Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: webboy on November 10, 2006, 04:38:55 pm

Title: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the question
Post by: webboy on November 10, 2006, 04:38:55 pm
After responding to PVM question about best selling models, it brought this question to mind. Loungers? I have heard that most first time buyers (that would be me) always go for the double lounger, but the seasoned spa owner usually passes on the loungers for their next spa. Is this true? I figure nothing would be better than laying back and enjoying the spa experience in a lounger, other than space I would think that everyone would want as many loungers as possible. What do you say?

Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: hot tub Frank on November 10, 2006, 04:43:14 pm
it is nice to have one.
but most of the time i don't use the lounger.
I would like to say    It's what feels right for you.
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: Vinny on November 10, 2006, 04:48:02 pm
I read the same thing and I originally thought I wanted a lounger. It seems that even though I don't float in a pool the jets will push me out of the seat. I opted for no lounge.

Owning the spa for over a year, I'm not sorry I don't have a lounger although there are times when I'm streched out in the tub in the hot water that I think it might be nice to have a structure .. but these times happen very infrequently for me.

It really is a personal thing ... for me it might be different if it was completely dark and gazing at the stars.
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: loosenupspas on November 10, 2006, 04:51:42 pm
A double lounger is a personal choice, single lounges are more popular.  Coleman has a fine array of double and single loungers......Test um....see what you think.  Hottubtommy
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: webboy on November 10, 2006, 05:15:57 pm
[Owning the spa for over a year, I'm not sorry I don't have a lounger although there are times when I'm streched out in the tub in the hot water that I think it might be nice to have a structure .. but these times happen very infrequently for me.[/quote]

This is good to know. The double lounger is out, i will know get my hobbit gut out and wet test!

Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: bosco0633 on November 10, 2006, 05:39:00 pm
loungers in my opinion are a waste of money.  I love having structure in my tub.  I have moulded countoured seats.  Here is my tub below.


I prefer sitting in something rather than the feeling of floating around, plus when im sitting in the tub, i dont overly love feeling of water sitting in my ears, but that is just me.
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 10, 2006, 05:45:25 pm
A lounger is one of the most overblown sales tools in the industry.  Think about it...about the only difference between a lounge and a corner seat is that you don't have plastic on the back of your legs in a corner seat.  Granted, some lounges have little peehole jets on the back of the legs, but they are pretty worthless, especially the ones that invade your crack.

Lounge- You're reclined, your knees are up, there is plastic on the back of your calves and possibly peehole and crack jets.  Takes up a lot of space.

Corner Seat- You're reclined, your knees are up, there is no plastic on the back of your calves and there are possibly jets coming out horizontally onto your legs.  Takes up a little space.

Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: tileman on November 10, 2006, 05:55:27 pm
After responding to PVM question about best selling models, it brought this question to mind. Loungers? I have heard that most first time buyers (that would be me) always go for the double lounger, but the seasoned spa owner usually passes on the loungers for their next spa. Is this true? I figure nothing would be better than laying back and enjoying the spa experience in a lounger, other than space I would think that everyone would want as many loungers as possible. What do you say?


The only way you'll figure out if you want one is to wet test.
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: Brookenstein on November 10, 2006, 06:13:34 pm

I'm surprised to hear you say that, I thought the Envoy was your favorite tub... if not for the lounger wouldn't one of the other HS have the same seats to suit your needs?

P.S.  Small hijack of post... hows the baby?
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 10, 2006, 06:24:45 pm
The little diaper vandal is fine and dandy and I appreciate you asking. :)

He is almost too pretty, so I've been rubbing sandpaper on his face after Ol' Meanness has gone to bed to ugly him up a bit.  I have to rush home after work to snatch him away from his momma and big sister before they turn him into a baby doll, so I teach him man ways.  He can already pee in the sink like his daddy and he spits better than me already.  He tries to scratch his giblets but can't control his hands yet, but he'll learn.

I do love the Envoy and I do love the lounge.  It fits me perfect and I don't float.  But just about everyone who comes in the store says "I have to have a lounge".  I ask "Why?" and they say "I don't know, they just look comfortable."  So I invite them to try it out to see if it truly is comfortable for them.  I just think it's made out to be more than it is by most people.

