Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: gores95 on September 22, 2006, 07:44:21 pm

Title: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: gores95 on September 22, 2006, 07:44:21 pm
We just bought a Caldera Geneva and it will be delivered in a few weeks.  I am not even sure if the actual temperature is displayed or if it is just the set temp.  Does anyone know what spas show BOTH?  I just assumed this would be the case on my Caldera....was I wrong?  And if not is this a big deal???

Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: badval on September 22, 2006, 08:11:15 pm
Mine (Leisure Bay) briefly changes to the "set" temp when you push the temp ^ / v buttons, but otherwise always displays the water temp.  
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: wmccall on September 22, 2006, 08:12:27 pm
My Dynasty shows both. It was on option I deemed neccesary when I was buying a spa.  My friends have a low end spa with no display at all and they have to open a panel to change the temp.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Repeat_Offender on September 22, 2006, 08:41:13 pm
Mine does too, the default display is the current water temp.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: autoplay on September 22, 2006, 09:23:53 pm
My 2003 Caldera Geneva Utopia displays both.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: gores95 on September 22, 2006, 09:44:01 pm
My 2003 Caldera Geneva Utopia displays both.

That makes me feel better since I just bought the '06 Geneva.  Can you toggle back and forth or does it stay on one or the other?  I would think I would like the display to show the ACTUAL temp.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: anne on September 22, 2006, 09:49:34 pm
My Arctic does just as Badval's: shows actual temp unless you hit the up/down arrows to change the set temp.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Vinny on September 22, 2006, 09:57:38 pm
Artesian does ... at least a 2005 does. Hit up or down arrow and the display turns to set temp.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: gores95 on September 22, 2006, 10:11:42 pm
Thanks for all the replies.  I just went to the Caldera website and found the manual online.  My tub displays the actual water temp most of the time except when lowering or raising the temp which will briefly display the set temp.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: glastron on September 22, 2006, 11:38:53 pm
digital display on my marquis
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Rayman on September 23, 2006, 07:57:29 am
ditto for Beachcomber, both will show
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Brewman on September 23, 2006, 02:47:50 pm
Sundance 880 series checking in.  Display shows actual temp, can hit a button to see set temperature.

Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: In Canada eh on September 24, 2006, 08:33:33 am
Mine (Leisure Bay) briefly changes to the "set" temp when you push the temp ^ / v buttons, but otherwise always displays the water temp.  

Our Bullfrog control pad operates the same way and I imagine this is a trait for all Balboa controllers
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Gomboman on September 24, 2006, 09:48:48 pm
Hotspring doesn't display Actual Temperature for some reason. Their system utilizes a Ready Light that illuminates when your Set Temperatue and Actual Temperature are within 2 degrees or so. This seems to work for most people.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: svspa on September 25, 2006, 11:10:57 am
jacuzzi normally shows current temp, push a button to show set temp. BTW the current temp is always 1 degree low on my j-345 compared to my sharky thermometer :)
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: thearm on September 25, 2006, 05:21:00 pm
Emerald shows current temp as default with set temp showing when changing.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Cgy_Spa on September 25, 2006, 05:27:38 pm
Hotspring doesn't display Actual Temperature for some reason. Their system utilizes a Ready Light that illuminates when your Set Temperatue and Actual Temperature are within 2 degrees or so. This seems to work for most people.

Yet Hotspot (by Hotspring) does show actual temp, and the temp +/- button displays the set temp.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Gary on September 26, 2006, 02:10:59 pm
Hotspring doesn't display Actual Temperature for some reason. Their system utilizes a Ready Light that illuminates when your Set Temperatue and Actual Temperature are within 2 degrees or so. This seems to work for most people.

That is one thing about Hot Springs I like, I think the reason is so that people will not see the temperature drop a couple of degrees when you are it.

We all get used to the water temperature and even if it does not drop it feels like it did. So when that happens and you see the temp drop on the panel people will complain. With Hot Springs you will think the water is cooling down but the panel will not show a drop so they think it is just them. It is a mind game, I wish all spas would only show set temp point. It would save many of service calls for no reason.

Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Jack_L on September 27, 2006, 12:47:35 am
That is one thing about Hot Springs I like, I think the reason is so that people will not see the temperature drop a couple of degrees when you are it.

