Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: Augustus on September 23, 2006, 09:02:04 pm

Title: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Augustus on September 23, 2006, 09:02:04 pm
Holy Cow!  This thing's big!  

It's my nature to want the biggest, baddest, most souped-up spa that I can get...or so I thought.  Wet tested the Maxxus today at the dealer and I was really disappointed.  For me, there was nothing relaxing at all about the experience.  It was a constant struggle just to say planted in the thing.  There was so much turbulence that I was being pushed around all over the spa.  I'm 6'0" 180lbs.  I thought my poor girlfriend (5'4" 110lbs) was going to drown.  Also, I never could get the jets turned down enough to be comfortable.  My back was numb after 20 minutes and it was more painful than anything else.  

This was my first wet test and I really wanted to like this spa.  On to the next one...

After today's experience, I'm thinking that I might just want the most basic thing that I can get.  Maybe "therapeutic" just isn't for me.  I want something that me and a couple of buddies can just relax and drink a beer in.  I don't want this to be an exhausting experience.  Has anyone else felt this way?
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: NWHotTubber on September 23, 2006, 10:03:24 pm
Do you have a Hot Springs dealer in your area.  I am really impressed with the moto massage.  Along with you can turn it down so you have less turbulence.   Of course I would say that since we are waiting on ours to be delivered  :)

The Vangard is also a nice one, just a little smaller than the Grandee.  We went with the Grandee for the times that our kids will be in with us.  Which may be more often than we want   :-/  (I am sure we will be sneaking out there after they go to bed 8-) )

Have fun in Wet Testing  :)
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Augustus on September 23, 2006, 10:16:48 pm
Yes, I have a HS dealer nearby.  I'm going to wet test the Vista on Monday and hopefully some of their other units as well.  The dealer's Grandee doesn't have water in it at the moment, but hopefully I can test it soon.  Also considering the Envoy.

My girlfriend really likes the loveseat option in some of the Sundance models.  Does any other premium spa makers offer a loveseat?
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: In Canada eh on September 23, 2006, 10:32:38 pm
Sorry to hear you didn't like the Sundance, they do make a very good tub.  

If you were looking for a little more flexibility in available jets and pump size check out a Bullfrog.   You can order the tub with whatever pump you want 2.5hp to 4.8hp.  They offer single and dual pump tubs with or without a circ. pump.   Jet packs are completely interchangeable, so just pick out the ones you like during the wet test.  They don't offer a tub with a love seat but the 552 model has two loungers

                                                   Good luck with your search
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: The_Pa._Lady on September 23, 2006, 11:18:15 pm
We have a HS Prodigy that was deliverd a month ago.  We just love it.  The jets are adjustable, seating is great, enough leg room, seats 4-5.  We didn't have to look long, we found the Prodigy and knew that was the one for us.  Good luck on your search.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: patty on September 23, 2006, 11:54:15 pm
This was my first wet test and I really wanted to like this spa.  On to the next one...

After today's experience, I'm thinking that I might just want the most basic thing that I can get.  Maybe "therapeutic" just isn't for me.  I want something that me and a couple of buddies can just relax and drink a beer in.  I don't want this to be an exhausting experience.  Has anyone else felt this way?

We had a similar experience with HS actually.  Our first wet test was in a Grandee and I could not stay put, very stressful and exhausting.   Left the dealer disappointed because I wanted to like it.  That said, we found the more wet tests we did, the better we got at them.   Took a couple times to learn how to control the tubs so that we were comfortable.  

Keep looking and wet testing. As you try more spas you'll see what works for you, and what doesn't.   Don't feel funny about going back and asking to wet test a second (or third) time, or asking to wet test a different model.  

