Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: hottbpete on December 19, 2006, 03:01:04 pm

Title: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: hottbpete on December 19, 2006, 03:01:04 pm
New user with a whole lot of new friends ;D
My wife had a ladies evening last weekend.  I should of hosed them off before they went into "my" tub.  The water was:
     the foam was filled with brown stuff
I am produd to say that after 1 1/2 hours of jerking around with it....the water came back and was back to it's pristine self.

This makes me really think through ever using a public hottub on vacation again!

I am not sure what I can do in the future...the thought that people would shower before they go in the tub....seems ridiculous.

anyway....I was back in the next my pristine water! :)
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: Davidny on December 19, 2006, 03:03:50 pm
You need to take away their suits.  ::)

What did you do to fix it? Skim off the top layer of grossness?
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: Reese on December 19, 2006, 03:06:54 pm
1.5 hours to get it back in shape?  You got off easy.  It usually takes me a couple of days to get the tub to recover from a bunch of cosmetics, lotions, spilled drinks, etc in the tub.  Please share your "how-to".
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: Jacuzzi Jim on December 19, 2006, 03:39:17 pm
 Your comment about using a hotel hot tubs is right!  Short story.

  When I travel alot I always take a btl of test strips with me, if I want to use there hot tub I head down with strips in hand,looking at the people if any in the spa,I do a check with the strip just to get an idea of how the water might be.  The one thing I like to do after testing I scatch my head and get a concerned look on my face glance at the others in the spa shake my head and walk away.

 After a few feet I turn around and you should see the look on there faces,its really hard to do with a straight face but it is funny, most of the time people start exiting the spa.  Like I said it is hard to do with a straight face. ;D
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: neocacher on December 19, 2006, 03:56:12 pm
My other hobbies are knives and flashlights. I always carry one or more around of each.  Maybe I should start carrying around a bottle of strips in my car also! Hee hee.
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: hottbpete on December 19, 2006, 03:57:08 pm
I am not an expert but this is what I did....
I let if foam up nice and high....really gross....then I scooped all the brown crap and foam out of the sense putting that stuff through the filter.  I then just did the normal stuff....I did the test was not that far out of whack.  I did uuse some foam down...did my regualr weekly.....brought up the chlorine and then I put renew in.  Did this a couple of times and then I let the tub run for a few hours.

I was surprised that it came back....I was getting ready to pull the plug.

by the way....I am not sure I want tpo see some of these ladies in the buff. :D
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: drewstar on December 19, 2006, 04:14:35 pm
My other hobbies are knives and flashlights. I always carry one or more around of each.  Maybe I should start carrying around a bottle of strips in my car also! Hee hee.

Flashlights are a hobby? Who knew?

I Did a search. They have thier own forum.

Guess what they argue about?

Yup.  What's the Best Flashlight?

Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: RobRoy on December 19, 2006, 05:27:23 pm
When I take a cruise or visit a hotel hot tub, I always have my Refresh with me, dump a little in, test strips come out, before I get in. ;D

Mag lite is the best flashlite by the way.
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: hottub.pool_boy on December 19, 2006, 07:19:02 pm
I never soak anywhere without test strips in hand.
Title: Re: Keep the ladies party out!
Post by: drewstar on December 20, 2006, 08:56:13 am
When I take a cruise or visit a hotel hot tub, I always have my Refresh with me, dump a little in, test strips come out, before I get in. ;D

Mag lite is the best flashlite by the way.

You dump your own chems into other tubs, without knowing whats in there, and who else might be using it? What is refresh? MPS?

I too thought mag lite was the best, until my curiosity by Neo's post got the best of me and I looked around, No way. I was usprised to see a whole world of gadget folks who truley get into flashlights and am lead to belive that Lion flash lights  or A1 seem to be highly desireable amoung these folks. Names like Wolf eyes come up for tactcle applications....we're talking lights in the hundreds of dollars, plus mods.  They are nuts.

Not like us.     ;) :D ;D