Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 09:43:41 am

Title: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick questions...
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 09:43:41 am
Hey after many months of searching, shopping and agonizing our Geneva is being delivered today!!  ;D

Of course there is rain predicted in the NE and the tub is being delivered about 3:00.  Do spa companies typically deliver in rain?  How long approximately does it take for setup from start to finish?  Electrical is obviously run and the spa will be installed in a relatively easy and accessible spot.

Also do you tend to tip the guys who install the spa?  I know the owner will be one of the crew so not sure if I should also tip him or just his crew?

Thanks and let me know if there are any other tips/suggestions I should be looking out for.  BTW we will be using Dichlor to start and I will also be picking up some MPS in the next couple of days.

Hopefully all goes well and we will have a nice soak before bed tonight!!!  ;)


Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: Stemay on October 17, 2006, 09:45:53 am
Our spa delivery had to be rescheduled because of rain.  They said the spa could get slippery and harder to grab onto.  

Oops!  Tipping!  Didn't even think of it.  Oh dear!  Should we have tipped?  Oh goodness!  We were so caught up in the excitement of the tub that we never even gave it a thought.  I hope I didn't make a big faux pas.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick que
Post by: drewstar on October 17, 2006, 09:52:05 am
I didn't tip my delivery guys. But then again, they did $5000 worth of damage to my driveway.

Once the tub is in place, the electrical needs to be connected.  The the fill up (Figure about an hour), and then heating the water. Most folks say report thier tubs raise about 4-5 degrees an hour or so.  I'd think if the truck arrived at 3:00, it's a straight forward install/postiion, and the electrical was a snap, you'd be adding water around 5:00 or so, and a 400 gallon tub with  60 degree water off the'd be hitting 90 temps around 4:00 a.m. But's that's more of a WAG than fact.

I'd say,  if everything goes well, then plan on having your first soak with a cup of coffee and tomorrow morning's paper.  ;)

Also, will they be installing the cover lifter? Ozone was optional on my tub and the dealer came out the following week to install the O3 (however, you can use the tub without the lifter, or O3).  But do make sure you have some sanitizer before using the tub.  Your dealer propbably could give you a better guesstimate on completion.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 10:02:58 am
A Covermate III lifter will be installed.  03 is standard and I already have the steps.  So the only issue is bringing in the spa, hooking up the electric, then filling/chems.  My dealer is 45 miles away and I know he has two pool closings before my install.  

I have a sneaking suspicion that he is going to postpone delivery...
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: Repeat_Offender on October 17, 2006, 10:33:06 am
I tipped my delivery/setup guys $50. They worked hard and it was 90 degrees that day. The tub fills in less than an hour and mine heated up at approx. 10deg per hour so i was in it that night.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: patty on October 17, 2006, 11:01:42 am
Tip?  Ooops I didn't think of that either.  :-?

Our spa (485 gals) took under an hour to fill.  It heated almost 6 deg/hr.  Started heating approx 6pm .. Starting temp was 64... Reached 100 degrees a little after midnight and we had maiden soak shortly thereafter. ;)

Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick que
Post by: vlady on October 17, 2006, 12:07:37 pm
Congratulations on the new spa.

I wasn't sure about tipping and never thought about it until I read about it on this forum.  I asked my salesman before delivery if tipping was expected or customary.  He told me no that the guys delivering the spa were employees and they did not expect any tips.

When in doubt, just ask.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: kervis on October 17, 2006, 12:24:45 pm
I did not tip either.  Delivery and set-up was included, and I figured it was their job.

It's really not the same thing as a hair cut or a meal out.

If it was a Friday night and I was their last delivery, I would break out the beer for all of us while it filled.... :)
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: SugarBear on October 17, 2006, 12:26:54 pm
Congrats on the new tub.  I would not plan on "dipping" into the tub until sometime tomorrow.  The Northeast is getting the weather that they had in St. Louis yesterday.  As for tipping, the hired help, as long as everything that is supposed to be done, is done, then yes.  The owner already got his tip.  Happy tubbing!
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 04:13:49 pm
Update....just received a call from the shop and they are stuck in traffic not far from my house.  Should be here within an hour.  Amazing that they are still coming and I will definitely give them a little something.  Braving the cold and rain deserves a little green, no?   ;)
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: RobRoy on October 17, 2006, 05:23:58 pm
YES it does, they work hard and you will probaly have a lot of questions for them. You just spent a lot of money, what does a few more dollars gonna hurt.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 05:34:56 pm
5:35 pm update.....they are here and struggling in the rain.  Getting dark and cold too.

These guys are NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 06:14:37 pm
6:15 a REALLY tight fit in its space.  They blew up some balloon type of thing and are trying to fit it in.  These guys are working HARD.

I will get some pics up tonight after (if) they manage to get it set up.

Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: tileman on October 17, 2006, 06:19:40 pm
Congrats!!!!! Genevas are really nice. All your shopping seem to really pay off. :) As far as tiping goes, I always do in someway. Whether it be $$$$, food, drinks or anything else that shows you really apreciate a good hard worker. Working a manual labor job myself, I can really say its nice to know that a homeowner thinks more of you than just a grunt. It's those yuppie ones that never get their hands dirty who snub you not only with tips but with a condescending demeaner that really pisses me off! >:( Hope all goes well, so you can enjoy spatopia tonight. 8-)  Tileman
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: sledjunkie on October 17, 2006, 06:23:41 pm
I wouldn't tip, unless of course they brought a pizza with them.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: tileman on October 17, 2006, 06:29:35 pm
Yeah, you must be a junkie.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 06:35:40 pm
I wouldn't tip, unless of course they brought a pizza with them.

They deserve it believe me!  I am also supplying the pizza!!!

A quick pic snapped with my camara phone:

Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: East_TX_Spa on October 17, 2006, 06:40:17 pm
Having worked as a waiter in my younger days, I ALWAYS tip unless the service is absolutely horrible.  I sometimes tip 100% or better if the service is great.  The waiters and waitresses REALLY appreciate it and they always remember me the next time I go in.

Regarding tipping the delivery guys, our guys don't expect it (they're very well paid, the crew chief is probably pulling down $60K or better).  However, on the rare occasion that someone is appreciative enough to tip them $20, 50, or 100, they remember that person and go above and beyond if need be in the future.

Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: Spatech_tuo on October 17, 2006, 06:44:40 pm
I wouldn't tip, unless of course they brought a pizza with them.

Why doesn't that surprise me?
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: tileman on October 17, 2006, 06:49:46 pm
Lookin' good and making me really jealous, I still have one more week.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 06:54:26 pm
Couple of things.  The guy in charge is actually the owner of the store.  He is with one of his crew.  In putting the spa in the damage thus far is a broken diverter valve which he told me of course he would replace.

I figure I will give them $40 and dinner.

Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: tileman on October 17, 2006, 07:07:14 pm
Wow, that's more than enough. But for a day you guys are having I'd say they deserve it.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: autoplay on October 17, 2006, 07:24:57 pm
Lookin' good and making me really jealous, I still have one more week.

What spa did you purchaSe Tileman?
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: tileman on October 17, 2006, 07:50:04 pm
Jacuzzi's J-345.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: Bonibelle on October 17, 2006, 08:17:57 pm
Gores, We expect you to be up at sunrise to get some more pictures. Your set up looks great!  I agree, it is nice to tip them. I feel bad that I never thought to do that when my spa was delivered.   :-[I was too busy with the video camera (to show my kids).
Just wait until morning when you look out and see your beautiful tub on your deck...hopefully you are off work tomorrow!
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: sledjunkie on October 17, 2006, 08:41:05 pm
Have him fix the diverter valve. Give him a $40 tip, make them dinner, and have him throw in another set of filters. Done Deal!
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: Bonibelle on October 17, 2006, 08:56:45 pm
and I would ask for a new car and a trip to the caribbean, after all the darn guy waited until it rained to deliver! ;)
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: NWHotTubber on October 17, 2006, 09:25:46 pm
Inagural soak requirements:

For starters make sure both parties have referred to, read and understand  the "Romance vs.  clean water... " thread.


1) wake up partner @ 2:30 am
2) check to see if water is warm enough
3) No suits allowed

Good to go  ;)

Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: gores95 on October 17, 2006, 09:35:31 pm
Inagural soak requirements:

For starters make sure both parties have referred to, read and understand  the "Romance vs.  clean water... " thread.


1) wake up partner @ 2:30 am
2) check to see if water is warm enough
3) No suits allowed

Good to go  ;)

Unfortunately my wife is not that adventurous on a work night!  I can see myself trying to wake her up at 2:30 and getting my a-- kicked in the process!  
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: NWHotTubber on October 18, 2006, 10:40:37 am

Unfortunately my wife is not that adventurous on a work night!  I can see myself trying to wake her up at 2:30 and getting my a-- kicked in the process!  


Glad my hubby did't think that way when I woke him at 2:30am on a Wednesday night/ Thursday morning... and he had 8am meetings Thursday....  :o
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick question
Post by: Silent Water on October 18, 2006, 12:25:05 pm
Tipping.... hmmm.   :-[ I didn't think of that but it makes sense to me. I had planned on breaking out the beer once they're done, but maybe a bit more will be called for when the tub gets here...

As a student, I spent a few years in landscaping and remember that any gesture of thanks and appreciation goes a long way.
Title: Re: Spa delivery TODAY!!  Couple of quick que
Post by: drewstar on October 19, 2006, 09:41:51 am
Tipping: Reminds me of an old joke where the generous, but dim witted wife is trying to figure out how much to tip all the help around the holidays.  She asks "Well, what about the milkman"

The exsaperated  and very cheap husband says "The milkman? Who tips the milkman?!?! Screw Him!  Give him $1 if you must!

To which, the next day,The wife meets the milkman at the door dressed in a very sexy nightie, and  treats the milkman to a wondefrul romp in the sack,  after which the wife promptly gives him one dollar.