Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: TASTEofVirginia on January 13, 2007, 06:29:17 pm
We are looking into buying a 2005 Caldera Kauuai spas that is a floor model with a total price of $5,099 which includes the cover, chemicals, delivery, electrical box that comes with it. We have tried to get the salesmen to come down on the price but he just does not seem to budge. What do you guys think about this deal? If we purchase the extra features which would be the lift and steps with tax our grand total would be $6,415 this includes the $700 estimate that we got for the electrician to do what it is he has to do. Any thoughts, comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The budget that we are trying to work with is not over $6,500 for everything and the purpose of the spas is therapeutic in nature because my partner and I are very athletic and he has had some problems with his shoulder and neck.
There are a few Caldera dealers who frequent this site who will be able to give you a better idea on price than me. But if I can remember correctly the Kauai goes for around $6000 new, so I would think that's a pretty good deal. :)
Btw, have you guys wet tested it yet to make sure the jets hit you in the right spots. It's very important to do so, esp for the neck.
Btw 2, if and when you decide to purchase the Kauai, tell the dealer you'll sign the papers right now if they throw in the stairs and lifter at no charge, since they're so reluctant on budging it's price. That's not to much to ask as most dealers around here included both of those w/ their spas' price anyways. :)
Glad to see you made it over to the sane forum. Welcome!
The Kauai is a nice tub. Caldera is made by Watkins Mfg (owners of Hot Spring). The Kauai is a cousin of the Jetsetter.
We tested a Kauai. The reasons we went with the Jetsetter were:
- Jetsetter felt bigger to us. Holds 10% more water.
- Ozone is standard on the Jetsetter, optional on the Kauai.
- 50 sq ft filtration on the Kauai, 90 sq ft on the Jetsetter. The Jetsetter is 100% no-bypass filtration, not sure about the Kauai.
- No Motomassage in the Kauai
- No light in the Kauai
Make sure to get a cover lifter with the cover. Makes life much easier.
I paid $6,000 for my 06 Jetsetter brand new with cover, lifter, chemicals, steps, delivery, elec panel. I think you can do better price wise if you do decide on the Kauai. The floor model is a 2 year old tub!
My $0.02
The Kauai
The Jetsetter
....and don't forget about the [glow]Jacuzzi[/glow] J-315 for $4500 -$5000 :D
My Uncle just purchased a Bullfrog 331. When he was filling it the water was coming out as fast as it was going in. Lead in one of the main pipes. The dealer is bringing him a new 2007. Same class of tub as above.
Could happen to any brand. Seems like a nice tub.
Oh yeah, I have a "friend" that purchased a Jetsetter and decided to roll it off a cliff.
Could have happened to any brand. Seems like a nice tub to me though. ;D
This post has just as much relavency as yours. ;)
My Uncle just purchased a Bullfrog 331. When he was filling it the water was coming out as fast as it was going in. Lead in one of the main pipes. The dealer is bringing him a new 2007. Same class of tub as above.
Could happen to any brand. Seems like a nice tub.
You changed your post from J-315 to a Bulfrog 331. :-/
Hey, why the attack? You posted a couple of other options. I posted one too. I was not slamming Bullfrog.
I'm just trying to help the guy and share the information I have. Jeeze...
Hey, why the attack? You posted a couple of other options. I posted one too. I was not slamming Bullfrog.
I'm just trying to help the guy and share the information I have. Jeeze...
I was just jokin' with ya'. Didn't you notice the ;D and the ;)
You changed your post from J-315 to a Bulfrog 331. :-/
Yes I did. When I saw the picture of the Jacuzzi J-315 it reminded me that my Uncle just bought a tub. He was initially looking at the Jacuzzi and that's what I thought he bought. Right after I posted I looked back in my e-Mail and saw that he had changed to the Bullfrog. So I corrected my post.
I was just jokin' with ya'. Didn't you notice the ;D and the ;)
OK, sorry. I guess I took the "This post has just as much relavency as yours." as a slam.