Sounds like the Maxxus was just too big for you.  We ended up purchasing an Optima (for our family of 4) but wet tested about 5 or 6 brands.   We saw the Maxxus on the showroom floor and  my family literally stood gawking at it ... it's absolutely enormous!  (kinda like a Hummer compared to a Trailblazer)

Maybe there are other Sundance models that would be a better fit.  Hot Spring, Artesian, Maquris, Jacuzzi, Arctic are all great brands.  If you don't care for the strong jets look for a spa with 2 speed pumps.  We tested Caldera Elation and the lower speed is a less intense massage... Have fun shopping!
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Garyjr on September 24, 2006, 12:04:56 am
Sorry as well to hear about your experience.  We have had our Maxxus for a little over a month and enjoy it at least twice a day.

Like others have mentioned, wet test as many brands as you can and you will find one that suits the both of you to a T.

Question for some of the experts out there.  I realize everyone's chemical make-up is slightly different.  However, how is it that 2 people the same size can soak and have completely different experiences?  For example, when we wet tested HS with the MotoMessage lounge seat, neither my wife nor I could stay put in it.  Try as we might, we kept floating out.  However, our friends who are currently tub shopping had the dead opposite experience in the same HS tub.  Although our wives are different heights, my friend and I are both right at 5'9" and weight right at 180 lbs.  


Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: anne on September 24, 2006, 12:39:45 pm
My girlfriend really likes the loveseat option in some of the Sundance models.  Does any other premium spa makers offer a loveseat?

I'm sure there are a number of them out there. That is one feature that I like about my tub- It is an Arctic Summit Legend. In general, three of the corners have very sculpted seats, which I really like, but it does limit sitting close to someone else. But one corner of the tub has a "loveseat" or bench that is not at all sculpted with armrests and the like, so it is perfect for two people who want to be able to cuddle up.


This link shows all their models. Looks like the Avalance also has some couple-friendly seating arrangements.

Seems like a number of HS spas have pretty open seating, and I think Artesian has a couple sort of like the Legend with a longer right next to another seat with fairly open seating....
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Augustus on September 24, 2006, 07:18:50 pm
That is one feature that I like about my tub- It is an Arctic Summit Legend.
Thanks for the reply.  Your spa looks like something that I would be interested in, but there isn't an Arctic dealer anywhere close to Houston, TX.

Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: wmccall on September 24, 2006, 07:24:30 pm
My girlfriend really likes the loveseat option in some of the Sundance models.  Does any other premium spa makers offer a loveseat?

I think this might be an overated idea. As much as I love my wife, the last thing we want to do after spending a couple of minutes in 104 degree water is be that close.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: anne on September 24, 2006, 09:49:01 pm
My girlfriend really likes the loveseat option in some of the Sundance models.  Does any other premium spa makers offer a loveseat?

I think this might be an overated idea. As much as I love my wife, the last thing we want to do after spending a couple of minutes in 104 degree water is be that close.

Then turn it down to 102! ::)
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Mendocino101 on September 25, 2006, 01:30:16 pm
Based on your experience you really should try soaking in a Epic by Marquis. very strong but very comfortable jets, The Tri Zone concept from Marquis addresses your exact experience. If you do test soak one give your self a good twenty minute soak or longer.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: thearm on September 25, 2006, 07:00:19 pm
Are you kidding me!!!!! To close in a hot tub with your wife. I was under the impression after therapy Hot tubs were best for spicing up your love life. Hard to do if you don't want to touch each other. As Jim Rome says WAR HOT TUBS, WAR LOVING YOUR WIFE IN AND OUT OF THE HOT TUB.  [smiley=shocked.gif] [smiley=kiss.gif]
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: hymbaw on September 25, 2006, 08:16:40 pm
  Also, I never could get the jets turned down enough to be comfortable.  


The jets wil turn down all the way to "off".

