Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: gores95 on September 25, 2006, 11:08:33 am

Title: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: gores95 on September 25, 2006, 11:08:33 am
Just purchased a Caldera Geneva and are still awaiting delivery.  I am just realizing there is  only one drink holder on the spa if you can call it that!  Not THAT big of a deal but I am wondering what others are doing to remedy this if your tub also lacks them.

Saw a few options and wondered if anyone has seen these or owns them?  

Anytime Table (A&B):  


Spa Caddy:


Spa Aquamate:


Leisure Accents Spa Bar:


Inflatable Spa drink holders (one floating, one not):



California Designs side bar:


Freestanding Spa Table (A&B):


I think I would prefer a freestanding unit (not crazy about putting holes in synthetic cabinet) unless someone assures me that its no big deal.  The spa caddy seems like the quickest solution and I could attach a couple to the side of the spa.  I would prefer maintainance free but the A&B stuff looks great!

Any other suggestions?


Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: PattiB on September 25, 2006, 11:29:01 am
Good Morning

Congratulations on your new tub. We have just put money down on a C series Caldera tub. In Canada it is a special going on. The tub is as close to a Geneva, but just scaled down some. Less jets, no outside lighting, and a few others.  It's a great tub . It also has no beverage holders. Sounds like I don't like this tub but, we are really, really excited to get this tub and it's perfect for us and the price. Those are great suggestions for a beverage holder alternative. Something to think about. Christmas is coming and those are great gift idea for the hubby..... and kids too... thanks again. Patti
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: TN__HOT_TUB on September 25, 2006, 11:58:41 am
I'd suggest giving it a couple weeks before you go buying a bunch of accessories.  You migh find that you can manage without something you just had to have.

By the way,  my tub has a couple spots for beverages and the outer ledge on my tub works quite well.
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: Garyjr on September 25, 2006, 12:19:42 pm
I too would wait and see if you really need the holders before buying them.  My tub has a built in area that will hold around 6 drinks, but I find that the side ledge is where our cans/glasses end up sitting most of the time.

Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: lskarp on September 25, 2006, 12:24:59 pm
I agree, wait it out.  OUr filter lid flips over to hold 6 glasses and a bunch of ice to cool a bottle or 2 of wine/etc.  I can say we have only used it once.  

I prefer not to have stuff by the water that can fall into the water.
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: drewstar on September 25, 2006, 12:25:33 pm
Before purchasing a side mounted table or caddy,  remember to take a second look at your tub and make sure the cover, and the cover lifter won't interfere with it.  ;)
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: anne on September 25, 2006, 01:43:42 pm
I would second Drew's opinion, and also I'd say wait to see if you need them. My tub has a holder (a small round indentation only) at practically every seat, but 2 of them are to the RIGHT of the seats, and I'm a leftie. I find that there is enough flat area for a drink to sit without a holder. I use wide based plastic cups.
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: gores95 on September 25, 2006, 03:49:53 pm
Good points everyone.  It seems the consenus is to save my money until the spa is in and I can see what will fit and what will not fit!   ;)

The spa is being installed in a corner of my patio against the deck and a low retaining wall...surrounded on three sides.  It does make sense to be patient but seeing these accessories causes me to chomp at the bit!!!  I will take the overwhelming advice and wait until it is installed to measure and proceed.


Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: drewstar on September 25, 2006, 03:57:37 pm
Good points everyone.  It seems the consenus is to save my money until the spa is in and I can see what will fit and what will not fit!   ;)

The spa is being installed in a corner of my patio against the deck and a low retaining wall...surrounded on three sides.  It does make sense to be patient but seeing these accessories causes me to chomp at the bit!!!  I will take the overwhelming advice and wait until it is installed to measure and proceed.



That's an excellent idea Marc.  There are a ton of extras you can buy, and it's good to be aware of them, but like you, I think it's best to wait a bit and see how things pan out before loading up on all the extras.  Good luck with your tub.  :)
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: vlady on September 25, 2006, 04:13:47 pm
I bought a package of these.  They work great.  
Set of 4 for $9.95 plus $5.00 S & H
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: ndabunka on September 25, 2006, 04:18:28 pm
I agree with the hold off comments.  There are NO drink holders on my Jacuzzi J-370 but there are PLENTY of places to sit drinks (Between the waterfalls, either side of the electronic controls on the opposite side, etc) so even though I didn't think that much about cup holders, I have found that they really aren't necessary (at least im our case).
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: gores95 on September 25, 2006, 04:36:07 pm
I bought a package of these.  They work great.  
Set of 4 for $9.95 plus $5.00 S & H


Those look great and the price is right!  Did you buy them online?


Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: vlady on September 25, 2006, 05:16:43 pm
Yep, I bought them online.  They will stick to anything!  The company I bought them from doesn't have them in stock anymore but I found this website that has them at the same price that I paid.
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: realjet on September 25, 2006, 06:26:30 pm
I have the spa caddy and I really like it. It swings out of the way.
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: Brewman on September 25, 2006, 06:37:12 pm
There is a plastic insert I can buy for my Optima ($35) that has a few cutouts that goes in a slot on the filter cover.  Not exactly convenient for anyone.

So I say my spa has 2 drink holders per person- one left hand and one right.

I might build myself some of those shelves one of these days (right!)
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: Snowbird on September 25, 2006, 06:40:02 pm
I agree with the hold off comments.  There are NO drink holders on my Jacuzzi J-370 but there are PLENTY of places to sit drinks (Between the waterfalls, either side of the electronic controls on the opposite side, etc) so even though I didn't think that much about cup holders, I have found that they really aren't necessary (at least im our case).
My 385 also has no drink holders.  We just use the flat spaces and it works fine.  For those times when we need more space, we have the Spa Aquamate pictured above.  We use it for the cell phone, the remotes for the TV, VCR/DVD and stereo.  On Sundays when it is cool out we read the paper in the tub and I put my specs on it.  The paper gets a little damp, but we are going to toss it out anyway.  I'd like it better if it had a few holders, but I'm not upset because it doesn't.
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: geekd on September 26, 2006, 01:08:06 am
I plan to build a spa side bar similar to the ones that were posted.  One of the pictures had a built in towel rack.  That's a good idea...  hmm.....  :)

Jeeze, I just corrected 4 spelling errors in 3 scentences, and I've only had 1 mojito!

Some of those bars are expensive.  I just don't see it.  I have some left over Trex deck boards.  That plus $20 in lumber, a nice afternoon and maybe 20 or 30 curse words, and I'll have a nice bar that matches my deck, and fits my spa exactly.

My Grandee has 3 or 4 "cup holders".  I put that in quotes because they are just flat spots with a slight lip.  However, they are slightly tilted to the outside, and in practice work surprisingly well.

On the subject of building stuff, I've seen some wrap around stairs that look really nice.  Hmmm....

Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: imp etc on September 26, 2006, 12:05:19 pm
Our J-220 has two drink holders, plus a couple of flat spots appropriate for a water bottle (last night we had flute glasses out there for the lovely bubbly Prosecco).

:) Our plan is to build a couple of shelves into the corners of the gazebo, just a few inches from the lip of the tub - as drink holders, or possibly for that romantic candle or two . . . ::)

Just need to wait and see how the soon-to-be-obtained cover lifter changes things . . .

Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: Vinny on September 26, 2006, 09:11:03 pm
My spa has 3 holders on the lid and the sides are wide enough in some locations to put down a drink ... but it seems we (or I should have said I) never really have a drink in it.

And if it hasn't been said ... NO GLASS!
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: Jack_L on September 27, 2006, 12:39:51 am
I have a small wooden picnic table (no benches) that I set next to the spa. I try to discourage drinks in the holders cuz all it would take is someone to not pay attention and then I have a drink in the spa.....  I'm sure it will happen eventually.......  The table is about 6" below the top of the spa so any spillage should stay outside!!  
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: NDfar on September 27, 2006, 01:21:49 pm
Our spa came with a 18 inch round table with 4 recessed cup holders that screws into the center of the foot dome.  We have no problem getting around it as long as we rotate the same direction.   :D
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: wesj53 on September 27, 2006, 08:43:18 pm
Our spa came with a 18 inch round table with 4 recessed cup holders that screws into the center of the foot dome.  We have no problem getting around it as long as we rotate the same direction.   :D
That's unique. What kind is it?
Title: Re: Does your spa have enough drink holders?
Post by: NDfar on September 29, 2006, 09:13:29 am

Its a Islander