Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Richs100 on November 24, 2006, 10:21:00 pm
Well, the new patio is all finished and the new Envoy was delivered right on time this Wednesday. It started raining as the guys set up the tub,and installed the Spaudio. The electrician was to come by at 5pm to finish connecting it up.
The rain gets worse.
The Electrician calls at 4pm and says he has this ridiculous phobia that involves torrential downpours and 220 current. He promises to be here Friday morning after Thanksgiving after he runs to the supply house for a few extra things he needs.
I'm up bright and early Friday morning, standing at the tub with my chemicals and test kit ready.
The Electrician calls and says all the supply houses are closed because of the holiday and he can't get what he needs. NO HOOKUP TIL MONDAY!
So much for a long holiday weekend in the new tub. :(
(I wonder how cold 55 degree well water really is?)
My old tub was pulled out 5 weeks ago for the renovovations.
Seems like 5 months ago.
I'm definately going into withdrawl.
I guess Home Depot or Lowes isn't around your neck of the woods. I do know professional electricians really don't like to use them but in a pinch ...
I know that my friend installed mine with stuff not available from either HD or Lowes, maybe that is your case too.
That was the first thing out of my mouth today. Why not go to Home Depot or Lowes.... Apparently, my electrician feels the same way yours did. He said they did not carry what he wanted and he didn't want to use something that could cause a problem later on.
I suggested heavy duty extention cords for the weekend. He was not excited about that idea either.
Well, the new patio is all finished and the new Envoy was delivered right on time this Wednesday. It started raining as the guys set up the tub,and installed the Spaudio. The electrician was to come by at 5pm to finish connecting it up.
The rain gets worse.
The Electrician calls at 4pm and says he has this ridiculous phobia that involves torrential downpours and 220 current. He promises to be here Friday morning after Thanksgiving after he runs to the supply house for a few extra things he needs.
I'm up bright and early Friday morning, standing at the tub with my chemicals and test kit ready.
The Electrician calls and says all the supply houses are closed because of the holiday and he can't get what he needs. NO HOOKUP TIL MONDAY!
So much for a long holiday weekend in the new tub. :(
(I wonder how cold 55 degree well water really is?)
My old tub was pulled out 5 weeks ago for the renovovations.
Seems like 5 months ago.
I'm definately going into withdrawl.
Sorry things didn't work out for you. :(
I'm not sure how comfortable you are working with wires but if the 220 is already ran and buried, the final hook-up is pretty easy. Your manual should have a step by step diagram that's pretty simple. JUST REMEMBER NOT TO FLIP THE BREAKER UNTIL ALL CONNECTIONS ARE MADE, obviously. Other than that, if it's not "hot", there's no worries.
ummmmmmmmmmmmm, if the electrician needs to pick up supplies to finish the job, what do you think the chances are that the homeowner just happens to have them laying around?
ummmmmmmmmmmmm, if the electrician needs to pick up supplies to finish the job, what do you think the chances are that the homeowner just happens to have them laying around?
Are you refering to me? :-?
Maybe a better Q is what are the supplys needed to finish? :)
Is it that Home Depot and Lowes cannot get what electricians want, or is it that wholesale supply houses are cheaper for them?
My uncle is a home inspector, and very picky about quality. I picked out exactly the box he suggested for me to Home depot. Not that I'm arguing in favor of HD. I kinda hate them, but they often have what i need when my little local hardware store does not.
Sorry you have to wait!!!!!!! Tileman is apparently flying out to my place to soak in my tub, and you are welcome to join him! The tub is plenty big enough for 2 without footsies
Is it that Home Depot and Lowes cannot get what electricians want, or is it that wholesale supply houses are cheaper for them?
My uncle is a home inspector, and very picky about quality. I picked out exactly the box he suggested for me to Home depot. Not that I'm arguing in favor of HD. I kinda hate them, but they often have what i need when my little local hardware store does not.
Sorry you have to wait!!!!!!! Tileman is apparently flying out to my place to soak in my tub, and you are welcome to join him! The tub is plenty big enough for 2 without footsies
Lowe's and Home Depot carry the exact same stuff they use for residential work.
The spa panel my electrian (one of my best friends) used was a Cutler Hammer. It was $80 at Lowe's and $130 at his works supplier. Guess which one I got. :)
Anne, I appreciate the offer. I'm at the stage of withdrawl where the shakes start. Do you have one of those assist railings so I can climb in the tub in my weakened state?
As to my electrician, I suspect that there may also be a mild case of gravy overdose in play here. His objections to Home Depot/Lowes supplied materials didn't ring true for me either.
The other thing that bothers me is that I filled the tub and its supposed to go down to 35 degrees tonight I know its got to be below freezing for a bit to do any damage, but I am very nervous about that brand new tub outside. If the weatherman is wrong (in the wrong direction) the electrician and I are gonna have some other issues to resolve.
Anne, I appreciate the offer. I'm at the stage of withdrawl where the shakes start. Do you have one of those assist railings so I can climb in the tub in my weakened state?
LOL! No, I dont, but I have very handy three tiered steps that even my B/F on crutches was able to handle a while back, so I think I have you covered.
As to my electrician, I suspect that there may also be a mild case of gravy overdose in play here. His objections to Home Depot/Lowes supplied materials didn't ring true for me either.
There is that postprandial, tryptophan induced lethargy that can really get you.....
