Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: spa-ing on January 30, 2007, 04:35:34 pm
We left over the holidays and were gone three straight weeks. The hot tub was left on, 102 degrees, and no one did a thing to it. Before we left I filled the bromine floater with 4 pellets and checked the levels (all fine). I might have shocked it but that's it. We returned and the water was perfect. All levels (including bromine NORMAL). I am puzzled as to how this could be. Does it use less bromine when no one is in it? I was thinking we'd come home to a cloudy pool of goo, but it was crystal clear, good to go. wild.
Clear water does not equate to good water, battery acid is very clear but I am not sitting in it. ;)
Bromine tablets will typically bring the pH down and low pH can cause clear water.
Bromine tablets will typically bring the pH down and low pH can cause clear water.
I'm not so sure about this statement but I agree with the spirit. I believe clear water is more an indication of proper sanitization than just low pH...but I also think that Gary makes a very good point...check your water balance indicators and tell us what they say. I agree with Gary that your pH is probably depressed somewhat...not a issue for soaking if your water is indeed sanitized but certainly an issue for your pumps and associated equipment. Considering you were introducing bromine during the 3 weeks but not introducing contaminants, it is reasonable to believe that the water is clean but testing for bromine would be important.
spa-ing, after re-reading your post, if indeed all of your levels, including bromine, are normal, I'd say you are all set!
yes, all levels were fine, including pH. That's what I posted.
Does your tub have ozone and/or N2?
I use only dichlor and have shocked my tub and then left it for 17+ days with nothing else added other than O3 and N2 and it has done fine.
Does your tub have ozone and/or N2?
He's on bromine, so N2 wouldn't work.