Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: drewstar on December 26, 2006, 10:59:20 am
I hope everyone had a nice holiday. :D Did anyone get any cool Hot tub related gifts this year? I was well taken care of, but there was nothing on my list specifically for the hot tub (Unless you count a complete Mares snorkel set: mask, fins and snorkel. My old set was really beat up. Fins can get really beat up on rocks and reefs.). ;)
Any one get some nice hot tub accesories they'd like to share? :)
Wouldn't all gifts containing alcohol count? ;D
Yes...a wool tobogan to help keep my head warm.
Wouldn't all gifts containing alcohol count? ;D
Sure! Which reminds me, mylovely wife got me a sampler pack from Thompson Cigar! So I guess I did get a hot tub related gift! ;) ;D
What did everyone get? :)
Bama, you got a tabogen for your nogin? ;)
What cigars are in that sampler? I order a lot from Thompson's and am curious to what one you got. They have a lot of house brand samplers as well as packages with premium cigars too.
I got mostly gift cards to Home Depot, which is A-OK by me.
we went to disney as our gift
What cigars are in that sampler? I order a lot from Thompson's and am curious to what one you got. They have a lot of house brand samplers as well as packages with premium cigars too.
I got mostly gift cards to Home Depot, which is A-OK by me.
Looking at their website, I think she got me the Thompson All Star sampler. I'm curioius to try the Iquana's and the Tuskers. I've got a ton of cigars, I'm still working on the Gold Medal Sampler she got me a awhile ago... :) I'm not a huge cigar buff, but everyonce and a while, espically at the Poker nights, I like em.
I did get one hot tub related present, a robe. 8-)
OK..... mine is black and a little longer, but you get the idea. ;)
It looks something like this-
Looking at their website, I think she got me the Thompson All Star sampler. I'm curioius to try the Iquana's and the Tuskers. I've got a ton of cigars, I'm still working on the Gold Medal Sampler she got me a awhile ago... :) I'm not a huge cigar buff, but everyonce and a while, espically at the Poker nights, I like em.
Great link, I will have a cigar 2 or 3 nights a week when tubbing. I take it you've been happy with their cigars?
My wife and I gave each other heavy, terry cloth robes and my kids got us a floating, waterproof AM/FM radio! Very nice and welcome additions to our hot water.
Got a Little Giant sump pump. I thought I read somewhere on here that folks were installing adapters to their sumps to fit a larger hose than a garden hose to them -- anyone know where to get one, as well as the larger hose itself?
pg, you can get that at most any pool store. Check to see if they carry 1.25" and/or 1.5" pool vacuum hose, normal stock lengths are 18,26,34, 40 and 50ft., (1) s.s. hose clamp, and an assortment of pvc adapter fittings. Bring your pump to 'em to check sizing. If there's no one nearby, any of us(dealers) have it.
Well, I'm returning that floating piece of junk radio as it can only bring in 2 FM stations (out of 20-30 here in Chicago) and a handful of AM's. Sound quality is bad as well so back to the drawing board for outdoor sounds.
I gave out some cigars for Christmas...
Has anyone ever smoked the EGG made by Drew Estates? (Cigar International Website)
I got a 2nd filter and some tub scents as a present to myself.
I gave out some cigars for Christmas...
Has anyone ever smoked the EGG made by Drew Estates? (Cigar International Website)
Haven't had the opportunity to try that one yet. Good?
Great link, I will have a cigar 2 or 3 nights a week when tubbing. I take it you've been happy with their cigars?
I'm not Drewstar, but I've had good luck ordering from Thompson's. Some of their house brands are not all that good, but then again, they aren't all that expensive, either.
I've not tried the Tusker's yet (One of the cigars in Drewstar's sampler), but I'm going to have to some day.
The Thompson Phoenix cigars were surprisingly good. They are the ones in the green band.
Haven't had the opportunity to try that one yet. Good?
Haven't smoked it yet... I'll let you know what i think of it...
The center dia is 100 to a 120 guage
Haven't smoked it yet... I'll let you know what i think of it...
The center dia is 100 to a 120 guage
that would be 2 inches in diamerter.
holy moley....
You bet it is... It starts at 24 gauge up to 120 then back to 24...
Its very strange looking, I've been hearing at center point it puts out as much ash as Mt St Helens... and lasts 2hrs+
Should be a very interesting smoke...
Check it out...
Looks obscene ....
Freud would have a field day with this. ;)
Looks obscene ....
Freud would have a field day with this. ;)
My EXACT thoughts.
I guess I didn't think about it that deeply at time of purchase...
If anything it should be an interesting smoke
I guess I didn't think about it that deeply at time of purchase...
If anything it should be an interesting smoke
We're just teasing ya... I'm curious on the what the draw would be on something like that. I'd be interested in hearing what you thought of it.
Looks obscene ....
Freud would have a field day with this. ;)
That's just not right. I can't imagine a group of guys sitting around puffing on those babies.
I's is coming to you live from our whorehouese in Thyler, TX to bring you tidings of great joy! We are finishing up our remodeling of the whoirehouse to become more efficient in serviceng our customers and I have delivered gifts of beer and cigars to the bosssmanster. We are partaking at the movment of Rodney Patel 12 year old Maduro cigars amd I have to say that they are fine and dandyt!
I truthfuly and hopefuly sincerely hope ya'll have whad a wonderful holiday season and are contiuniuing to be fruitful towards one an0ther as is the requirement of the laws. I have been hardup at work building high-tech pallets and am regruetfully unable to enjoin yal'll today, but I will have to be back at work tomorrow and will enjoy your comraderisheip. to the utmost.
Happy thanksgiving!\\
You're friend,
We are finishing up our remodeling of the[glow] whoirehouse [/glow]to become more efficient in serviceng our customers
I know the highlighted word above is misspelled but I'm not sure exactly which word you were meaning!
I know the highlighted word above is misspelled but I'm not sure exactly which word you were meaning!
Of course, I meant to say "warehouse", but I think I had one of those pseudian flips.
My head hurts.
Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, power tools, and heavy machinery....don't get much better than that!
An EMT's dream come true. ROTFL
Yes...a wool tobogan to help keep my head warm.
How would a snow sled keep your head warm? I guess if it's made out of wool.....? But not much good for snow sledding then. ;D
Only people from Southern & Midland Texas would know that a tobogan is long knitted cone-shaped cap with a tassel or pom-pom worn especially for winter sports or play. ;)
I got a hooded robe.
Ya know, my wood working skiils aint that bad. I was about to offer come help you build some of dem dare high tech pallets, in exchange for a wet test, or two, maybe three.............
Ya know, my wood working skiils aint that bad. I was about to offer come help you build some of dem dare high tech pallets, in exchange for a wet test, or two, maybe three.............
I'll bet you were willing to come help....when you thought we were remodeling the "whoirehouse". ;D
We had a mighty fine Christmas for our family.
We got my mom some collagen lip injections to make her look more like Angelina Jolie:
Savanna got a B-ARbie 15 assault rifle:
She LOVED the 30-round magazine, her first.
Jesse got what he always gets, beer and smokes:
I got a toupee, but I'm embarassed to post pictures. :-[
someday, terms post will show up as evidence against him in a child custody case or a competecy hearing. ;) ;) ;)