The other thing that bothers me is that I filled the tub and its supposed to go down to 35 degrees tonight I know its got to be below freezing for a bit to do any damage, but I am very nervous about that brand new tub outside. If the weatherman is wrong (in the wrong direction) the electrician and I are gonna have some other issues to resolve.
I'd be nervous too, but your logical side realizes that you just have the heebie jeebies about a new, (expensive) toy. In a few days you'll be relaxing off this little stressful night, and loving it!!!!!!
Has the wire been ran to the tub yet?
I know what you say is true. It just seems like Monday is about 4 months away right now.
He hasnt run the wire through the conduit under the patio yet. So at this point, the electrician is calling the shots. I'm gonna distract myself over the weekend looking for my rubber check book. I'll need it on Monday.
I know what you say is true. It just seems like Monday is about 4 months away right now.
He hasnt run the wire through the conduit under the patio yet. So at this point, the electrician is calling the shots. I'm gonna distract myself over the weekend looking for my rubber check book. I'll need it on Monday.
4 weeks ago I went through a similar situation.
My dealer sends out 2 seperate crews for delivery/set-up. First crew just drops it off and the latter does the orientation, has the cover, steps, ozonater, and does the final hook-up.
Well it was raining cats and dogs Friday (my delivery day) so they couldn't deliver until things dried up enough to dolly it in my yard. This didn't happen until Sunday. The 2nd crew doesn't work weekends and they were booked Monday, but said they would try and squeeze me in. They were able to and I was soaking later that night. :)
Once I got in the first time all my frustration went away. It made it just that much better.
My friend used most things that HD has but there were some things that HD wouldn't have. He personally doesn't like Cutler Hammer products ... don't know what my disconnect is but my new panel is a Siemans
He ran a continuous circuit to my tub, installed a box in the equipment cavity and then proceded to use a 6 guage flexible power cord (think of a lamp cord (which is probably 16 or 18 guage) from the box. He connected the 2 sets of wires together with a device called a butterfly (I think). It's a "U" shaped bolt that they use to connect the power from the street to the house lines.
I don't think that power cord or the bolt might have been had at HD.
My friend used most things that HD has but there were some things that HD wouldn't have. He personally doesn't like Cutler Hammer products ... don't know what my disconnect is but my new panel is a Siemans
He ran a continuous circuit to my tub, installed a box in the equipment cavity and then proceded to use a 6 guage flexible power cord (think of a lamp cord (which is probably 16 or 18 guage) from the box. He connected the 2 sets of wires together with a device called a butterfly (I think). It's a "U" shaped bolt that they use to connect the power from the street to the house lines.
I don't think that power cord or the bolt might have been had at HD.
My Lowe's and HD carry that 6 guage. Not sure what the bolt is though.
Btw, C&H is pretty much the standard out in these parts.
That "U shaped bolt" is called a bug nut, and it's used to splice wires. It's used in conjuction with rubber (or friction) tape, and then typically covered with electrical tape. This is the type of thing that generally falls outside of the realm of your do it yourselfer. IMHO be safe and wait the few extra days...
Since you're already working with an electrician I would stick with that plan.
Lowes had everything I needed for a DIY install (wire and disconnect). The only bugaboo was Lowes selling me about 15 feet of #6 cable when I paid for 25 feet (at $1 a foot times 4). I need two lengths of wire (one from the panel to the disconnect, one from the disconnect to the spa) and now I have to go back there to exchange the 8 feet of leftover wire (I'm not splicing this stuff) for 15 feet. On the plus side I came across some flexible conduit that makes the install much easier. I'm expecting my new tub in a couple of weeks so there's still time to work it out.
I am so glad that i did it myself.
i would have gone nuts if i had to wait that long.
I got very tired of looking at my new cold pot of water and called electrician back Saturday morning. Without too much effort, he agreed to do the Lowes/HomeDepot run for the parts he needed.
Today at 4 pm he got power to the tub. Water is balanced and now I'm just waiting for the tub to get hot.
Boy, does that tub look good!
My first dip should be about midnight.
I may be a little late at the office tomorrow!
When the water hits 72, jump in stud.
are you able to show us some pics of it up and running???
You will honestly have the best sleep of your life tonight. When you finally get out, you will be so relaxed. Just dont over do it, sometimes after really long soaks, I find my energy level to be very high. Congrats, and enjoy
I got very tired of looking at my new cold pot of water and called electrician back Saturday morning. Without too much effort, he agreed to do the Lowes/HomeDepot run for the parts he needed.
Today at 4 pm he got power to the tub. Water is balanced and now I'm just waiting for the tub to get hot.
Boy, does that tub look good!
My first dip should be about midnight.
I may be a little late at the office tomorrow!
Great news!
I bet you saved a little $$ too.
After my hook-up I jumped in at 92 b/c the anticipation was killing me. :)
I hope to have some pics up soon.
Just checked and the tub is at 94.7 after 6 hours. I LOVE 220!
I've also just discovered that I can use one of those electronic mouth thermometers in the tub. (I gave my old spa thermometer to my brother with the Prodigy and forgot to get a new one(
It's 42 degrees outside.
I'm gonna wait another hour and see if its nice and hot.
I want to play with the new jets but if I'm freezing MAO, it won't be fun.
The lights are awesome. First time I've seen LEDs at night.
Can you tell I'm excited?????
Be Patient
Be Patient
Be Patient