Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: East_TX_Spa on November 04, 2006, 02:25:14 pm
East Texas Spa:
You arrive at one of our beautiful new showrooms:
You are warmly greeted by a friendly, knowledgeable salesperson:
You browse the showroom floor looking for the perfect spa for you and your family:(
You are reassured that you are dealing with a professional organization that will take care of your spa throughout it's lifetime:
You are offered a fine beverage and invited to indulge in the spas themselves in one of our Mood Rooms:
Should you ever have water care questions, a quick trip to the water testing station will provide you with the answers:
Water care products? They are readily available:
Need some spare parts for your spa? We have them:
Great! You've found the spa you've always wanted. Let's check inventory and delivery dates:
Good news! We have the spa you're wanting in stock at the warehouse:
Our delivery crew springs into action from their loft offices by sliding down the Spa Pole:
They race down the highway (always observing the speed limit and traffic laws) to arrive on time with their precious cargo:
Carefully, they maneuver the spa into position. Senor Tony has been doing this for over 19 years now. He is a professional. Un pequeno Mario provides the muscle:
They fill your spa, help your electrician properly wire it, demonstrate how easy it is to operate and maintain, and then leave you and your pride and joy to become aquainted with no evidence of ever having been there....except for your new spa:
Showroom looks really nice. Looks like you all put a lot of effort into making it look so good.
Great looking showroom! What was the skirting on the Solana SX in the photo
Showroom looks really nice. Looks like you all put a lot of effort into making it look so good.
Thank you. We just moved in last week and it is still a bit messy. I thought it looked fantastic! The Shreveport store is supposed to be even nicer. I am very jealous. :'(
Holy S#$%, that's spectacular! :o :o :o
There's no showroom in St. Louis remotely as nice as yours.
Congats! on your new home.
BTW, nice tile work. :)
Great looking showroom! What was the skirting on the Solana SX in the photo
It is the Endurol plastic cabinet. The color is Taupe. :D
Holy S#$%, that's spectacular! :o :o :o
There's no showroom in St. Louis remotely as nice as yours.
Congats! on your new home.
Thank you. There tain't too many in East Texas neither. ;D
I didn't see the "Koolaid" dispenser anywhere. The cabinet is really cool on the Solana, What colours are available (In Canada we use a "u" in the word "colour", dont stress about it y'all)?
I didn't see the "Koolaid" dispenser anywhere. The cabinet is really cool on the Solana, What colours are available (In Canada we use a "u" in the word "colour", dont stress about it y'all)?
Taupe or Taupe...that's it. However, you can paint it Avocado Green, Harvest Gold, Candy Apple Red, or Hot Pink if you so desire. ;D
Maybe if you were to ship a bunch of N2 cartidges up here, all the Canadians could get together and send you down some real beer to offer as a " fine beverage" for your customers ;D
Hey Term,
Thanks for the amazing pics! That is a really sweet set-up you have. You must be very proud of your showroom. We can tell that you love what you do! And you seem to be very successful at it - BONUS!
But I gotta say, the combination of hot tubs and guns creeps me out.
Call me a pacifist Canadian but I can't understand the attraction to weaponry. I see a tub and a gun in the same pic and all I can think is "horror flick". :(
No, don't explain. There's no need to justify to anyone what you do or how you live. I just don't get it, that's all. Cultural differences! :)
Maybe if you were to ship a bunch of N2 cartidges up here, all the Canadians could get together and send you down some real beer to offer as a " fine beverage" for your customers ;D
The Essence of Life itself in a little yellow box:
But I gotta say, the combination of hot tubs and guns creeps me out.
Call me a pacifist Canadian but I can't understand the attraction to weaponry.
Tools of the trade, my friend:
Besides, please understand my predicament....I have to defend the southern US border from the Mexicans and their Mariachi bands as well as fight off invading Canadians with their hockey sticks and Zambonis. I'm stuck in the middle and am simply trying to be prepared for all possible scenarios.
