Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Slappy on December 12, 2006, 12:42:40 pm
I often hear people refer to their spas as hottubs. I have a united spa in my yard now and am seriously considering trading or selling it for the purpose of acquiring an actual hottub. anybody have a preference of spa over hottub? hot tubs just seem to be more for the mobility, conversation, and guest enjoyment.
maybe that's just me.
- Slappy
I suppose I always thought that a true "hot tub" was more like the ones that Doc has with real wood that are mostly for soaking in hot water with few or no jets. Whereas a spa is what we think of as having jets and loungers and some passing attempt to create different types of "therapy'.
But largely I think the terms have become essentially interchangeable in most applications.
Or not?
Spa, hot tub, jacuzzi are commonly used interchangably when referring to the product that we all love.
I prefer hot tub. I think of spas as a place to go for a massage or facials.
I prefer hot tub. I think of spas as a place to go for a massage or facials.
You get facials? :D
I agree with RobRoy -- hot tub is more descriptive to me...
No, facials for the wife, I prefer the massage. I cant stand people touching my face.
Spa, hot tub, jacuzzi are commonly used interchangably when referring to the product that we all love.
I think of "hot tub" as a round tub with water but no air jets.
A spa has the molded seats and air added.
Jacuzzi is actually a name brand for a tub. Most hotels have what they call whirlpool tubs which don't heat the water once it's in the tub, only circulate it through the tub.
Maybe I'm wrong about this, but this is how I understand it to be. I guess it doesn't really matter what you call it as long as you enjoy it.
- Slappy
I didnt know that there was a difference