Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: pg_rider on December 15, 2006, 11:54:19 pm

Title: Got my first electric bill since getting my tub
Post by: pg_rider on December 15, 2006, 11:54:19 pm
So compared to the same 30-day period last year my bill went up $55.  I was hoping for less than $50 so I'm not thrilled, but I suppose it could be worse.  This is with using the tub once a day for ~15 minutes, usually with one pump running the entire time but sometimes with both.  When I get out I hit the pump button again to circulate the dichlor so one pump runs for an additional 20 minutes.  I keep the temp set to 102.  Tub is a 2006 Sundance Optima.

Curious to see how next month turns out!
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Gomboman on December 16, 2006, 12:01:15 am
That's about what my my HS Envoy is running pg_rider. Electricity is fairly expensive where I live--somewhere around $.20/KWh. Money well spent though. Much better than going out to dinner if you ask me. How much do you pay for electricity in CO?
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: pg_rider on December 16, 2006, 12:10:36 am
Oh, good question.  Not sure I know actually; I don't see it on the bill.  It says I used 1185 KWH for the period, which equates to $111 (the rest of the bill is what they call "facilities charge").  Last year I used 605 KWH for a total of $56.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Gomboman on December 16, 2006, 12:15:22 am
Not bad pg. Your rates are around $.10/ KWh. Much better than what I pay.  :)

Oh, good question.  Not sure I know actually; I don't see it on the bill.  It says I used 1185 KWH for the period, which equates to $111 (the rest of the bill is what they call "facilities charge").  Last year I used 605 KWH for a total of $56.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: clover on December 16, 2006, 12:38:11 am
Keep in mind that is heating water from 54° to 102° on the initial start up which you won't be repeated every month.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: patty on December 16, 2006, 12:48:19 am
I was kind of scared to open this one up!  :o  We've had our Optima since September and I've avoided asking my husband how much it's increased.  He has not screamed so that is good.  I guess I need to dig out an old bill and compare.   $50 is $10-15 higher than I'd expected but as Gombo pointed out its really one dinner out.. which I would happily forego ....  I've been trying to offset the cost a little by being more diligent about turning off lights etc.  
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: thearm on December 16, 2006, 08:57:10 am
My bill increased about the same as yours around 50.00 per month in the winter. However it does go down in the summer. Patty does have a good point with the initial fill, the heater is on a lot longer to heat the water than just to maintain it once it gets there. Bottom line it is very cheap therapy and I would pay much more than 50.00 per month if I had to just to continue what I have now. Wish I had bought one 20 years ago.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: RobRoy on December 16, 2006, 01:05:36 pm
I would speak to your HS dealer. My dealer has a money back gaurentee. If your bill goes higher than $30.00 they will refund the difference. Talk to them. It would be nice to get a check from HS every month.

Im sure even Term might kick in a few bucks. :D ::)
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Gomboman on December 16, 2006, 01:24:39 pm
RoyRob, no such guarantee in Southern California. Our electricity rates are too high.  

I would speak to your HS dealer. My dealer has a money back guarantee. If your bill goes higher than $30.00 they will refund the difference. Talk to them. It would be nice to get a check from HS every month.

I'm sure even Term might kick in a few bucks. :D ::)
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: slimchance on December 16, 2006, 02:17:43 pm
Got my first bill two weeks ago.  $60cdn, which I suppose isn't too bad considering we use it daily for average of 40 minutes and I had to dump and refill twice in a month.  :P
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: bosco0633 on December 16, 2006, 02:24:53 pm
let me ask you all this.  Is it enough, that you would get rid of your tub over???  It is so funny that when we are first looking into tubs, we think about energy consumption and the fear of high bills.  Then we get our tub and suddenly you think, its no so bad if I had to pay a couple of bucks more a month.  

I told my wife that if she had a problem with the energy cost, then we would cut back on other things, like coffee every day, peticures and hair and so on.  Suddenly the hot tub costs were not so bad.

Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Bama on December 16, 2006, 02:39:55 pm
My LA Spa Paradise H-2 (650 gal) is kept at 98 degrees.  I get in about 2 to 3 times per day for 30-45 min each time.  At the end of the day I toss in my diclor and run all 3 pumps for 10-15 minutes with top off.
My bill has gone up approx. $30 to $35.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Han Solo on December 16, 2006, 02:44:17 pm
 I have my Sundance spa set on the economy setting that only runs the heater twice a day when it circulates the pump for half an hour. I usually use my tub after dinner, so I have it set to run at dinner time so that it will be nice and toasty when I get in. It must be working as I haven't really noticed any jump in my PG&E bill. If you have an economy setting you should try it, as there is really no reason to have your tub at 102 twenty-fours hours a day................
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: bosco0633 on December 16, 2006, 02:48:52 pm
sounds like a really good feature to have on the tub.  It only makes sense
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Rayman on December 18, 2006, 09:07:25 am
My electricity bill is higher in the Summer than the Winter, Air conditioning eats up more power.  My house is heated with natural gas so that helps.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Brewman on December 18, 2006, 03:42:04 pm

If you have an economy setting you should try it, as there is really no reason to have your tub at 102 twenty-fours hours a day................

 Well yes there is, actually.  Some of us don't use our spas like clockwork, and I don't want to wait for it to come up to temperature, thus rendering the economy function somewhat un-useful in my particular use pattern.  

Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: neocacher on December 18, 2006, 03:42:34 pm

Are you water logged yet?
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: tony on December 18, 2006, 03:50:50 pm
I have my Sundance spa set on the economy setting that only runs the heater twice a day when it circulates the pump for half an hour. I usually use my tub after dinner, so I have it set to run at dinner time so that it will be nice and toasty when I get in. It must be working as I haven't really noticed any jump in my PG&E bill. If you have an economy setting you should try it, as there is really no reason to have your tub at 102 twenty-fours hours a day................

If I recall, you have a Sundance Solo, a one person tub that will heat up a lot faster than another's eight person tub.  I don't think I'ld ever use my spa if I had to wait for it to heat up.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Chad on December 18, 2006, 03:53:30 pm
 I don't think I'ld ever use my spa if I had to wait for it to heat up.

I second that.
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Bama on December 18, 2006, 10:38:06 pm

Are you water logged yet?


My skin gets as wrinkly as a Shar Pei!  But, it doesn't last long.
I love my spa!!!!

Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: cappy2449 on December 19, 2006, 09:25:15 am
as i have stated in a previous post, my electric bill has gone up quite a bit....if my next bill is as high, i'm going to have to winterize it
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: drewstar on December 19, 2006, 10:08:19 am
I have my Sundance spa set on the economy setting that only runs the heater twice a day when it circulates the pump for half an hour. I usually use my tub after dinner, so I have it set to run at dinner time so that it will be nice and toasty when I get in. It must be working as I haven't really noticed any jump in my PG&E bill. If you have an economy setting you should try it, as there is really no reason to have your tub at 102 twenty-fours hours a day................

Usually the economy mode is for summer applications, running the heater less, running the circ pump (which throws off heat) less.   At least that's what I've been told.

Also, I was always under the impression it was better to keep you tub up to temp as it was generally more efficent to maintin the tubs temp rather thay have the heating, let it cool, heating. But  heater efficenty, the tubs ability to reatin the heat and how much you use it would impact that greatly.

I keep my tub around 100. If it's really windy or bitter cold  I might bump it up a bit.   :)
Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Brewman on December 19, 2006, 10:13:08 am
I think that with Sundance, the economy mode couples the heater with the filtering cycles.  So if you can predict when you'll use the spa, you can program the filtering and thus the heaters.

Title: Re: Got my first electric bill since getting my tu
Post by: Brookenstein on December 19, 2006, 08:28:38 pm
My electric  bill went down $70 this month ($205).  Guess having me and the kids gone for 3 weeks helped out a bit.  That was for 1021 kwh.