Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: pg_rider on September 27, 2006, 10:24:04 am

Title: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden hose?
Post by: pg_rider on September 27, 2006, 10:24:04 am
I read somewhere that there are filters to attach to your garden hose for use when filling a hot tub.  I'm assuming they would help filter any nasties out of the water before it hits the tub, but is it worth it?  If so, where would I find one?
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: lskarp on September 27, 2006, 10:29:09 am
Depends....  I don't need it with the yummy West Palm Beach city water.  But i woudl take the water in and see what if anything is in the water that may point into getting a pre filter for your hose.
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: nicker on September 27, 2006, 10:59:28 am
Never heard of them.  I don't think you would need them with city water.  Well Water maybe??

I have never had a problem with water from my tap.
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: jfish63 on September 27, 2006, 11:07:36 am
I think I have seen one advertised with Hot Spring spas maybe?
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: drewstar on September 27, 2006, 11:38:44 am
A  lot of dealers and supply places carry them. Not just Hotsprings. I've seen prices anywere from $19-$50 for these units.  They attatch to the end of your garden hose and are advertsied as being able to remove:

Rust and minerals
Dirt and Sediment
Iron and Copper
Oils and Minerals
Calcium and Sodium
Gas and Magnesium
Fungus and Algae

If you have decent water, I wouldn't worry about it. However, I am told if you have well water or a history of water problems then these may not be a bad idea.

How's your water?
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: pg_rider on September 27, 2006, 11:44:39 am
Water seems good, but I have yet to fill a tub with it.  It's city water.  I had it tested the other day at my local spa dealer and they said it was spot-on wrt pH, alkalinity, etc.  Not sure they checked for any other stuff though...

Sounds like this sort of device wouldn't give me much benefit -- thanks for the inputs!
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: Brewman on September 27, 2006, 12:22:31 pm
One thing to consider is that you can go to a Big Box home store, to the plumbing section, and purchase one of those Omni filter housings- they are made to connect to your incoming water piping, but can easily be adapted to work on a garden hose.
 You have all sorts of options availble for what kind of filters you want.
Some units have multi cartridge capabilites.  
  But if your tap water is good, don't bother with any filtering.  I don't have problems with iron, sediment, or other things- just high alkalinity, and no filter can help that.
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: gores95 on September 27, 2006, 01:24:15 pm
Not to hijack a thread but can you bring in a water sample to ANY local dealer and have them analyze for free?  The dealer I bought the tub from is quite a ways away from us.

I would be buying all my chems from the local guy so at least he will be getting my money from the chem purchases.
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: bosco0633 on September 27, 2006, 07:27:58 pm
I remember an article posted last year suggesting that you use a filter on the hose for people on wells.  For just tap water I would suggest that you dont need it.  Once your water gets treated you should not have any issues.  Unless your tap water has high minerals etc.  I have read articles that high levels of certain minerals can turn the water, ie.  copper
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: Vinny on September 27, 2006, 07:52:07 pm
Not to hijack a thread but can you bring in a water sample to ANY local dealer and have them analyze for free?  The dealer I bought the tub from is quite a ways away from us.

I would be buying all my chems from the local guy so at least he will be getting my money from the chem purchases.

If you plan on using the local dealer then make a visit once you get the tub with water to be tested and buy some chems. Make sure that you become known to them and I'm sure they'll do it for free ... of course you can always buy a Taylor kit and then go anywhere to buy chems!

As far as the filter, I would probably not buy it unless you really have a problem. I could see a problem with using such a filter - air locks in the pumps. The way Artesian and from what it seems like others suggest is to stick the hose into the filter housing for the filter (or circ) pump. I don't think you can do that with the filter attached.
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: geekd on September 27, 2006, 09:34:52 pm
When I bought my HS, I was going to get their hose filter thingie.

I asked my dealer and he said it does nothing for San Diego city water.  Not that we don't have impurities (I tested the tap water with a 6-way strip and the "total hardness" was way high), but he said the hose filter doesn't help with what San Diego has.

San Diego - beyond help.  Heh.  That's a good description of our city council.

Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: In Canada eh on September 27, 2006, 09:51:52 pm
One thing to consider is that you can go to a Big Box home store, to the plumbing section, and purchase one of those Omni filter housings- they are made to connect to your incoming water piping, but can easily be adapted to work on a garden hose.

Keep in mind that no filter will remove dissolved solids and all it will trap would be any sediment in the water service.  If you are on city water I wouldn't waste my money, if you are using well water or the neighborhood fire hydrant to fill your tub you might want to buy one.  

My advise would be to take your water to your local dealer or ask your town to supply you with a listing of whats in the water, it should be available though the water department.   If neither are convenient any environmental lab could perform a very in depth test for about $30
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: Brewman on September 27, 2006, 10:08:37 pm
Well water is where one of these would work- for possible removal of iron if that's a problem, and sediment.  
 People on city water would hopefully not need any type of filter unless their water distribution system was full of junk.

Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: hottub.pool_boy on September 28, 2006, 08:37:16 am
You can buy one right here.
Title: Re: Can I / Should I buy a filter for my garden ho
Post by: Jack_L on September 29, 2006, 03:13:14 am
If you want to filter your water just put an old t-shirt over the end of the hose and let the water run through it.  Anything small enough to go throuh a t-shirt I sure wouldn't worry about, your normal tub filters or chemicals will take care of the rest.......

Just an idea...   I'm on city water and I wouldn't worry about it myself.