Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: wmccall on October 19, 2006, 03:29:05 pm

Title: Poll of the week
Post by: wmccall on October 19, 2006, 03:29:05 pm
I hope it snows 24" on Comerica field next week. ;)  Nothing against the Tigers, which have been a great story, but I think MLB is just dragging the season out way too much.


The best time to own a hot tub is in the winter!
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: pg_rider on October 19, 2006, 04:02:56 pm
Two storms so far this fall in Colorado Springs, each with about 1-2" accumulation.  First dumping didn't last more than a day, but we're into our third day with snow on the ground here from the most recent storm...  SUER WISH I HAD MY TUB TO ENJOY IT!!! :D  (coming on Tuesday)
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: dsegel on October 19, 2006, 04:35:18 pm
Never saw snowflakes with red "x's" on them!!!!  :D

Just kidding, just kidding, just kidding!   ;D
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Tman122 on October 19, 2006, 04:41:18 pm
Nothing like a little snow to hot tub in.
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Spiderman on October 19, 2006, 07:28:31 pm
 Nothing against the Tigers, which have been a great story, but I think MLB is just dragging the season out way too much.

If the Nat'l league wasn't so bad, maybe someone could actually win a series in less than 7 games!!!  ;D  The Tigers have been sitting around waiting for the Mets or Cards to take charge.  I guess we'll finally find out today; someone has to win.................... ::)            Tigers in four games in the WS.
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Chas on October 20, 2006, 12:56:21 am
We are going Waterskiing tomorrow morning. What is with you cold-climate types!

OK, I admit I will be wearing a shorty wetsuit, but the lake was very nice last week.


Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Chas on October 20, 2006, 11:29:39 pm

It was a very nice day. Daughter got up on a Kneeboard, very excited. Son almost made it up on wakeboard, still very excited. And sore.

Friend got up on wakeboard, looked good, very sore.

I could not get up on slalom ski, did a bit of Kneeboarding and had fun driving everyone else around.

Weather was chilly till the sun got up a little, then warm and pleasant. Water was a bit cooler than two weeks ago, but still not bad.

I'm going for a soak - I have sore places I forgot I had places.

Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: wmccall on October 21, 2006, 10:27:07 am
I love water skiing. Never "got it up" on one ski either.
Title: keeping it spa-related
Post by: Chas on October 21, 2006, 02:30:03 pm
Well I have done a bit of skiing on one ski before. I actually enjoyed knee-boarding and a bit of Slolam competition as well. But I ended my skiing with a back injury long ago. Now that I am getting skinny again, my back is not giving me any trouble - go figure - so I thought I'd give it a go again.

Got a boat in September - but it's not a competition style ski boat, more of a runabout. It just doesn't have the power of a ski machine - V6 vs. V8 - so I have to refine the technique instead of relying on brute horsepower.

Sort of like getting a wonderful massage from a spa with two horsepower motors takes more technical expertise than just slapping some seven horsepower mega-motors on...


Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Brookenstein on October 21, 2006, 03:22:31 pm

Where do you go boating?  
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: tileman on October 21, 2006, 03:49:48 pm
     I live in St.Louis and I'm a very big Cardinal fan.  I'm not going to start arguing about baseball on a spa forum, but watch what you say about the Cards and try to educate yourself about them as they have been a National League power house for a very long time. I can't even remember when the last time Detroit has done anything besides the '84 WS. Their is noway they will sweep. Don't get me wrong they have a great team THIS YEAR but the series will be alot closer than you think. Tileman    
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Chas on October 21, 2006, 05:39:40 pm
Where do you go boating?  
So far we have taken it out to Lake Casitas for general running around and testing it out. You can't ski at Casitas, so we have taken it three or four times to Lake Piru, and that's where we were yesterday. Bit smaller, but so far on weekdays we have had the whole lake to ourselves.

I am looking forward to going up to the Sacramento River Delta - near Stockton, CA - when I get some time. My aunt has a place up there called "Turner Cut" with covered berths, campgrounds, a restaurant, and a very nice guest room for family. She doesn't even charge me the $5 launch fee, and I can tie the boat up at her private dock over night.

I will also be trying Lake Pyramid, and Castaic Lake - might even take her out to Castaic tomorrow just to check things out.

Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: MostlyLurkingGal on October 21, 2006, 08:33:56 pm
I lived in the Castaic Lake area for 20 years....( Newhall/Canyon Country). Thanks for that Pic Chas....
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: ndabunka on October 21, 2006, 11:14:45 pm
Interesting that this turned to water skiing.  I was a competitive skier in High School and was ranked 2nd in the State of NC in 1980 (5'10" @ 145lbs at the time).  Went to college and walked onto the ski team.  Intended to try for a scholarship but it seemed that 3 buoys @ 35 off every other time out was only good enough to place me about 4th in the hiarchy (no schlorship).  Quickly realized that the guys I was tying to ski against on this particular team (NorthEast Louissana) were pretty much pros.  So I started to do more jumping and got to about 162 feet as a best effort (other guys at the time were going 180+ regularly).  Barefoot was a fun event and even used to do tumble turns and ski backwards (could never do the 1-foot reverse though).  Funny but now-a-days I hardly ever get to ski much and when I do, I'm sore (I still think I can do 70% of those things...I suceed only about 20% of the time though... Da'oH!)  We do have a "new Years Day" barefoot contest on our lake here each year. My brother (bigger feet) was able to stay up something like 8 laps around (15 minutes or so).  VERY, very familiar with shortie wetsuits as you can not do many of these things without one.  I can still get up from a deep water start with nothing but a shortie.  However, I can only get a couple buoys @ 28 off now adays.  I guess that not TOO bad for a 190lb, 44 year old goat!
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: wesj53 on October 23, 2006, 03:04:07 pm
Am I ever happy to read about other "old" guys that still waterski. And ndabunka, you're just a youngster compared to this 53 year old who still slaloms and even gets up on one ski. And regrets to our moderator who can't "get it up". (I think there are some new drugs out there that can help with that problem.) And we don't have an official ski boat; rather an 18' open bow runabout so lots of drag until you pop out!

Golly Chas, I thought you were skiing at Lake Mead based on that first pic. Regardless, pretty areas of CA to ski at. Here in metro Chicago to get decent, clean water without a lot congestion, you've got to travel to middle of WI or MI. Our lake up in northern WI is quite prisitine with very little traffic, so falling doesn't jeopardy your safety.

Any of you guys still snow ski? Haven't been out west for 20 years but as my oldest son is working for United, I'd like to plan a trip in the next month or two while the family can still fly free (wife and I) or at discounted prices for the siblings. Any snow yet in CO or Utah?
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Hot Tub Guru on October 23, 2006, 04:52:07 pm
We have had a few dumps of snow here in Breckenridge, CO.  A few ski resorts are open.  Yes I've been snowboarding this winter.
Title: Re: Poll of the week
Post by: Gomboman on October 23, 2006, 11:52:32 pm
It was 85 degrees at my place today. I would do anything to take a tub in the snow.....