Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: kellpup2112 on November 04, 2006, 09:48:06 am

Title: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: kellpup2112 on November 04, 2006, 09:48:06 am
I add stain and scale at fill-up and as part of my weekly maintenance. My dealer recommends 3 oz. at fill up and 6 capfuls (2 oz.) weekly. I read the directions on the bottle and it states to use 15 oz. per 10,000 gal. at fill up and 5 oz. per 10,000 gal. weekly. If my math is correct, that equates to 3/4 oz. at fill up and 1/4 oz. weekly in my 500 gal. tub. Why would the dealer recommend so much more? I don't like using any more chemicals than I have to, but at the same time I don't want to chance having deposits form on my heater/plumbing. I've also noticed that for a couple of days after adding this I get a white soapy looking film on top of the water when the jets are off. If I turn them on, it mixes and disappears, only to form again when the jets are turned back off. After a couple of days it's gone until I add stain and scale again the following week. What do ya'll think?
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: gturn on November 04, 2006, 10:01:45 am
I add stain and scale at fill-up and as part of my weekly maintenance. My dealer recommends 3 oz. at fill up and 6 capfuls (2 oz.) weekly. I read the directions on the bottle and it states to use 15 oz. per 10,000 gal. at fill up and 5 oz. per 10,000 gal. weekly. If my math is correct, that equates to 3/4 oz. at fill up and 1/4 oz. weekly in my 500 gal. tub. Why would the dealer recommend so much more? I don't like using any more chemicals than I have to, but at the same time I don't want to chance having deposits form on my heater/plumbing. I've also noticed that for a couple of days after adding this I get a white soapy looking film on top of the water when the jets are off. If I turn them on, it mixes and disappears, only to form again when the jets are turned back off. After a couple of days it's gone until I add stain and scale again the following week. What do ya'll think?
I'm no expert.  My dealer told me if I add "Metal Gone" by leasure time at a new fill it will prevent the staining and scale so I would not need to add all that other stuff.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: slimchance on November 04, 2006, 10:14:01 am
Go with CHEMICAL manufacturers recomendations.  They made the stuff and they know what it will treat.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: tony on November 04, 2006, 10:43:33 am
I am also a LT Metal Gon user.  Metal Gon sequests metals and is not a stain and scale product.  The Leisure Time stain and scale is Spa Defender.  I like the fact that I use two different products for two different functions.  I also believe in using both products.  My water is such that I need Metal Gon at refill.  Spa Defender is cheap insurance and protects pumps and heaters, though I don't need to use it.  I also like that these products are packaged for spas and not pools.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: Dr. Spa™ Ret. on November 04, 2006, 10:53:29 am
It looks like those directions are for a swimming pool. Depending on what the product actually is, it may be possible that the directions are different for the higher temperature water of a spa.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: Spiderman on November 04, 2006, 11:15:34 am
I use 1 oz of Rendevous stain and scale per week for a 225 gal Jetsetter, which is the recommended dose for my tub.  I also get some funky white/grey stuff floating around and clinging to the sides of the tub, which I was told is normal.  2 oz for a 400-500 gal tub sounds right, but I suppose it depends on the product being used.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: kellpup2112 on November 04, 2006, 12:16:17 pm
Thanks to all for the input. The stuff I use is made by All Clear, if that helps. I looked on the bottle but it doesn't show what chemicals are actually in the product.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: anne on November 04, 2006, 06:05:38 pm
I used All Clear for a while, as it was what came with my start up kit, but I now use Defender. I dont remember how much I added, but I followed the directions on the bottle. I never had any film or clouding using it.  
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: Gomboman on November 04, 2006, 08:12:43 pm
I don't use stain and scale very often because my CH is on the low side. Should I use it anyway for some reason?
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: Slappy on November 07, 2006, 12:30:39 pm
I'm with you Gomboman. The only thing I have ever added to my tub besides water, was metal-gone, chlorine and shock. I am 2 months into the tub and still haven't added anything besides chlorine and shock. My water is clean and clear. It seems odd to me to hear everyone talk about all these other chemicals and additives. Either I have exceptionally good water, or I'm royally screwing things up. I did a water sample test at the pool store last week and they say all is where it needs to be. Stain and scale remover, defender, foam down, Is it all a bunch of hype? What do you all think? I'd love to hear your opinions on this.

Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: windsurfdog on November 07, 2006, 02:18:01 pm
If one's water source is from a "reputable" municipal water supply, I believe neither Metal Gon nor Stain and Scale are needed if one bothers to keep water chemistry at recommonded levels.  This is the case for me...I've used neither in 2+ years of spa ownership.  Less is better--KISS.  On the other hand, if one's water source is well water, both MAY very well need to be used.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: Gary on November 07, 2006, 02:28:14 pm
Your source water is critical as to what you need to do to your spa, if a dealer states to add this or that and they have not tested your water, that information may be wrong.

In addition, if you are on city water most of the time you will not need a stain and scale or metal product.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: bosco0633 on November 07, 2006, 02:34:38 pm
Since I have only used the microban I have no clue about stain and scale.  Can someone enlighten me.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: tonyp on November 07, 2006, 02:50:36 pm
Thanks to all for the input. The stuff I use is made by All Clear, if that helps. I looked on the bottle but it doesn't show what chemicals are actually in the product.

I've used the Spa-Guard version and the Lowes version and neither lists the make up.  I use 2 oz. per week at my dealer's reccomendation.  He did test my water (very hard well water).  

BTW some city water is also hard.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: anne on November 07, 2006, 03:42:02 pm
Since I have only used the microban I have no clue about stain and scale.  Can someone enlighten me.

BTW- it is microPURE not microBAN. Microban is an antimicrobial coating or something added to filters and even spa surfaces.  ;)

You cannot/should not use any stain and scale with micropure, or you'll ruin your filter just like I did.  :P I chose to go to pleated filters for that reason.
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: bosco0633 on November 07, 2006, 03:43:50 pm
sorry about that anne.  I know not to use stain and scale, thats why I am asking what it is for.  I am just curious.  
Title: Re: Expert Opinions Needed: Stain & Scale
Post by: anne on November 07, 2006, 07:25:12 pm
sorry about that anne.  I know not to use stain and scale, thats why I am asking what it is for.  I am just curious.  

oh, I get it! Stain and scale is supposed to help decrease mineral build up. Defender, made by Leisure Time, says: "The Spa Defender is a second-generation blend of organic polymers designed to prevent scale formation, aid in the removal of existing scale, and to help prevent precipitation of dissolved solids in spas or hot tubs. Once spa or hot tub water becomes saturated with minerals (dissolved solids), salts begin to deposit. These deposited salts then serve as reaction sites on which new calcium crystals begin to grow. The Spa Defender interferes with the rate and the normal pattern of crystal growth. Once crystal growth is altered, the calcium build-up is inhibited."

Now, I'm glad that you asked, because previous to reading this, I thought that Defender also prevented other metals/minerals from being a problem. I guess that is up to Metal Gon. Now that my calcium level is not so high, I may not bother with Defender until checking Ca at the next refill.