Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: cajun1 on February 13, 2007, 12:37:22 pm

Title: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: cajun1 on February 13, 2007, 12:37:22 pm
I'm just wondering if $10,000 for a Marquis Epic is a good price.  Seems a bit pricey to me, but I only have one dealer in my area (Houston), so i don't have another option if I want the Epic.  It comes with everything there is.  I think the sound system was the only option, though.  It also comes with steps, lifter, cover, delivery and start-up chemicals.  When I started looking at tubs, I never dreamed I would spend $10K!!  Is this a fair price?
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: stuart on February 13, 2007, 01:05:36 pm
We sell it for over 10K...

I know your dealer and He typically sells it for more than that also!
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 13, 2007, 01:41:20 pm
There's a Marquis dealer in Lufkin, which is not too far.  I believe it's Duran Family Pools or something like that.  You might call them and get a price for comparison.

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: cajun1 on February 14, 2007, 09:12:36 am
Thanks, Term.  Duran gave me the same price.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 14, 2007, 10:39:59 am
You're welcome, my friend and fellow Texan!

Good luck with your shopping. :)

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: MarKee on February 14, 2007, 01:03:58 pm
cajun1:  That's a great price on the Epic, they sell for more in Oregon.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: cajun1 on February 14, 2007, 01:32:06 pm
I had seen on the other forum where someone got it last August for $8795 or something, but they lived in Atlanta.  I thought that was a pretty big difference.  Why would it be so much cheaper there?
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Gary on February 14, 2007, 01:50:01 pm
I had seen on the other forum where someone got it last August for $8795 or something, but they lived in Atlanta.  I thought that was a pretty big difference.  Why would it be so much cheaper there?

There are many factors in this:

Truck Load Pricing (the more you but at one time the bigger the discount)

and the list goes on and on.

So comparing dealer to dealer is not a good judgement of what you should pay.

A common reason spa dealerships fail is because they charge too little.

I am only on the service end but I try to get 50 points on my parts that I sell/install. If I did not I would go out of business, or at least have to sell my two corvettes ;D

Not sure what they get on spas but I bet it is a lot less.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: cajun1 on February 14, 2007, 03:42:14 pm
ok, thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: MarKee on February 14, 2007, 03:46:13 pm
Prices have gone up since then.  The Epic came out in Spring of 05, since then I have seen 4 or 5 prices increases.  Also, some dealers order without some of the options, for instance the in-home Spa Monitor.  If you have the funds available, maybe ask them if they'll give you a cash/check discount?  
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: cajun1 on February 14, 2007, 05:06:24 pm
unfortunately, I don't have the funds available to pay cash (unless I get a BIG tax refund).  I only had about half of that, since I never dreamed I'd spend $10K on a spa!
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: cajun1 on February 14, 2007, 05:07:16 pm
but I'm hoping I'll forget all about the price once I start soaking!
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: MarKee on February 14, 2007, 05:12:42 pm
It's an awesome tub.  Although the Epic is Marquis' most expensive spa, it sells more units than any other model.  Look at it as an investment because having a hot tub does bring your house value up.  Especially with a Marquis where there is nothing that will break down over time.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: stuart on February 14, 2007, 07:33:17 pm
Last year the Epic could be purchased without floating remote and in-home remote. Glacier White was also a discount...

Marquis along with several other brands had one of the more significant price increases at the end of last year that they have had for awhile.

These factors could have easily made up the price difference.

In fact the Manufacture price increase alone would account for a big chunk.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on February 14, 2007, 07:51:00 pm
It's an awesome tub.  Although the Epic is Marquis' most expensive spa, it sells more units than any other model.  Look at it as an investment because having a hot tub does bring your house value up.  Especially with a Marquis where there is nothing that will break down over time.

 You owe me a new keyboard!!   I just laughed and spit pop all over it.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: MarKee on February 14, 2007, 08:35:29 pm

 You owe me a new keyboard!!   I just laughed and spit pop all over it.

No, I'm serious
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Mendocino101 on February 14, 2007, 08:37:43 pm

 You owe me a new keyboard!!   I just laughed and spit pop all over it.

I certainly appreciate Markee enthusiasm, however I think perhaps what he meant to say was that with Marquis your getting a great spa that has an outstanding warranty that is on par with any in industry. I mean even the cabinets are covered for a full seven years and it has real meat to it as it protects against warping, fading, cracking things most other makers chalk up to wear and tear and it is transferable. To say any product of any type never fails simply does not happen if its mechanical it can and at some point will fail but with Marquis you can be assured that you will be taken care.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Bonibelle on February 14, 2007, 11:06:32 pm
And you can't say the same for your key board..I guess it's toast! ;D
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Spatech_tuo on February 15, 2007, 01:31:32 am

I certainly appreciate Markee enthusiasm, however I think perhaps what he meant to say was that with Marquis your getting a great spa that has an outstanding warranty that is on par with any in industry. I mean even the cabinets are covered for a full seven years and it has real meat to it as it protects against warping, fading, cracking things most other makers chalk up to wear and tear and it is transferable. To say any product of any type never fails simply does not happen if its mechanical it can and at some point will fail but with Marquis you can be assured that you will be taken care.

