Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: geekd on October 03, 2006, 01:17:54 am
Hey all. I did a search, but I didn't find anything.
Tonight I notice the SoothingStream water feature in my 2006 HS Grandee was running slow. It used to "overflow it's banks" when I turned it all the way up (or even halfway), but tonight it was running pretty low.
Yesterday I cleaned the filters (Tri-X). Could I have put them back in wrong? Is there and "upside down" to the Tri-X?
The jets seemed at their usual power tonight.
Thanks in advance for any help.
The only filter that could affect it is the one over the grey standpipe. Try that first. You may need to have a tech out to replace/ or check the valve.
Thanks, hottub.pool_boy.
When I remove the filter from the gray standpipe, and the Everfresh thing, the water flow in the stream is still slow.
I'm not real concerned with that. My concern is this:
I know the pump that powers the Soothing Stream is the circulation pump. This is the pump that continuously filters my water, right? Is this a sign that my circ pump is clogged or otherwise flow-impaired?
The ozonator bubbles seem the same. The jets seem just as strong.
If you have ozone, the circ. pump is fine. Sounds like a problem with the waterfall valve.