Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Chad on February 10, 2007, 05:01:44 pm
Tomarrow's projected high is 45. This will be our first above freezing day for close to 2 weeks now.
I will finally be able to dump and refill! :D
It's been 14 weeks since the intial fill, so a water change is definetly needed.
45º??? I am soooooo jealous......and cold......sigh :'(
What's it like up there?
18º (which is the highest it has been in some time)....getting cloudy.....suppose to snow....AGAIN!!!!! [smiley=angry.gif]
we just refilled ours for the first time too and changed from baqua to bomine. thank goodness!
She's refillin' as I type! :D
Well, she's filled. :D
Water temp is 48. :o
Ambient temp is 34.
I doubt a soak tonight is in the picture. :'(
pH was at 8.4
Alk was at 110
CH was at 80.
I added 1.5 ozs of sodium bisulfate to bring her down for now, we'll see where it goes.
I'm doing two things different this time around. I [glow]didn't[/glow] put in any Metal Gone and I [glow]will[/glow] be using a Nature2 cartridge.
I'll keep you posted on how long it takes to heat back up to 103.
My guess is 9 hours. :(
Btw, I haven't purchased a submergable water pump yet for draining. So I used 5 standard garden hoses and siphoned it out. It too aproximately 1 hour. The last inch or so I used a sponge and bucket.
Too cold for any polish/cleaner, maybe next time.
20 degrees in 3 hours.
48 - 68. :)
NICE! About 7 degrees and soaking soon...
You know, it's been awhile since I did a water change. I think I'll go soak, shut her down and hook up the hose. Let it drain tonight, and fill it tomorrow morning while I'm out walking. I walk and hour and five minutes, and that's just about what it takes to fill the tub.
Might work....
38 degrees in 6 hours.
48 - 86.
Ambient temp is now 30 and I'm still averaging 6+ an hour. 8-)
38 degrees in 6 hours. 48 - 86. Ambient temp is now 30 and I'm still averaging 6+ an hour. 8-)
She's drainin.'
56 dgrees. Hope I don't have to sleep with my socks on tonight!
The filter looks a bit dirty. Guess I better bring home a new one from work tomorrow. Would want to actually have to clean it...
She's drainin.'
56 dgrees. Hope I don't have to sleep with my socks on tonight!
The filter looks a bit dirty. Guess I better bring home a new one from work tomorrow. Would want to actually have to clean it...
How'd the refill go Chas?
First, I had to soak. Very nice evening - cloud cover kept the stars in hiding - but it was warm and nice.
I put two hoses together so it would reach out to my driveway, and started a siphon. Seems to go faster than the built-in drain that way. Emptied overnight just fine.
Since the hose was already layin' there, I just hooked it up to the hose bib out front of the house. That one has great pressure. Then I went on my walk. I called home from the halfway point on my walk, and my wife had already noticed the water running, checked the tub, and had shut it off at just the right point. What a great woman I have there... Of course, she could have checked the pH and dumped in some Metal Gon ...
The tub was already about 80 ish when I got home a half-hour later. I didn't drain off the seats or get out the shop vac to clear out the plumbing, and I left the lid down. That leaves still a bit of heat in which speeds things up on the reheat. It will be good to go when I get home from work tonight!
Love the feel of fresh water! I dumped in some Brilliance Start-Up - I'll go back to Brilliance. I tried it before and liked it - don't really know why I was using Dichlor other than habit.
The tub was already about 80 ish when I got home a half-hour later.
That sentence deserved 3 of these 8-).
Must be nice. >:( :(
Love the feel of fresh water!
Being only my second fill, I wasn't too familar with the fresh water feel until today. Man oh man, what difference! :)
I'll be refillin' more often for sure.