Sorry for the topic highjack OP.
I'm sorry as well. I should have tried to make myself even more clear that I was jokin'. Maybe next time I'll use even more of these ;D instead of just the one. :D
Taste of Virginia
I too was going to welcome you to the "saner" forum.....until Webini and Why Not decided to launch on each other.
(Guys: note the following:) :) ;) :D ;D 8-) ::) and, I was just joking, didn't mean it, not an attack.)
No, really, it is usually much calmer and friendlier over here. I'm about an inch away from cancelling my login at the other site. Bless Jim-the-Jim's little heart, but he does get tedious.
Anyhoo, it looks like you've got some nice tubs to choose from. I can only speak to HotSpring as its the only brand I've had experience with. I agree with Webini....get the coverlift! I didn't have one on my Prodigy and it was an ordeal sometimes to get the cover off in the rain or snow for example. Also, as the cover gets older, it tends to hold water and can get quite heavy. The lift is just so convenient and not much money considering how often you use it.
Funny you mention "Jim". I was trying to help the OP on the other forum and naturally Jim launched on me. So I guess I was a bit sensitive. :'(
I directed the OP to this forum and then lost my cool for no reason. My bad!
Yeah, I caught some schrapnal over there too. It's fun to "get a little jim" every once in while, but I do get tired of jousting with pygmies after a while.
I originally ran into Jim's site when I was researching a replacement to my old tub. I knew nothing about him at the time. It is weird how, at first, he seems to make a lot of sense. But then, you look closer and think about it and it becomes clear. (I'm a little embarrassed how I was initially drawn in by what he was saying on his website) Ultimately, I think it was the attacks on the other manufacturers, especially his grudge against Watkins, that cleared things up for me.
Anyway, I hope Taste of Virginia got some of the info he was looking for!
The Kauai does have a light.
Btw 2, if and when you decide to purchase the Kauai, tell the dealer you'll sign the papers right now if they throw in the stairs and lifter at no charge, since they're so reluctant on budging it's price. That's not to much to ask as most dealers around here included both of those w/ their spas. :)
Not so fast my friend. The "Most dealers" you speak of don't give them away for free (or for no charge). They may have been "included" but you can't say the next dealer should just throw them in because another dealer worked them into the package as part of their sale price.
Not so fast my friend. The "Most dealers" you speak of don't give them away for free (or for no charge). They may have been "included" but you can't say the next dealer should just throw them in because another dealer worked them into the package as part of their sale price.
I know their not free and probably just added into the sale price of the spa.
I was just saying that 6 of the 8 dealers that I visited around here included them w/ their spas "sale price" and since his dealer won't budge on the Kauai's price to try and see if they'll throw in some extras. :D
P.s.- I reworded that post a little to make things more clear.
Thanks for keepin' an eye on me. :D
Yes I got some information but still would like to hear anything else that anybody suggests or has input on. Think we are going to see if we can do a wet test on Mon and take checkbook that day and say write a check right now if you throw stairs and lifter in with price.
The Kauai does have a light.
Yes it has one blue led light I believe, do you know if it is possible to maybe get gels to go over the light? Anything else you can tell me about the tub since I see you are a dealer of them. Thanks.
Think we are going to see if we can do a wet test on Mon and take checkbook that day and say write a check right now if you throw stairs and lifter in with price.
I can almost gaurantee you that they'll throw them in, if you can "sell" yourself well enough.
Good luck and I hope the wet test goes well.
Yes I got some information but still would like to hear anything else that anybody suggests or has input on. Think we are going to see if we can do a wet test on Mon and take checkbook that day and say write a check right now if you throw stairs and lifter in with price.
Check and make sure that this particular tub has the ozone option.
I still think the price is high for essentially a 2005 used tub.
Yes it has one blue led light I believe, do you know if it is possible to maybe get gels to go over the light? Anything else you can tell me about the tub since I see you are a dealer of them. Thanks.
