Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: brian_tr on October 31, 2006, 06:02:34 pm
Over the last week I have noticed my Ozone Icon is not being displayed any more. The circulation pump is running. I have a Sundance Cameo with CD generator. What should I check? How long is the generator under warranty? My tub is almost 5 yrs.
You could've done this......right????? ;)
I did look at that but was not sure if the Ozone generator would be covered. I thought the generator had a short life time and might not be covered but I guess what you are saying that it is. When something is under warranty there are usually some parts that are not covered. Any how is there something I could try to get it to come on.
It is time to buy a new ozonator. Your dealer will tell you, if it is not consuming electric, drawing amperage, it is not working. After five years, it has lived it's useful lifetime. It is time for a new one and it comes with a 1 year warranty, part only.