Ehhh...I can take it or leave it. :)

Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: jgirvine on November 10, 2006, 06:45:07 pm
The little diaper vandal is fine and dandy and I appreciate you asking. :)

He is almost too pretty, so I've been rubbing sandpaper on his face after Ol' Meanness has gone to bed to ugly him up a bit.  I have to rush home after work to snatch him away from his momma and big sister before they turn him into a baby doll, so I teach him man ways.  He can already pee in the sink like his daddy and he spits better than me already.  He tries to scratch his giblets but can't control his hands yet, but he'll learn.

I do love the Envoy and I do love the lounge.  It fits me perfect and I don't float.  But just about everyone who comes in the store says "I have to have a lounge".  I ask "Why?" and they say "I don't know, they just look comfortable."  So I invite them to try it out to see if it truly is comfortable for them.  I just think it's made out to be more than it is by most people.

Ehhh...I can take it or leave it. :)


Just a question.... you a native TEXAN ?
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 10, 2006, 06:56:38 pm

Just a question.... you a native TEXAN ?

Gladewater, TX is where I first drew on the teat back in '66.

What for do you asketh?

Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: East_TX_Spa on November 10, 2006, 06:59:21 pm
I apologize for my colorful language, I didn't realize that you were a lady. :-[


Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: GoBlue on November 10, 2006, 07:44:55 pm
If we would have to replace our spa tomorrow, my wife would absolutely have a lounger. She loves the wrist and foot jets.  At 5'4" It fits her just right.  
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: jgirvine on November 10, 2006, 07:56:01 pm
I apologize for my colorful language, I didn't realize that you were a lady. :-[


Honey child, I'm 50 something years old, was blessed by God to be born and raised in the great state of Texas....I just knew you was another native.....there is NOT ENOUGH of us anymore.

So I am not hijacking the thread.....we love our lounger.  We don't fight over it, but it is an unspoken rule in our family first one in the tub, gets the lounger.
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: Repeat_Offender on November 10, 2006, 10:26:23 pm
The most overrated and underused seat in my spa. I can take it or leave it. I agree with Tex, those calf jets are next to useless.
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: Bama on November 11, 2006, 01:45:58 am
My 2 cents.

My husband and I absolutely love our loungers!  They are our favorite seats.  In a lounger that fits, you can release all the tension in every muscle.  You are not using any muscles to hold yourself up...complete relaxation!
We have 2 loungers and 6 seats, two of the seats have jets that hit the tops of the shoulders, which is our second favorite seats.
To lounge is sheer delite!  
Some say they are pushed out of their loungers, that is not the case with us in our LA Spa Paradise H-2.    I did get pushed out of the seat of the Sundance Maxxus, but then being petite, I thought I was going to drown in it.
The jets of our spa are strong to the point I have to turn them down on the sensitive areas of my back.  
It is a personal choice, but we love laying back and watching football!

About those leg jets...I love them!   Stimulation to the legs is certainly good for woman who might otherwise develope varicose veins.  And all who may suffer from slow blood flow in the calves which causes  serious blot clots and cold feet.
My dad suffered from all the above and I don't intend to, so I do all I can to prevent it.  You can never talk me out of my lounger!
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: windsurfdog on November 11, 2006, 07:20:15 am
If you like stargazing, there's not a better seat in the house.  And though a lounge is designed for one person, if the tub gets crowded, there's plenty of room for two.  And then there's plenty of room for two if the tub is NOT crowded...... :-*
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: In Canada eh on November 11, 2006, 09:23:14 am
If you like stargazing, there's not a better seat in the house.

I agree with windsurfdog, best seat aroumd to stare at the stars!

