Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: cparlf on December 18, 2006, 05:23:44 pm

Title: Optima drain tube
Post by: cparlf on December 18, 2006, 05:23:44 pm
My second post after two years of problem free operations:  Last weekend, I changed the water.  On the Optima, the drain tube is a pvc tube, with o rings etc.  It pulls out to a stop, causing the water to flow into the attached hose and down the driveway it goes.  This time, I attached the hose, pulled the tube out and the entire tube slid out.  There are four ears on the tube, that appear to turn into slots to hold the tube in place.  These 4 ears are fine, they do not look to have broken off etc.  I called my dealer three times, left messages over the week, and no calls back.  So much for customer service.  

So, being winter, I filled the tub back up, the tube is not leaking (so far).  Is anyone fmailiar with this tub and rthe drain mechanism?

Thans for any help you may offer.  Happy soaking. :-/
Title: Re: Optima drain tube
Post by: pg_rider on December 18, 2006, 06:01:06 pm
Someone on here or another tub forum had that same exact issue.  They just pushed the drain tube back in and everything was fine.  Based on that experience I wouldn't sweat it too much...
Title: Re: Optima drain tube
Post by: Brewman on December 19, 2006, 08:01:59 am
I recall reading the same.  
 They must have changed the drain valve since the 2003's.  Mine is PVC, but doesn't move- you just unscrew a PVC end cap, screw on a garden hose adapter in it's place, and open a gate valve.  The PVC itself doesn't move.

Title: Re: Optima drain tube
Post by: tony on December 19, 2006, 09:06:53 am
I recall reading the same.  
 They must have changed the drain valve since the 2003's.  Mine is PVC, but doesn't move- you just unscrew a PVC end cap, screw on a garden hose adapter in it's place, and open a gate valve.  The PVC itself doesn't move.

Yes, the newer SD spas have an external valve.  Yours must be like mine where you have to open the middle equipment compartment to drain.  There is an advantage...we can use the 2 inch quick drain rather than a garden hose.
Title: Re: Optima drain tube
Post by: Brewman on December 19, 2006, 01:04:45 pm
Tony  and Pg-Rider-

How fast do your spas drain?  I read a lot of comments about spas taking hours to drain.  

I put the garden hose adapter on, and hook up a garden hose, and let gravity do it's job.  Spa is drained out (except for a few gallons in the footwell) in about 45 minutes.

Not sure if that's because I use a larger diameter hose than the standard- it's a 3/4" one I have to use to feed my pressure washer.  Plus the hose drops maybe 8' from the spa to the pond behind the house, so the siphon action from that may help.

I see that a drain kit with an even larger diameter hose is available, but I don't see the need or know if it would speed up beyond what I've already got.

Just wondering what other Optima users are experencing.

Title: Re: Optima drain tube
Post by: tony on December 19, 2006, 01:10:39 pm
I have the drain kit.  It empties fast, maybe twenty minutes.  Sometimes I use a submergible pump, but takes much longer.  With the drain kit, there is no restriction.  You get the full diameter of the plumbing draining the tub out.
Title: Re: Optima drain tube
Post by: pg_rider on December 19, 2006, 02:42:34 pm
Haven't drained mine yet as I've only had it for two months, but I asked for a sump pump for xmas so I'm hoping I never have to use the drain!
Title: Re: Optima drain tube
Post by: bulmer4nc on December 19, 2006, 09:28:03 pm
I drain our Optima in 10-15 minutes.  I bought a $10 sump pump hose from Home Depot and hold it in front of one of the whirlpool jets when it's running.  This gets the flow going.  Once it starts gravity takes over and the water gets pulled out pretty fast.  I let it run with the pump on for 30 seconds or so to get a good flow going and then cut the power.  Works like a champ.