You can upgrade to multi colored LED lights.
If you were to add ozone your price should be about the same as a Jetsetter. A J 315 should be close to the same price also.
Price seems to be geographically driven. ;D
Yes it has one blue led light I believe, do you know if it is possible to maybe get gels to go over the light? Anything else you can tell me about the tub since I see you are a dealer of them. Thanks.
Well, the Kauai is the same size as the Jetsetter, but the JS is more open inside. The JS has five seating positions - counting the cooling bench - but you will not get more than three in at a time comfortably. The recliner is comfortable at both ends, hence the five seating positions, not five people at once. The Kauai has three seats, and it seats three at a time - it's recliner sits one direction only.
The JS has the MotoMassage as it's main jetting feature. If you like that jet - I do - then the JS would be the logical choice. If you try the Moto - either a wet test or at least putting your arm down in front of it in a running spa - you will know if it appeals to you or not.
The Kauai has the Versassage jets, which are quite powerful, and easily change from straight to rotary at the touch of a finger. Which one you like is a personal choice you will have to make. They both have their strengths.
Well, the Kauai is the same size as the Jetsetter, but the JS is more open inside. The JS has five seating positions - counting the cooling bench - but you will not get more than three in at a time comfortably. The recliner is comfortable at both ends, hence the five seating positions, not five people at once. The Kauai has three seats, and it seats three at a time - it's recliner sits one direction only.
The JS has the MotoMassage as it's main jetting feature. If you like that jet - I do - then the JS would be the logical choice. If you try the Moto - either a wet test or at least putting your arm down in front of it in a running spa - you will know if it appeals to you or not.
The Kauai has the Versassage jets, which are quite powerful, and easily change from straight to rotary at the touch of a finger. Which one you like is a personal choice you will have to make. They both have their strengths.
So, if both have their strengths which one is stronger? :) ;) :D ;D :-?
I can almost gaurantee you that they'll throw them in, if you can "sell" yourself well enough.
Good luck and I hope the wet test goes well.
Sorry but that is just not necessarily true. If we gave someone a REAL sales price that does not include a lifter and steps they would stand ZERO chance of getting them thrown in. They certainly could haggle on them and if they're adament they may get a very good bargain price (maybe even at cost) but we would NOT throw them in if the price was already at a low point. Now if we gave them a standard starting point price (where we have room to haggle) then we'd listen to their request to "throw them in" and may do so. There is no way for us here to know how much margain that dealer has allowed on this sale so we can't "guarantee" anything BUT I certainly WOULD TRY to get them to throw it in and go from there, it doesn't hurt to ask. If you don't agree then you haven't seen a dealer say "No, we can't go that low" when a customer says they need the deal their way or they're walking (and yes, I've seen them walk over a "no thanks" response). Both sides have the right to give a "take it or leave it" request and both sides have the right to say "no thanks" so no one should ever be put off by the answer from the other.
Sorry but is just not necessarily true. If we gave someone a REAL sales price that does not include a lifter and steps they would stand ZERO chance of getting them thrown in. They certainly could haggle on them and if they're adament they may get a very good bargain price (maybe even at cost) but we would NOT throw them in if the price was already at a low point. Now if we gave them a standard starting point price (where we have room to haggle) then we'd listen to their request to "throw them in" and may do so. There is no way for us here to know how much margain that dealer has allowed on this sale so we can't "guarantee" anything BUT I certainly WOULD TRY to get them to throw it in and go from there, it doesn't hurt to ask. If you don't agree then you haven't seen a dealer so "No, we can't go that low" when a customer says they need the deal their way or they're walking (and yes, I've seen them walk over a "no thanks" repsonse). Both sides have the right to give a "take it or leave it" request and both sides have the right to say "no thanks" so no one should ever be put off by the answer from the other.
Very well put. I think Spatech has described quite well how spa sales and haggling really work.