Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: neocacher on December 19, 2006, 12:51:53 pm

Title: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: neocacher on December 19, 2006, 12:51:53 pm
I am wondering how many of you drink beverages in your hot tub?  What do you drink? And where to you place the beverages?

Do you keep them in your hand or do you purchase a shelf to hold them, or place the container on the shell, on the steps or on the patio?

I have never had a beverage in my hot tub, and I want to try it!  

Neo in South Dakota
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: drewstar on December 19, 2006, 12:55:46 pm

I have never had a beverage in my hot tub, and I want to try it!  

Neo in South Dakota

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Repeat_Offender on December 19, 2006, 01:02:04 pm
Only in groups of one....or more...
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Davidny on December 19, 2006, 01:05:00 pm
I drink h2o in hot tubs because they cause a lot of sweating, which leads to dehydration.

I like the little sport bottles that close on top so the spray doesn't get in the drinking water. I keep it on a flat part of the tub so it doesn't fall in, then when I want to drink it I put it in my hand, when I'm done I close it back up and set it back on a flat part of the top of the tub.  :)

You can find good bottles at sporting goods stores, or Google for bottles online.

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Reese on December 19, 2006, 01:06:32 pm
Some people shouldn't drink in hot-tubs.  As the old saying goes:  If you have to ask, ...   ;)

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Davidny on December 19, 2006, 01:14:20 pm
One more thing.... avoid glass bottles/glasses. If one breaks it is bad news.  ::)
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: bwbski22 on December 19, 2006, 01:14:29 pm
Love a few beers out on a cold night.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: tony on December 19, 2006, 01:27:44 pm
One more thing.... avoid glass bottles/glasses. If one breaks it is bad news.  ::)

Totally agree.  A broken wine glass in a spa is not a good thing.

Because I frequently soak in the early AM, I bring a cup of coffee in with me in a thermos type cup.  SD spas have a cupholder that fits on top of the filter compartment that works quite well.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Richs100 on December 19, 2006, 02:11:15 pm
I always have a drink with me in the tub.  Water or Cocktail, but always in a plastic glass or bottle.  The Hot Spring tubs have a place for your drink, but they are flat with the surface so there is nothing to hold the glass or bottle where you put it.  I found these nifty little devices at

They fit right on the cup area with little suction cups.  The only problem is that they only fit a small size bottle or glass.  But they are really inexpensive and you can buy them here:
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: drewstar on December 19, 2006, 02:16:15 pm
I always have a drink with me in the tub.  Water or Cocktail, but always in a plastic glass or bottle.  The Hot Spring tubs have a place for your drink, but they are flat with the surface so there is nothing to hold the glass or bottle where you put it.  I found these nifty little devices at

They fit right on the cup area with little suction cups.  The only problem is that they only fit a small size bottle or glass.  But they are really inexpensive and you can buy them here:

Let me fix it for ya:

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: pg_rider on December 19, 2006, 02:32:57 pm
All the time.  I especially love a good cappucino during my weekend morning soaks. :)  I bought some really cool "plastic glasses" that are unbreakable yet look just like glass.  Got em at Bed Bath for ~$15 for a set of 4 (see below).  I usually set it on one of several flat spots around the edge of the tub or on the filter cover...
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Brewman on December 19, 2006, 02:39:58 pm
A couple years ago, during a day when the temperature was right around 0, I took a cup of coke or pepsi out with me, and I had to hold the cup partially in the hot spa water to keep if from freezing.  That was a very strange experience.

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: bwbski22 on December 19, 2006, 02:54:36 pm

thats why you need some liquor in that drink.  
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: RUBADUBDUB on December 19, 2006, 03:06:43 pm
A couple ICE COLD  Stella Artois and a way I go! Don't all good tubs come with cup holders?  JUST KIDDING! I generally hold on to it.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Chad on December 19, 2006, 03:24:58 pm
I don't drink when I soak.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: thearm on December 19, 2006, 04:33:59 pm
In the morning I like to have a starbucks mug beside me with Home brew java inside. Leave it in cupholder usually. At night it becomes a non-alcholic beer. Some days I just have water.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Gary on December 19, 2006, 04:35:48 pm
Corona with a Crown Royal chaser.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Brewman on December 19, 2006, 04:50:22 pm

thats why you need some liquor in that drink.  

 Now you tell me ;)  

Actually, I think I had something going on that day that I didn't want to imbibe.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Tman122 on December 19, 2006, 04:56:31 pm
I am wondering how many of you drink beverages in your hot tub?  What do you drink? And where to you place the beverages?
Neo in South Dakota

Didl uw sybl dwink in da da tube......welb......i-s beeeeen knowen to particulate in a one or couples.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: RobRoy on December 19, 2006, 05:30:34 pm
I love to drink beer anytime, a hot tub is no excuse not to drink.

Not for beginers though.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: galen on December 19, 2006, 06:08:39 pm
I found wine glasses made out of lexan (very tough) at Dicks Sorting Goods Store. The stem unscrews so backpackers can carry them.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Bill75 on December 19, 2006, 06:23:08 pm
We have a HS tub with several "flat spots":  they work out just fine for small spring water bottles.  The only thing we have ever had to drink in the hot tub is water.   We buy them by the case and it works out fine.  My wife and I each slip one in the pocket of our robes as we go out the back door to the tub....

