-)
Thanks for sharing pic
Looks very nice....goes great with your crib.
That Reward looks awesome with your surroundings.
That's one cool set-up. 8-)
I really like that screened room. Enjoy to the fullest!
Sooo...I'm trying to figure out why you chose the driftwood color... ;) ;) ;D ;D
This deserves another YEEHaaaaa!!!! 8-)
Congrats! :)
Thanks for takin' the time to post a pic.