Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: kervis on November 19, 2006, 09:52:38 pm

Title: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: kervis on November 19, 2006, 09:52:38 pm
Somewhere I saw reference to a 3-day routine.

For example, I will make one up:

Day one--rinse filters, test, add dichlor
Day two--while chlorine is low, test and correct any ph issues
Day 3-- add defender, or whatever else

Four of us just exited the tub--a peaceful, starfilled, 27 degree evening!  I added my dichlor, then remembered that I needed to shock as company is coming over for a party on Wednesday.

Then I remembered I need to add defender....I know I can't add it all at once, so I did the dichlor, then after 10 minutes, did the MPS.  I'll test tomorrow morning, then go from there.  I also need to rinse my filters.

I guess I don't have a routine that I regularly follow, but I am looking for an easy one.  I know there are suggestions for what chemicals to add together, or a few days apart, for maxium benefit.

Can anyone help with this?  :-/  I swear I saw a suggested 3-day routine out there somewhere for testing and adding chemicals. (Sunday, Wednesday,  Friday, or something)

Thanks!  :)

Title: Re: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: In Canada eh on November 19, 2006, 10:08:57 pm

   I think that was me but its in no way a "three day routine" its just what works for me.

Here is how I do it

Shock with MPS every thursday, you can test for CC but I like to shock weekly
Clean filter with a garden hose on Saturday, easy to do takes five minutes in the laundry tub
Test water chems on Monday and adjust what needs to be adjusted
Add 1 teaspoon of dichlor for each bather after each use

   Thats it in a nutshell, takes a grand total of about 15 minutes a week and it works for me.  You may come up with something different that works for you :) My schedule happens to allow me time on Thurs, Sat and Mondays

                                                Good luck
Title: Re: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on November 19, 2006, 10:34:26 pm
Are you thinking of "Leisure Time’s 3-Day-A-Week Program"?
Title: Re: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: kervis on November 20, 2006, 08:58:34 am
Thanks, Canada and Dr. Spa!!

It certainly seems easy enough that I could have figured it out myself, however, I obviously haven't yet!  :-[  

Just as I am struggling with routines in other areas of my life, this just added to the mix.  With the busy holiday season upon us, I really need to streamline and not be guessing about what I did, when I did it, or if I remembered to do it at all.

Now I can print out "the plan", stick it in my Spa Binder, and cross it off my list!  8-)

Thanks much.
Title: Re: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: tony on November 20, 2006, 12:10:10 pm
I do the one day routine.  Sanitize after use.  Saturday...test, adjust pH if needed, add whatever additives I use whether it be Defender, Enzyme, etc., shock if needed in the evening, clean filters every month.
Title: Re: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: jim97219 on November 20, 2006, 03:23:06 pm
Are you thinking of "Leisure Time’s 3-Day-A-Week Program"?

The one thing that seems to be missing from the guide is temperature.  After a water change, at what temperature can chemicals be added?  Are some chemicals temperature-dependent and others not?  Or can any chemical be added at any temperature?

Title: Re: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: Brewman on November 20, 2006, 03:52:49 pm
I usually wait till the water is over 80- for no particular reason that comes to mind.
I'm of the opinion that if temperature was of any importance, it would say so on the instructions on the package.

Title: Re: The 3-day routine-please share!
Post by: Tman122 on November 20, 2006, 04:41:04 pm
Are you thinking of "Leisure Time’s 3-Day-A-Week Program"?

The one thing that seems to be missing from the guide is temperature.  After a water change, at what temperature can chemicals be added?  Are some chemicals temperature-dependent and others not?  Or can any chemical be added at any temperature?


Temp makes no difference for your waters balance. Chlorine however lasts longer the colder the water is.

I test at a fresh fill and add 1 TBLS chlorine right away. My water requires Baking soda only to raise TA and PH about 4 OZs. Then it's 1/2 tsp per person or 1 tsp min. dichlor after every soak. And check PH about every other week. Half way through a water change I need more baking soda, about 2 OZs. Rinse filter whenever...LOL once a month I guess. Soak one and install a clean one at a water change. Total time, rinse filter....whenever....LOL 5 minutes 3-4 times per 4 months, 15-20 minutes, check PH every other week or so 5 minutes per 40 per month. Add dichlor when exiting tub 0 minutes. For a grand total of about 1 hour per water change, 3-4 months. I have it easy. But I make it easy by not worrying about it.