Mendo arrives to bring some clarity to the post when it looked like it may turn south. Well done, we should call you "The Cleaner".
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: cajun1 on February 15, 2007, 09:38:21 am
Okay, sounds like I'm making a good decision, then, on a quality product.  I ordered it Friday and I'm going to sign the paperwork today.  Like I said, I'm sure I'll forget all about the price when I'm in spatopia!
Thanks to everyone for the input.  I'll get back with you in a few weeks after I get the spa set up.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: stuart on February 15, 2007, 11:21:30 am
If it's any consulation I don't any of us that have been in the industry for many years thought we sell a spa for over 10K!

I've sold many in the 15 to 25K range in the last few years....
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 15, 2007, 11:30:00 am
What spa sells for $25K?  A swim spa? :o

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: drewstar on February 15, 2007, 11:32:54 am
Yopur favortie nut case and mine....

$28,448.46   List price  BUT WAIT....he'll cut you a deal... Only! $23,600.00 ;D ;D ;D ;D

that's 3600 for the spa and 20,000 for the engergy savings  upgrades. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 15, 2007, 11:36:41 am
that's 3600 for the spa and 20,000 for the engergy savings  upgrades. ;D ;D ;D

You mean these?

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: drewstar on February 15, 2007, 11:49:40 am

 ...with Marquis your getting a great spa that has an outstanding warranty that is on par with any in industry...

Huh?  Is it outstanding or on par with others?
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: drewstar on February 15, 2007, 12:10:16 pm

Read it again Opie! He said "outstanding and on par with [glow]ANY[/glow]" not with[glow] OTHERS [/glow] as you stated. Since the best would be part of ANY and the best in the industry are certainly outstanding (by definition outstanding is above the norm), if Marquis is on par with any, then by definititon, they are outstanding as well.

I'm sorry there Skippy, but "on par" means equal.

To say that you are are outstanding  and then claim to be "on par" is confusing.  
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 15, 2007, 12:21:16 pm
Especially with a Marquis where there is nothing that will break down over time.


Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Reese on February 15, 2007, 12:24:23 pm
I'm sorry there Skippy, but "on par" means equal. To say that you are are outstanding  and then claim to be "on par" is confusing.
Skippy, unless you can diagram that convoluted equation, and include a reason why "any" would not include the "worst" as well as the "best"... Opie wins this round of "Rhetorical Box".  ;)
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: drewstar on February 15, 2007, 12:38:14 pm
Skippy, you have a point, but unless you can diagram that convoluted equation... Opie wins this round of "Rhetorical Box".  ;)

Thanks Reese.

What I was getting at, is it better or just as good as? I take it from Mendo's post, that alhtough the statment is confusing, he says the Marquis warrenty is better. ok. I'll bite.  

How?  he mentions the cabinets which got my interest.  Yup that's better than most.  How can Marquis give a 2 more years on the cabinet? is it a better cabinet, or is the warrenty just longer?

Anything else in the Marquis warrenty that puts it  above and beyond the others?
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Spatech_tuo on February 15, 2007, 12:46:34 pm

What I was getting at, is it better or just as good as?

"spa that has an outstanding warranty that is on par with any in industry"

"On par with any" by definiton that means "as good as any" which therefore would be better than many.


To say that you are are outstanding  and then claim to be "on par" is confusing.  

"On par with any" certainly equates to outstanding so it's not confusing to me but sometimes people can read the same sentence and get differenet meanings from it.

I am officially done mincing words (I hope).:-X
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Reese on February 15, 2007, 12:53:31 pm
What I was getting at, is it better or just as good as?
This is what happens when there is no good ozone or insulation debates >:( going on.  When there are only a few posts a day outside of the "Sparanos" thread, each one gets scrutinized more than usual (see Northwoods geography lesson 8-)).  I'm guessing Mendo was coming from the same belief in his product as Markee, but trying to soften the statements, and acknowledge there are others in the industry that are Marquis' equal, so as not to attract the "Universal Disinformation" warning.  I wouldn't read too much into his choice of words, but I also don't see any reason not to play around with them. :D
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: drewstar on February 15, 2007, 01:05:17 pm
What's this about Ozone?

Are your trying to tell me that N2 is on par with Ozone? Are you insane? Are you drunk again?  ;) ;D

I hear ya.  I'm willing to get an education in Marquis warrenty and how it compares to other industry leaders.

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Mendocino101 on February 15, 2007, 01:49:47 pm
Wow I did not know that some would have a hard time understanding the intent of what I said but spa tech seems to be clear about it.
 Marquis spas have an outstanding warranty that is on par with ANY other outstanding warranty in the spa industry.

