Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: nlittle on January 29, 2007, 05:29:58 pm

Title: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: nlittle on January 29, 2007, 05:29:58 pm
I have my tub tucked into a corner on my deck and the railing is above the tub just enough to inhibit my view.  Do you think you would have to have the railing there if the tub is there?  IE, no one can fall off the deck cuz the tub is in the way....
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: Tman122 on January 29, 2007, 06:38:53 pm
You still may need the railing there but your local building codes will prevail over all else. Maybe some decorative iron? Attatched to your exsisting rail where it ends at your tub.
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: Reese on January 29, 2007, 07:09:42 pm
IMO, this is kind of like your electrical.  You have to decide how important strict interpretation of any applicable code is, and what  safety/common sense dictate.  Assuming you are comfortable that this will not be a safety issue, you could probably remove/lower that section of railing and save it to reinstall if you ever move the tub, need a building permit, or sell the house.
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: thearm on January 29, 2007, 07:16:35 pm
I have my tub tucked into a corner on my deck and the railing is above the tub just enough to inhibit my view.  Do you think you would have to have the railing there if the tub is there?  IE, no one can fall off the deck cuz the tub is in the way....

I see no need unless you have neighbors that don't like you and will turn you into the code enforcement and even then they might not require it. Personally I would remove railing since there is no chance of falling. I have a setup like you in the corner and have removed that section of railing. But I am on 10 acres with no visible neighbors. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: Brewman on January 29, 2007, 09:19:35 pm
Building code in your area will dictate if a railing is required.  Around here all decks 3' or more above ground need railings.  And the railings themselves have to be built to code minimal height, and maxium spacing, etc.   Not sure how a spa on a deck would impact that.  If you're concerned, ask whoever enforces building codes in your area.
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: Zep on January 29, 2007, 10:41:24 pm
re: IE, no one can fall off the deck cuz the tub is in the way....

I know it would be unlikely......

But if you remove the railing......could someone sitting up on the edge of the tub with their feet dangling in the water fall backyards and then also fall off the deck too making it a pretty hard fall?
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: Brewman on January 30, 2007, 08:10:54 am
One thing to consider, however remotely possible, is that IF a railing is required by code, and you don't have one, if someone does get hurt because of it you might find yourself in an uncomfortable situation with your city/county, insurance company, etc..

 A long shot I know, but it's something to consider.
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: jfish63 on January 30, 2007, 08:40:20 am
I would remove the tall railing and save it. then put up one about 1 inch higher than the tub. The 1 inch might alert someone sitting on the tub and would give a ledge for drinks.
Title: Re: Railing on deck needed?
Post by: Tman122 on January 30, 2007, 05:56:07 pm
Thats what I did, built a lower more see through railing.

