Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Mr. Dutch on November 01, 2006, 09:59:41 pm
Hi Everyone. Well, I was pretty set on buying a HS Jetsetter when our Jacuzzi dealer called me this afternoon and informed me that they also carry Artesian spas and have a "ruby" model on closeout for $5,000. It would still fit on my deck and would cost $1,000 less with more seats, jets, pumps, etc. I haven't researched Artesian much and was curious for your thoughts. I don't necessarily need a tub that size,but it seems like a lot of tub for 5k. Just when I thought I had made up my mind! Anyhow, I'm going to go check it out in a day or two. Any feedback on Artesian or my decision dilemma would be appreciated.
Mr. Dutch
There are a couple of Artesian tub owners here that are all happy with thier tubs. As for the size thing, bigger is better, we have a Bullfrog 451 and in hindsight we should have bought the larger 562 or 552 models
Good luck and the Artesian sounds like a good deal
Great spa especially at that price! I would jump on that like it was Jessica Alba. ;D I think it usually goes for 7-8k. So hopefully it meets your satisfaction.
Good luck,
I would have to agree that bigger is better My little marquis 315 was just fine and still is but I'm already planning a upgrade.Hopefully I'll get a good buy back on a less than 8 month old tub ey.In all fairness I have to say I went with the 110 model.Only reason was I felt that $4000 was enough to spend to find out if these things were gonna meet our needs.Does the job for now but we know were gonna want more jets and power.
I have a gold series and I'm very happy. Wet test it and see if you like it.
That price sounds about right. I paid $6177 for my Opal in July and it was a leftover 05.
The Ruby would absolutely be the better buy.
The Jetsetter would absolutely be the better buy.
I would wet test definatly. the price for the ruby ceratainly is appealing...
But with the hotspring, you;re getting the moto, and a tub you know will last many years and be spot on for insualtion and therapy...
We wet tested an Artesian and loved it and should receive it within 2 weeks. I've heard great things about them on this site. Just looks to me like you would get more for your money with the Ruby. The Jetsetter has no leg looks really plain....although the Motomassage might make up for that!
I'm with bohms. He made a great purchase with his Piper Glen but the Ruby looks much more appealing to my eye than the HS. Jets are the key for us so I would go for the Artesian. Plus, they have very complaints on this forum or on Pool and Spa or the BBB. They are lesser known than HS and produce less units, but they seem to do a real nice job. The PG was our second choice and I'm sure we would have been very happy with it. Good luck and do your research on features for both in addition to wet testing.
i agree with bigger is better.
but i disagree with more power and more jets are better
wet test is the only way to find out.
[size=16]Don't buy the Artesian[/size]
Unless you liked the wet test and want a great tub at a great price
I haven't wet tested the Artesian yet, but I am going to try and arrange for it this weekend. I don't want to buy a tub just because it's bigger and less money, but if it's a quality product and I like the way it feels, I might go for it. AGGHH!! So confusing! Vinnie, are you saying that Artesian makes a great product and that I should buy it if I like the way it feels?
In case Vinny doesn't chime in, which he will, He really enjoys his Artesian. He was making a joke and for what it's worth I wet tested a few myself and was really impressed. Just didn't like the dealer.
I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but looking at the two pics, and for the price, why wouldn't you buy the Artesian? Man the HS looks almost barren!!! Now I know a wet test is the all-important decider but the Artesian looks like it has more jets in one seat than the HS has in the entire spa!!!
Let us know what you decide.
Quality is not cheap you get what you pay for.
Artesian makes a great tub and it's quality is the same as any other "quality" tub.
Haven't wet tested the Ruby, but I'm another VERY HAPPY Artesian Piper Glen owner!