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Ehizzle on December 19, 2006, 06:27:02 pm
In the morning I like to have a starbucks mug beside me with Home brew java inside. Leave it in cupholder usually. At night it becomes a non-alcholic beer. Some days I just have water.

I didnt know coffee turned into beer if you left it by the tub all day. ;D
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Ehizzle on December 19, 2006, 06:27:42 pm
I like to set my drink on my floating remote. :D
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: MostlyLurkingGal on December 19, 2006, 06:34:32 pm

I didnt know coffee turned into beer if you left it by the tub all day. ;D
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Ehizzle on December 19, 2006, 06:45:55 pm

I do what I can. LOL
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: LtDan on December 19, 2006, 06:56:09 pm

I didnt know coffee turned into beer if you left it by the tub all day. ;D

Yeah but it's non-alcohol beer. I think I'd rather have coffee!
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: hottub.pool_boy on December 19, 2006, 07:12:02 pm
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Richs100 on December 19, 2006, 07:35:20 pm
Thanks Drewstar!
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: geekd on December 19, 2006, 08:14:14 pm
I pretty much drink all the time, tho I am trying to cut down during the week.  ;)

I put the drink on the flat filter compartment cover, because when I use the built in holders, I tend to knock my drink over with my elbows.  Especially after I've had a few.

Plastic cups for mixed drinks, or the can for beer. (I drink Bud)

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Gomboman on December 19, 2006, 09:38:57 pm
Stone IPA in the bottle. Haven't broke a bottle yet.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: mcrofutt on December 19, 2006, 09:54:32 pm
I've been trying to figure out - if I plug the blender into a GFI outlet, um, is this okay? You know, really fresh banana daquiris would add to the general healthy concept of hot tubbing, what with the potassium thing and all.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Bama on December 20, 2006, 12:23:11 am
Trixie drinks PURPLE PASSION in the spa out of a floating punch bowl.
You can find floating drink holders at a pool supply.
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: PotomacG on December 20, 2006, 08:03:57 am
Yup.  Last night before bed, I was out there soaking in the starlight with a paper cup filled with Cabernet.

A paper frigin cup of wine.  Maybe there is something wrong with me  :-X  
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on December 20, 2006, 03:02:12 pm
gotta getcha that boxed wine that's tapped from the foil-y bag.....  ;D
We haven't done much drinking in the tub...couple times the hubby brought a BIG bottle of Asti out (no glasses, just the bottle  ::) ), once or twice a couple cans of beer or soda....they don't change into anything other than warm and icky if they're left by the tub, though.
The Grandee has cup holders molded into the top of the shell. No, they're not a terribly snug fit, but if you're not flailing around having hot monkey love, they'll hold a beverage just fine....the large wine bottles, however, wind up on the filter compartment cover or the steps next to the tub.  
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Chad on December 20, 2006, 06:57:36 pm
So far I'm the only one who doesn't drink while soaking.

What's wrong with me? :-[
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: anne on December 20, 2006, 11:31:34 pm
I usually have something cold to drink, as it contrasts the hot water so well, but it is more often ice tea than anything alcoholic. I like a cold nice lambic beer or riesling-type wine in the tub, though......  
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Tatooed_Lady on December 21, 2006, 08:27:38 am
So far I'm the only one who doesn't drink while soaking.

What's wrong with me? :-[
I dunno, but I bet it's hard to spell.....  ;) :D
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: cedris on December 21, 2006, 10:41:25 am
Coffee in the morning

B&B and a cigar at night

Man, I love my life......

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Astropin on December 22, 2006, 01:23:37 pm
The four of us drink Morgan's & Coke.....usually too much and then things really get......oh.......wait.......I've said to much  ;)
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: luvin_tubin_sqezin on December 22, 2006, 01:39:20 pm
Coffee in the A.M.  Bought one of those coffee makers that have the stainless thermal carafe.  Take it out with the creamer and stainelss thermal cups.  Keeps it all toasty warm.  

Night is usually a "glass" of wine for the wifey or a beer for glass...lexan type stuff.  

On RHTUBS, I just saw a redwood folding shelf that looks awesome.  I have a side I could use that on.   :D
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Chas on December 22, 2006, 10:15:55 pm
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: hot tub Frank on December 23, 2006, 02:10:33 pm
i drink soda ice cold
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Vinny on December 23, 2006, 08:58:06 pm
Typically don't drink anything or drink water but tonight Hacker-Pschorr Octoberfest ... 2 of them ... went down real good!
Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: Chad on December 24, 2006, 03:40:13 am

Title: Re: How many of you drink in your hot tub?
Post by: hot tub Frank on December 24, 2006, 06:50:29 pm
Trixie drinks PURPLE PASSION in the spa out of a floating punch bowl.
You can find floating drink holders at a pool supply.

But trixi is special and always make me laugh like with the bubbles and fighting airplane slides.............

what else trixi?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D