I'm sorry your dealer didn't show you how.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: martyz4 on September 25, 2006, 09:07:23 pm

 :-?we just got our maxxus last week. it is wonderful. you can turn on just the one pump at a time. you can change the direction of the jets or turn each individual one off. it is the most comfortable one we wet tested.

i'm really disappointed at the outcome of your wet test. maybe with this new knowledge you could try it again. i'd definately go to a different dealer though.  ::)seems you didn't get all the info you needed for a fair decision.

good luck!
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Augustus on September 25, 2006, 10:49:52 pm
i'd definately go to a different dealer though.  ::)seems you didn't get all the info you needed for a fair decision.
That's very possible.  My local Sundance dealer leaves a little to be desired.  Very friendly and accommodating, but probably didn't provide me with enough information about the product.  Also, the wet test environment wasn't very good.  
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: wesj53 on September 26, 2006, 10:37:07 am
No offense to those Maxxus owners, but IMO, Sundance didn't make very good use of the enormous footprint of this tub. There are really only 4 active seats with one cooldown. My wife and I thought a better choice in the Sundance line was the Optima. Smaller footprint but 5 active seats with center footwell that we like. Then we saw the Artesian Platinum series which we thought was a lot more spa for the money, especially when you get 62 jets and 5 pumps, with individual controls for every seat! Then we saw the Arctic Tundra and the overall quality, jet configurations (for EVERY part of the body), armrests for the 4 slightly reclined corner seats, and other assorted features sold us. The Legend series is loaded; not cheap, but hopefully well worth the price we paid.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: sledjunkie on September 26, 2006, 10:47:00 am
So how much did you pay?
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Augustus on September 26, 2006, 12:01:44 pm
No offense to those Maxxus owners, but IMO, Sundance didn't make very good use of the enormous footprint of this tub.
That was kinda my feeling.  It's a huge tub, but seating is very limited.  Could have been a smarter design.  

Also, there's no intimacy in the Maxxus.  Not a good tub to spend quality time with your significant other in, nor is it really the type of tub that you would want to hang out in with friends and talk.  The dealer told me that 2 of the local professional sports teams have purchased the Maxxus for their clubhouse.  That seems to be the perfect use, imo...big athletes needing true hydrotherapy.  In the unit I tested, the jets were strong enough to peel the skin off your back.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: wesj53 on September 26, 2006, 01:48:33 pm
So how much did you pay?
"Original" price was $16850 but between dealer and mfg discounts of $4300, the final tally was $12500 but I ordered everything except the stereo. So vs a Grandee which the dealer was selling for $13k and the extra perceived value I think I got from Arctic, I thought it was a fair price. Our other "finalists" were the Artesian Platinum series selling for $10500, the Vita Rendevous which was selling for around $12-13k, and the Sundance Optima for $9500 (but with only 39 jets). The base Legend series (without the Therapy air, Aroma Therapy, Northern Lights (LED computer-generated lighting system), the Forever Floor, and the Peak Ozone system. 61 water jets (hitting every part of the body); 14 air jets so we went nuts with this thing. Yeah, we could have bought something cheaper, but we've saved our $$ and decided to spend more for a unit that fit us, was comfortable, had the layout we liked, and for quality features that would last more than 6-8 years.  Too many of the spas we tested had fewer jets (which our family likes) and with bodies of ranging in heights from 4'11" to 5'11", we also had floating and sizing problems. With that being said, maybe we didn't find that PERFECT spa, but the Tundra came closer to our likes and needs than any other in the market.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: wesj53 on September 26, 2006, 01:50:17 pm
Sorry, typing too fast. To clarify, we got the Legend SE series with all the options that are NOT part of the base Legend series as I tried to describe.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: sledjunkie on September 26, 2006, 02:30:27 pm
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: martyz4 on September 26, 2006, 05:00:59 pm
the maxxus actually can seat more than 4. it has 2 cooling seats. 1 buy the waterfall and 1 where the step is. we did just get it so i am still in spa heaven. i LOVE everything about this spa. we got it with the stereo and remote. heres a picture.


Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: Bama on September 28, 2006, 10:57:39 am
Holy Cow!  This thing's big!  