Besides, please understand my predicament....I have to defend the southern US border from the Mexicans and their Mariachi bands as well as fight off invading Canadians with their hockey sticks and Zambonis. I'm stuck in the middle and am simply trying to be prepared for all possible scenarios.
I am shocked that someone from Texas even knows what a Zamboni is ;) The Stars seem to be just a niche team or is it because the " combination of hot tubs and guns" kind of fits in with a good hockey game
Seriously, Term I wish you had a franchise up this way. Great looking showroom and you really do seem to take care of your customers.
My local Sundance dealer is a complete hack compared to you and your setup -- I'm jealous.
Hey, question regarding the lattice panels around the tub in the close-up picture of the BEvERages -- is that a HotSprings product or can I get something like that at any Home Depot? Looks like exactly what we want -- where can I find it?
All Sundance dealers are complete hacks compared to you and your setup -- I'm jealous.
Hey, question regarding the lattice panels around the tub in the close-up picture of the BEvERages -- is that a HotSprings product or can I get something like that at any Home Depot? Looks like exactly what we want -- where can I find it?
They make good stuff!
I saw something similar at Lowes and Home Depot. They come in 3 different colors. Red, gray, and natural.
the lattice panels around the tub... can I get something like that at any Home Depot? Looks like exactly what we want -- where can I find it?
Home Depot carries vinyl lattice just like this! You need to build your own frame though.
Tx, I cant believe how common guns are in texas. Here in Canada, if I see a gun, someone gets shot!!!! It is absolutely incredible. It must be scary being a police officer down in Texas with all the guns.
Other thant that, your store looks amazing!! I cant believe the outfit that you work for. I have been impressed, and I must say, if I walked into an outfit like yours, I would seriously consider buying a tub from your company. Keep up the good work.
Tx, I cant believe how common guns are in texas. Here in Canada, if I see a gun, someone gets shot!!!! It is absolutely incredible. It must be scary being a police officer down in Texas with all the guns.
Other thant that, your store looks amazing!! I cant believe the outfit that you work for. I have been impressed, and I must say, if I walked into an outfit like yours, I would seriously consider buying a tub from your company. Keep up the good work.
Thank you (and everyone) for your kind words. I am very lucky to work where I do and sell what I sell. I don't have to hide from anyone when I go out in public!
I have my Concealed Handgun License and travel pretty much everywhere heeled, either using a Walther P-99 9mm or a Sig 220 .45 caliber. Got a .308 battle rifle with about 200 rounds in the trunk for when things get out of hand. :D
Sounds and looks familiar. We keep our weapons concealled though.
I keep my weapon in my pants and use harsh language.
Works every time.
Very nice Term. Is the first picture your store? Looks like business is doing very well for your team. First class all the way.....
I keep my weapon in my pants and use harsh language.
Works every time.
That's what all you guys say................
Many comlpliments on the new store, The layout is awesome well spaced and not cluttered at all. A store like that makes you want to spend money.
Hope you have a lot more continued success with the new store
Looks great. The closest I have seen to it is MJB's Sundance store here in Columbus. If your testing room/changing area matches theirs, you really have something.
But I gotta say, the combination of hot tubs and guns creeps me out.
Call me a pacifist Canadian but I can't understand the attraction to weaponry.
Tools of the trade, my friend:
Besides, please understand my predicament....I have to defend the southern US border from the Mexicans and their Mariachi bands as well as fight off invading Canadians with their hockey sticks and Zambonis. I'm stuck in the middle and am simply trying to be prepared for all possible scenarios.
East tx, what is the purpose of the large cylinder on the end on the rifle, is it a silencer? This picture is a frightening thought considering the sniper shootings in Washington and Virginia, not to mention other parts of the country that took innocent lives of the unknowing. I guess we never know who we are driving past, or who is looking down the barrel when we are getting gas at the local gas station. This is kind of scary, but to you I suppose this is normal and OK??????
I guess it is all in how YOU SEE things. :o
That large cylinder with the vents in it is for cooling the barrel during those times when ya just can't seem to keep your finger off the trigger.