But I regress that I was wrong to say that because the real fact is they simply have the best warranty in the industry when looked at in total, top to bottom. They cover many items longer than most others they cover items not covered at all by many others they have no exclusions other than the filter cartridge and it is transferable. I used the cabinet warranty as an example. Without mentioning any by name but just to say that some of the biggest names in the industry have a cabinet warranty that is good only at time of delivery to be free of defects after that you are on your own, many big names love to tout they have a no fault heater warranty great but on a Marquis its no fault across the board. Trying to be a gentleman and respectful of others here on this board seems to be waste of time of late.
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Reese on February 15, 2007, 02:02:28 pm
...Are you drunk again?...
If I was sober, I would have realized that Opie was another of your aliases, and I wouldn't find myself in the uncomfortable situation of siding with Dr. Ozone. ;) :)  However, the "Rhetorical Box" applies in this situation, since in order for me to be "drunk, again", I would have to have been sober at some point.  You are incorrect, sir! 8-)  
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Reese on February 15, 2007, 02:04:57 pm
Wow I did not know that some would have a hard time understanding the intent of what I said... Trying to be a gentleman and respectful of others here on this board seems to be waste of time of late.
It is always better to stick to what you are good at. ;) :)
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Spatech_tuo on February 15, 2007, 02:09:10 pm
If I was sober, I would have realized that Opie was another of your aliases, and I wouldn't find myself in the uncomfortable situation of siding with Dr.  

1) Who are you referring to when you say Dr. Ozone?

2) Is he from Marvel or DC?
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: drewstar on February 15, 2007, 02:17:39 pm

1) Who are you referring to when you say Dr. Ozone?

2) Is he from Marvel or DC?
That would be me.  :)

Reese and I have jabbed eachother on certain things, but we are cool. I fully expect my posts to him were taken in the good nature ribbing it was ment.   If not I appologize.  But I don't see why others would comment that they were not respectuful? If someone is confused,  I wish they'd just ask for clairification.  But then again, I asked for clairifaction and it didn't help me.

Same goes with Spa tech. He and I get along great, and when jab eachother (such as his complete and utter iinability to understand or even begin to grasp, even  in the most fundemental sense,  the meaning of the word "Par",)  it's still  all good.  ;)

Oh well.  I like the Doc Ozone name.  Maybe Term can work it into his Spa Wars cartoon?  ;)

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Spatech_tuo on February 15, 2007, 02:27:55 pm

Same goes with Spa tech. He and I get along great, and when jab eachother (such as his complete and utter iinability to understand or even begin to grasp, even  in the most fundemental sense,  the meaning of the word "Par",)  it's still  all good.  ;)

I am the king of logic. You are the king of hot air.  8-)
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Reese on February 15, 2007, 02:44:24 pm
1) Who are you referring to when you say Dr. Ozone? 2) Is he from Marvel or DC?
Dr. Ozone is neither Marvel or DC, rather WTB.  He lurks in the shadows of the forum.  The only way to draw him out is to make a negative statement about ozone, or express interest in N2.  I have faced off with him in PMland and negotiated a truce which allows each of us to poke fun at the other as long as it is accompanied by a :).

I would agree with your logic/hot air analogy, other than I think "Clown Prince" may be a more appropriate title for you both. ;) :)  BTW, your ability to interpret the language "Mendo" is impressive, even if it wasn't enough to break the rhetorical box.  I'm not sure how that affects your "logic" street cred. ;):)

p.s.  Drewstar, no worries! 8-)
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Bonibelle on February 15, 2007, 04:01:18 pm
Lets get back to the Marquis warranty..because I firmly believe the reason that Marquis can offer such an on par, solid, as good as most warranty is because of the fiberglass backing on the spa shell... :o

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: drewstar on February 15, 2007, 04:21:50 pm
Lets get back to the Marquis warranty..because I firmly believe the reason that Marquis can offer such an on par, solid, as good as most warranty is because of the fiberglass backing on the spa shell... :o

IS the shell warrenty on par?

Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Reese on February 15, 2007, 04:44:27 pm
Quote because of the fiberglass backing on the spa shell...
;D ;D  Good one! :)
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Bonibelle on February 15, 2007, 05:47:17 pm
A-par-ently it is ..I knew you would appreciate that Reese!  ;D
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Reese on February 15, 2007, 06:26:05 pm
A-par-ently it is ..I knew you would appreciate that Reese!  ;D
I did!:)  I guess I became an insider when I wasn't looking. ;)

To avoid more confusion for TUO: Boni and I were in a few contentious threads awhile back.  In one of them, we discussed whether a layperson could make an judgement about which construction type or component was superior and decide with tub is truly best, or if they were better off selecting the tub which best fit their needs/subjective factors from any reputable manufacturer.  I was my usual meek, unopinionated self -- but somehow managed to create a controversy, and offend some folks.  Just as with Drewstar/Dr. Ozone, Boni and I came to an understanding, and now can tease each other without reservation.:)
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: Bonibelle on February 15, 2007, 08:37:59 pm
No one has said a word, I think they are jealous, Reese!  ;)
Title: Re: Good Price for Marquis Epic?
Post by: East_TX_Spa on February 16, 2007, 10:38:33 am