It's my nature to want the biggest, baddest, most souped-up spa that I can get...or so I thought.  Wet tested the Maxxus today at the dealer and I was really disappointed.  For me, there was nothing relaxing at all about the experience.  It was a constant struggle just to say planted in the thing.  There was so much turbulence that I was being pushed around all over the spa.  I'm 6'0" 180lbs.  I thought my poor girlfriend (5'4" 110lbs) was going to drown.  Also, I never could get the jets turned down enough to be comfortable.  My back was numb after 20 minutes and it was more painful than anything else.  

This was my first wet test and I really wanted to like this spa.  On to the next one...

After today's experience, I'm thinking that I might just want the most basic thing that I can get.  Maybe "therapeutic" just isn't for me.  I want something that me and a couple of buddies can just relax and drink a beer in.  I don't want this to be an exhausting experience.  Has anyone else felt this way?

I FEEL YOUR PAIN or rather your girlfriend's pain!  
I too nearly drown in the Sundance Maxxus, plus my muscles were strained while trying to hold myself down.
 I too wanted the biggest baddest thing I could get.   Not trying to sell you here, but if you truly want big and bad-azz, then check out the LA spa Paradise H-2.  It is a rectangle shape, 650 gal tub, 93" X 133".   There are neck jets that reach as high as cervical spine #3.
There are jets for every area.  I chose the LA Spa Paradise H-2 because it fits all the requirements of my doctor's prescription.   I like the open well in the center, because it allows me to do water aerobics in the center.  This thing is nearly the size of a swim spa.
Good Luck,
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: tanstaafl2 on September 28, 2006, 05:53:07 pm
My girlfriend really likes the loveseat option in some of the Sundance models.  Does any other premium spa makers offer a loveseat?

Might look into Vita if that is in your area. Both the Rendezvous

and the Cabaret

Have this kind of option and tend to have a lot of available options and flexibility in pumps and power they produce. I wet tested both and liked both but decided on a another brand in the Vita family that had a more open configuration similar to the Sundance Optima, which I also wet tested.

I know I have seen several other brands with a "love seat" configuration to include some of the really big Cal Spas but don't know if that brand is in your area. There are probably others that do that as well but can't think of the ones I have seen like that.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: wesj53 on September 28, 2006, 06:04:51 pm
Hey tan, I was going to look at the Rendevous but never made it to the dealer (I bought an Arctic Tundra just before my visit to Vita). Have you wet tested one? How was it and were you quoted a price? No buyers remorse, but just curious as this unit really attracted my attention with it's 3 volcanoes, huge footdome, 12 calf jets and the rest of it's unique features.
Title: Re: Wet Test:  Sundance Maxxus
Post by: tanstaafl2 on September 29, 2006, 04:50:36 pm
Hey tan, I was going to look at the Rendevous but never made it to the dealer (I bought an Arctic Tundra just before my visit to Vita). Have you wet tested one? How was it and were you quoted a price? No buyers remorse, but just curious as this unit really attracted my attention with it's 3 volcanoes, huge footdome, 12 calf jets and the rest of it's unique features.

I did indeed wet test the Rendevous and liked it. The love seat jets have an option for a wave motion action where the rows of jets can be activated in different patterns. One problem was that the foot "ridge" in the bottom was really too close to some of the seats to be very comfortable for me at 5'12" compared to the Reflections Grananda I ended up buying. I have since learned that I like the foot action of just sticking my feet in the volcano jet more than using the specific smaller foot jets.

But the main issue for me was cost. The Rendezvous is the top of the line for Vita and was at least 11K I believe not counting stereo and probably not counting the wave seat feature and maybe some other options as well (although can't remember for sure) and mine was considerably less. The Granada that I bought is the same general size as the Rendezvous but had the four corner configuration I was looking for. The Vita Cabaret was available for about 9K in my area but is a little smaller.

Unfortunately no Arctic dealer in my area as I would have been interested in seeing those. The Tundra has the 4 corner configuration that I like.