Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: gores95 on October 27, 2006, 09:03:44 am
I had some extra time this morning so I snapped off a few more pics of my setup. A couple of weeks ago I put away all our tables, chairs and tiki bar. Only a few chairs, the firepit and the tub remain. The deer are VERY agressive in our area. You can see they started to much the mums on the left. I figured being on the patio i wouldn't have to spay them...guess I was wrong. :-/
Note the outdoor temp was 29 degrees this morning here in NW NJ. The frozen water in our birdbath is testament to that! Frost everywhere (including the top of my spa cover, which is a good thing). I had cranked the heat to 104 last night and sure enough this morning my digital thermometer read 104.2!!!! I may even take a quick soak before leaving for work. Anyway enjoy the pics!
Looking back at my pics, why do all white tubs' water look light blue? You would think with a white background it would look, well, white! Could it be the reflection of the sky???
All chems, etc. in just about normal range BTW.
Nice set up. I am very impressed with the pavers. Looks like it's also getting a bit frosty out there. :)
How have you found getting into the tub where the lounger is? I know you were concered about it. How has it worked for you?
Nice set up. I am very impressed with the pavers. Looks like it's also getting a bit frosty out there. :)
How have you found getting into the tub where the lounger is? I know you were concered about it. How has it worked for you?
Thanks Drew. Pavers are Techo Bloc and our contractor recommended them. More expensive but worth it. As for the lounger no problems yet. In the next few weeks I am going to remove part of the railing of the deck and install a small gate to the tub which will make our walk shorter in the winter. I am also thinking of buying one of the small Leisure time steps and put it on the left side of the tub (looking at it from the control panel) so we have another entrance not at the lounger. The current steps are too big to fit there now so the "main" entrance will always be at the lounger. No big deal though!
Those are awesome pics, Marc! You've created a true backyard oasis. I also like that your neighbourhood doesn't have fences (yet?). Feels like you back onto a park.
Looking back at my pics, why do all white tubs' water look light blue? You would think with a white background it would look, well, white! Could it be the reflection of the sky???
Actually, I think that the water looks pale blue for the same reason that the sky and the oceans look blue - the bending of light. Because if its wavelength (uh-oh! techno-babble) the blue light gets bounced around more by the water molecules so that's the colour we see. It's so faint in a small body of water like this that only the light-shelled tubs make it noticeable.
OK. Going back to crawl under my rock now. :-[
nice setup, I really like some of the choices you made .. Looks like you have some hot air leaking into your attic though..
Great Looking place. The pavers really make it look great. The placemant of the Tub is really good use of space also.
nice setup, I really like some of the choices you made .. Looks like you have some hot air leaking into your attic though..
Hey Sled where did you see that? The roof this morning was also completely frosty but I want to see if you are pulling my leg or I missed something!
Marc, that is some of the prettiest paver work I've seen. 8-) It looked so good that I actually thought it was stamped concrete at first. :-? I noticed an outdoor shed out in the distance, I guess that's where you go when the wife "puts you in the doghouse.'' ;D ;D Btw, what kind of draining system did they use, as it seems like the patio has a pretty nice fall to it. I too went w/ a Platinum color shell and personally like the blue hue to the water. It really illuminates the leds at night and makes for a cleaner looking tub. I kind of compare it to toilet bowls,(Iknow how gross) but you can only tell if something is spotlessly clean if it is white. This is also why I own a pearl car. I love keeping my baby spotless. 8-)
Marc, that is some of the prettiest paver work I've seen. 8-) It looked so good that I actually thought it was stamped concrete at first. :-? I noticed an outdoor shed out in the distance, I guess that's where you go when the wife "puts you in the doghouse.'' ;D ;D Btw, what kind of draining system did they use, as it seems like the patio has a pretty nice fall to it. I too went w/ a Platinum color shell and personally like the blue hue to the water. It really illuminates the leds at night and makes for a cleaner looking tub. I kind of compare it to toilet bowls,(Iknow how gross) but you can only tell if something is spotlessly clean if it is white. This is also why I own a pearl car. I love keeping my baby spotless. 8-)
Thanks for the kind words. The patio really does not have a drainage system other than to gradually funnel water to where the paver path meets the patio. This is on the opposite side of the spa. We've had a few good rains, inluding one expected tonight and tomorrow and thus far no issues...knock wood!
To the right of the speaker.
Are those HTD outdoor speakers? If so I have the same ones.
To the right of the speaker.
Are those HTD outdoor speakers? If so I have the same ones.
Actually Polk Audio outdoor speakers. They CRANK! I did look to the right and couldn't see anything. Sould I lbe ooking under the eaves or on the roof itself? You can see the wires running up to the eaves.
I love those pavers, and the border looks great, too. Great job.
Where did you get your steps? I have the exact same spa...
Where did you get your steps? I have the exact same spa...
California Designs. I was actually turned onto them from another member of this forum, giraffeattheoasis. They are VERY well made and heavy. I purchased the 48" step in sahara (white) and coastal gray along a sahara/gray planter. You actually cut the large planter in half to get two! They shipped directly to me so no middle man which was nice. I think the total cost was around $250-260 with shipping.
I highly recommend them and they should last forever!
Gores.....thanks for more pics.
You have a great set-up.
Love your shell color.
That pic with the steam....makes ya wanna JUMP IN!
Marc a job well done! :)