We all get used to the water temperature and even if it does not drop it feels like it did. So when that happens and you see the temp drop on the panel people will complain. With Hot Springs you will think the water is cooling down but the panel will not show a drop so they think it is just them. It is a mind game, I wish all spas would only show set temp point. It would save many of service calls for no reason.

As said prior, the HS has the ready light which indicates the set temp is achieved.  We also have a floating duck with a thermometer that floats around so we can check the temp while inside and its pretty consistant. I've never noticed any real drop while sitting in the tub except maybe a degree, but then again I don't sit in it for hrs at a time, or leave the top up for extended periods either...

Personally I don't see a real benifit of having an 'actual' temp on the front panel since I have a thermometer in the water to verify.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Brewman on September 27, 2006, 07:58:50 am
Since the control panel has a digital readout, and the spa has a temperature probe, it seems logical to display the current temperature.  
 It's way down on the "gotta have it" list, though.  It's not really even a "gotta" more a "nice to".

Kinda like the tachometer on a car.  Do I really need to know what RPM my engine is turning at in any given gear?  I don't ever look at the thing.  But they put it on every car and truck I've driven in the past 20 years.  

But it is nice to have once and a while, just a quick peek and I'm assured that my spa is keeping up to the set temp.  And while waiting for my 55 degree water to come to temperature when I refill I find the actual temp readout convenient.

But I could easily get along without.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Repeat_Offender on September 27, 2006, 08:50:43 am
Hotspring doesn't display Actual Temperature for some reason. Their system utilizes a Ready Light that illuminates when your Set Temperatue and Actual Temperature are within 2 degrees or so. This seems to work for most people.

That is one thing about Hot Springs I like, I think the reason is so that people will not see the temperature drop a couple of degrees when you are it.

We all get used to the water temperature and even if it does not drop it feels like it did. So when that happens and you see the temp drop on the panel people will complain. With Hot Springs you will think the water is cooling down but the panel will not show a drop so they think it is just them. It is a mind game, I wish all spas would only show set temp point. It would save many of service calls for no reason.

This sounds like an excuse for poor control to me. Certainly the sensor exists, that's how the controller knows when to turn the heater on, but to not show it? Sorry I'm not buying that. A "ready light" ? is this light also lit if the water temp is 2 deg above setpoint? or 4 deg?
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: shabba34 on September 27, 2006, 09:08:08 am
Hotspring doesn't display Actual Temperature for some reason. Their system utilizes a Ready Light that illuminates when your Set Temperatue and Actual Temperature are within 2 degrees or so. This seems to work for most people.

That is one thing about Hot Springs I like, I think the reason is so that people will not see the temperature drop a couple of degrees when you are it.

We all get used to the water temperature and even if it does not drop it feels like it did. So when that happens and you see the temp drop on the panel people will complain. With Hot Springs you will think the water is cooling down but the panel will not show a drop so they think it is just them. It is a mind game, I wish all spas would only show set temp point. It would save many of service calls for no reason.

This sounds like an excuse for poor control to me. Certainly the sensor exists, that's how the controller knows when to turn the heater on, but to not show it? Sorry I'm not buying that. A "ready light" ? is this light also lit if the water temp is 2 deg above setpoint? or 4 deg?
It's about a 2.5 deg sensitivity on the high or low side.  That poor control panel :P can actually alert you to a problem with the spa in the dead of winter without even going outside.  No need for an in home monitor or a remote control.  I'd rather save thousands knowing that I've tripped a breaker or my heater's not working rather then having to to walk outside and lift up the cover to see that my display tells me what temp the spa is at.  Oh well, to each his/her own.  
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Markus on September 27, 2006, 09:29:22 am
I personally would like to have a display of the actual temperature instead of a light that tells me I'm within my desired temp +/- 2 degrees. I wonder if all hot tub manufactures have a desired setting of +/- 2 degrees or do they have +/- 1 degree. me, each degree has a direct affect on how long I will stay in the tub. I've taken a precision thermometer and verified the manufacture's above "temperature spec". Although I'd prefer a tighter tolerance if possible.
Title: Re: What tubs show the ACTUAL temp on the console?
Post by: Repeat_Offender on September 27, 2006, 09:29:55 am
I know about remote monitoring and remote fault displays and warnings, my tub has them. That's not the issue. We're talking about the ability to see at a glance, while you're in the tub, what the current temp is. Nothing magical or nebulous about that. Why can't you have both? "I'd rather save thousands....." Why are they mutually exclusive?