The preceding commercial was brought to you by...........
Tx, I cant believe how common guns are in texas. Here in Canada, if I see a gun, someone gets shot!!!! It is absolutely incredible. It must be scary being a police officer down in Texas with all the guns.
Probably because your gun laws are so restrictive that only criminals and the police have them. Law abiding gun owners present no threat to society. It's the criminals you need to worry about not their tools.
Tx, I cant believe how common guns are in texas. Here in Canada, if I see a gun, someone gets shot!!!! It is absolutely incredible. It must be scary being a police officer down in Texas with all the guns.
Probably because your gun laws are so restrictive that only criminals and the police have them. Law abiding gun owners present no threat to society. It's the criminals you need to worry about not their tools.
I smell a political Gun debate coming, better arm yourself.
Nice looking store, looks like you have a successfull thing going on down there.
There were a few dealers similar looking to yours in my neck of the woods as well when I was shoppingl.. The problem I found is those dealers charged way too much, and didn't budge on price.
Law abiding gun owners present no threat to society.
Law abiding gun owner?
Owning a gun isn't really the issue. It's thinking that you need to carry one "just in case" that is the sad part. :(
"OK, Honey. We're off to the beach with the kids. Make sure you pack the sunscreen - and don't forget the pepper spray!" Why should good people feel that they have to carry weapons just to feel secure?
Sorry Term... This thread didn't start out being about guns. It's about your store - and that's a real beauty. Next time I'm in Houston visiting family maybe I should look you up and we could have a cold one in your showroom. Not many dealers around here can say that they treat their customers as well as you appear to.
Law abiding gun owners present no threat to society. It's the criminals you need to worry about not their tools.
True, but I'd rather meet a criminal without a gun than one with one. Problem is, most of them ARE allowed to have one.
Nice looking store.
guns-smuns. THe US constittion allows for it. Don't even get me started about states regulating it, or here in MA local police cheifs carry the power to deny you a permit. Arrrrrrrgh.
Anyhow, Term you guys have a first rate operation there, it shows it your posts, your pics and in your success. :D
Gorgeous showroom! I didn't see any showrooms like that around here! That showroom would definitely impress me if I was shopping for a tub in your area. Best of luck in your new location!
Select fire weapons can enhance anyones hot tub experience!
That pic just strikes me as a weird attempt to spur people into a debate.
Very nice Term. Is the first picture your store? Looks like business is doing very well for your team. First class all the way.....
Thanks Gomboman! Unfortunately, that is our Tyler, TX store and I'm in Longview, TX. The new Shreveport, LA store is supposed to look even nicer. My store is the smallest and ugliest at this point, but plans are in the works to bring it up to snuff.
East tx, what is the purpose of the large cylinder on the end on the rifle, is it a silencer?
In real life, it would be referred to as a suppressor. Since it is on an Airsoft rifle (plastic BB gun), it is used as a tracer unit that illuminates glow-in-the-dark BB's when they exit the barrel. The BB's look like lazer beams at night.
This picture is a frightening thought considering the sniper shootings in Washington and Virginia, not to mention other parts of the country that took innocent lives of the unknowing. I guess we never know who we are driving past, or who is looking down the barrel when we are getting gas at the local gas station. This is kind of scary, but to you I suppose this is normal and OK??????
I agree, the world can be a scary place at times and there are definitely some nutbuckets out there. That is why I choose to take the responsibility to do everything I can to protect my family, friends, associates, and neighbors. There are many, many folks who would rather be responsible citizens than unwitting victims.
I guess it is all in how YOU SEE things. :o
Thank goodness the founding fathers of our country saw fit to create the Second Amendment to enable us to protect ourselves from folks with evil intentions. It is truly a shame that so many people don't excercise their right to do so. An armed society is a polite society. :)
These are perfect for the kids. :)
Nice looking store, looks like you have a successfull thing going on down there.
Thank you.
There were a few dealers similar looking to yours in my neck of the woods as well when I was shoppingl.. The problem I found is those dealers charged way too much, and didn't budge on price.