When we were shopping for our tub my wife wanted the lounger and I thought I would rather have all chair styled seats.  Now to my surprise the roles are reversed it is I that likes the lounger and the wife likes the corner seat.
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: windsurfdog on November 11, 2006, 11:39:08 am
If you like stargazing, there's not a better seat in the house.  And though a lounge is designed for one person, if the tub gets crowded, there's plenty of room for two.  And then there's plenty of room for two if the tub is NOT crowded...... :-*
Another thing I forgot to mention...
When stargazing, especially when watching meteor showers, after the first 45 minutes or so, I will lie in the lounge without therapy pumps running.....sometimes for up to 2-4 hours.  And I haven't even begun to talk about how nice it is to drift off to sleep in the lounge.....aaahhhhhh 8-)
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: webboy on November 13, 2006, 03:03:32 pm
If you like stargazing, there's not a better seat in the house.  And though a lounge is designed for one person, if the tub gets crowded, there's plenty of room for two.  And then there's plenty of room for two if the tub is NOT crowded...... :-*
Another thing I forgot to mention...
When stargazing, especially when watching meteor showers, after the first 45 minutes or so, I will lie in the lounge without therapy pumps running.....sometimes for up to 2-4 hours.  And I haven't even begun to talk about how nice it is to drift off to sleep in the lounge.....aaahhhhhh 8-)

When you fall asleep do you wake up dehydrated and looking like a raisin? Is that safe? Or is it more like a power nap? My luck I would wake up the next day in skin soup!

Thanks for all the advice, I am going to go with one lounger, not two. Hey, if I don't like it (either way), I can always get another spa! ;)
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: jim97219 on November 13, 2006, 03:23:14 pm
A lounger is one of the most overblown sales tools in the industry.  Think about it...about the only difference between a lounge and a corner seat is that you don't have plastic on the back of your legs in a corner seat.  Granted, some lounges have little peehole jets on the back of the legs, but they are pretty worthless, especially the ones that invade your crack.

Lounge- You're reclined, your knees are up, there is plastic on the back of your calves and possibly peehole and crack jets.  Takes up a lot of space.

Corner Seat- You're reclined, your knees are up, there is no plastic on the back of your calves and there are possibly jets coming out horizontally onto your legs.  Takes up a little space.

I have a Hydropool hot tub and I have to admit that I do like the lounger.  It's quite powerful (definitely no "peeholes" here) and it will suspend me in "mid-water" quite nicely.  All that holds me in place is my head against the cushion. For me, it's great.  

On the other hand, I do have two complaints about it.  One, there's a jet on the wall, on same side of the tub as the lounger.  If I open that jet, it pushes me toward the center of the tub and I'm no longer "lounging."  I don't like it and don't understand what its purpose is.  So I just close the jet--problem solved.

The other thing is that I've discovered that there are two jets on the lounger that hit the back of my knees.  I wish it didn't; I'd rather it hit the back of my calves.  I'm 6'1" (1m 85cm) and I think it's height-related.  

The lesson in all this is:  Wet-test!!!!  Don't buy a tub unless/until you've done it!!!

Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: windsurfdog on November 13, 2006, 04:03:34 pm
When you fall asleep do you wake up dehydrated and looking like a raisin? Is that safe? Or is it more like a power nap? My luck I would wake up the next day in skin soup!

Thanks for all the advice, I am going to go with one lounger, not two. Hey, if I don't like it (either way), I can always get another spa! ;)
Raisin-ish....usually when I fall asleep.  Dehydrated?  Only if I've imbibed the spirits a bit too much... ;)  I find it to be perfectly safe...for me and it is usually more like a power nap but I have fallen into a pretty deep sleep before...but usually no longer than .5-1.5 hours.  No skin soup here though I my fingerprints probably won't match up for a while... 8-)
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: grumpy on November 13, 2006, 07:29:33 pm
love the lounge!!! It's the first seat I go to then venture around for a couple and finish my soak in the lounger! :D
Title: Re: To lounge, or not to lounge? That is the quest
Post by: wmccall on November 13, 2006, 08:24:43 pm
When we bought our tub, there were 3 of us living here. We bought a 6 person tub. The lounger is the least used seat, but its my favorite seat to use with no jets and and to watch the night sky.  Now, there are just 2 of us soaking each day  :'(   Unless I was buying a 2 or 3 seater tub, I'd buy another lounger.

Why does the wind blow north in Ohio? Because Michigan sucks.