Hot Tub Forum
Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: tileman on September 17, 2006, 05:08:36 pm
Are they neccesary or do they get in the way?
Are they neccesary or do they get in the way?
Most people that have them, love them. I like having at least some sort of foot jet. I prefer my arrangement of having a powerful footjet on the side and having a wide open flooor.
That said, foot domes allow for better sharing. We have to take turns.
Powerful foot jets are VERY important to me. The way I use a spa is I use ALL of the seats- going from one to another to get a different massage from each seat. That being said... it's easy to share. I personally prefer to have them off to the side to open up the footwell for more space for legs and feet.
I would say yes. For us, we deemed it a must, both have jobs that are very tiring for the feet, and the foot jets do the trick after a long day. When we have had guests in the tub it has never been in the way.
I love the foot jets in my Grandee.
I have heard 2 things about foot domes, one good and one bad.
A poster in this forum said the dome is good to push against with your feet to help you stay in your seat when the jets are trying to blow you out. I can totally see this. I get blown out of the non-moto corner seat in my Grandee all the time.
One person told me that the dome can get in the way when getting in and out or moving around in the tub. I would think you'd get used to it pretty quick, and this wouldn't be an issue.
I would have to agree with "yes" to foot jets as well.
I love my foot dome, but have never had anything other than foot dome so can't say whats best.
Zep, nice set up.
I love my foot dome, but have never had anything other than foot dome so can't say whats best.
Zep, that is one nice-looking spa. Is the stone facing artificial? May I ask what is under it for support? I see what look like 2x6 boards. . .
re: Zep, nice set up.
Thanks's been a project....but I got alot of great advice from all the spa industry experts on this site. The best advice I got was...don't be in a hurry, study the different brands/features, wet test, and choosing a great dealer is almost as important as choosing the brand of spa. I will say that besides the foot dome, the water fall and led light are something I am very pleased with.
Now all I need is the Texas weather to cool off again so I can get back in my tub!
Good luck in your decision.
I have a 2003 Caldera Geneva Utopia. In the lounger,are the "foot" massagers. I personally like having the extra space in my footwell,without the jets.
I noticed in your name you're a "tileman". Welcome ! :)
I too am a tile/stone mason.
Nice to see I'm not the only 1 in this forum that does it on his knees ;)
In case you're not aware of a great link/url....I'll post it here....
Lots of great info etc as far as our industry. Look forward to seeing you on the boards,and if I can help in any way,let me know.
re: Zep, that is one nice-looking spa. Is the stone facing artificial?
May I ask what is under it for support? I see what look like 2x6 boards. . .
Altazi....hey thanks for the kind words.
Yes the stone facing is made of an artificial composite material.
It is the CalStone cabinetry being offered by CalSpas.
The stone panels seem durable and they can be touched up easily
if chipped....although I have not had any trouble even when I
accidently hit the side of one of the panels with my weed-whacker.
Of course the stone panels can also be replaced if needed.
As far as support, I had a 4 inch thick concrete pad poured almost the exact
size of the tub knowing that I was going to surround the tub with decking.
If you look at the bottom corners of the tub in the picture you can barely
see the concrete slab showing.
The deck is made of IPE decking material.
Ipe (pronounced EE-pay) is one of the finest quality woods available.
Ipe is an exotic hardwood that is naturally resistant to rot and decay,
is 8 times harder than California Redwood, and is guaranteed for 20 years
without preservatives!
Foot jets? My caspian has a foot dome and my wife and I love it. It was one of the features that sold us on the tub. People who use the tub also comment that they like it (although, they don't own tubs themelsves, so you need to take it for what it's worth).
The dome does not get in the way for us. And yes, it does provide a nice place to place you feet agaisnt if you want to push back into a seat and really get the jets to work the back.
I really enjoy the foot dome.
But, it's a personal thing. Wet test and decide for yourself. Things like style of jets and placement of them are purely individual preference.
When we wet tested, the minute that we tested a spa with a foot dome, we were sold. Even saying that, there are many styles and setups. Mine (Vita Nuage) has a volcano jet in the middle and 4 swirl jets, one pointing to each corner seat. I still am wondering if a one fotted engineer designs the footdomes of all spa's though as most are only set up with a single jet per seat they service?!?!?
Irregardless, WE (emphasized) would not be without a foot dome as it is extremely refreshing and invigorating on the feet. YOU (emphasized) may not like it, or you may love it. Only one way to know..... Try it!!!
I prefer the layout in the Envoy to the foot dome. Not a big fan of space-sharing.
The foot dome is one of the main reasons we decided on the Sundance Optima (awaiting delivery in next week or so!). In addition to a continuous foot masage massage :D it provides a convenient foot rest to help keep you seated when the jets are full blast. The no-foot-dome camp says that foot domes are awkward and easy to trip over, but personally I've not experienced that. (Typically we slide from seat to seat rather than standing and walking across the tub).
All that said, you won't know what's right for you until you try a few different models and see what works for you.
I love the dome
I do step on it once in a while, but there is plenty of room around it to avoid it.
'06 Optima
Dido on foot dome. Love it. Learned I wanted one after wet testing.
Especially wife wanted foot dome so she could stay in the seat.
I like the "semi-dome' in my J-370. It's essetnially got four regular jets and one large jet in the side middle and also have "calf" jets in the 2 opposing seats. Works VERY well.