They are probably just as successful as we are. What's funny is that our customers don't seem to think we charge too much. I believe they are really happy that we are here year after year to service them when they need us. It's kinda sad (not really) that none of our local competitors (except for the Bullfrog dealer) ever stick with the same brand of spa for more than a year and don't even service the spas they sell. Folks around here don't seem to mind giving us their business in droves. We're very thankful and fortunate. :)
True, but I'd rather meet a criminal without a gun than one with one. Problem is, most of them ARE allowed to have one.
Actually, there are over 20,000 gun laws on the books, most of them specifically there to PREVENT criminals from owning them. The funny thing about criminals is that the majority of them don't seem to like to obey the law. Now, if they would just OBEY the laws like you, me, and Santa Claus, it wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, they don't. :(
Nice looking store.
Thank you. :)
Actually, there are over 20,000 gun laws on the books, most of them specifically there to PREVENT criminals from owning them. The funny thing about criminals is that the majority of them don't seem to like to obey the law. Now, if they would just OBEY the laws like you, me, and Santa Claus, it wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, they don't. :(
This in a nutshell illustrates exactly why gun control laws don't work.
Criminals don't obey laws.
simple concept, but remarkable how many don't understand this, though.
Cant wait for the next commercial............ :-X
Very nice setup term and I like the AR-17. Guns are good, you Canadians do not understand.
I think us canadians do understand!!!! Lower mureder rates caused by guns, oh yeah we get it and I could say for the most part we like it. But lets not get into a political debate, history has shown us to be a non violent nation. Thats not to say the states have done it wrong, or that Canada has done it right.
I would just argue that the right to bare arms was needed during revolutionary times, but now weapons seem to constantly go into the wrong hands of individuals. This is through break and enters and the ever increasing underground weapons trades.
Sorry, just my two cents just like your two cents.
Very nice setup term and I like the AR-17. Guns are good, you Canadians do not understand.
I'm not Canadian.
Its certainly not that simple: "guns are good" "guns are bad".......people are good/bad, and guns are very powerful tools that should not be in *most* peoples' hands, as they are either too dumb or careless or evil to have them. Bosco is totally correct- the right to "bear arms" just does not apply to society today.
Brewman, I have no solution. Society has evolved and is constantly evolving. Gun rights are part of your history and it would be a difficult task to change. But then again 20 years ago society viewed smoking as the norm and homosexuallity as taboo. Times change so must we.
This is what our old showroom looked like:
Not too bad, but it was time to relocate after 17 years.
The way we inventory the spas is on racks in the warehouse. When someone orders a spa, the spa, cover, and any accessories are placed in a slot and numbered. When it's time for delivery, Tony looks up the service order, takes everything out of the slot, and loads it on the truck:
We also store spas for our customers that are building new homes or decks, free of charge:
Sick spas get brought to the warehouse where they are completely checked out and made good as new:
Brewman, I have no solution. Society has evolved and is constantly evolving. Gun rights are part of your history and it would be a difficult task to change. But then again 20 years ago society viewed smoking as the norm and homosexuallity as taboo. Times change so must we.
I decided to pull my post that bosco was answering. I see no point in beating this topic to death anymore. I have my opinion, you have yours. I'm not out to change your mind, and you won't change mine, so I'm done "making commercials" on the subject. :)
Just like you to keep bringing the discussion back to hot tubs in an attempt to spur debate ::)
Looks great. The closest I have seen to it is MJB's Sundance store here in Columbus. If your testing room/changing area matches theirs, you really have something.
This was the mood room at the old store. We had 5 spas up and running. We'll only have 3 at the new store, but we'll have a nice changing area with couches, tables, and Sybians.
...we'll have a nice changing area with couches, tables, and Sybians.
( ----> Preferably with the Sybian "in use"!
Do you have a central warehouse that serves all your stores or does each retail store have a separate warehouse location
Do you have a central warehouse that serves all your stores or does each retail store have a separate warehouse location
Our warehouse is in Tyler and serves all 3 of our stores.