Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: aaronr on August 30, 2006, 12:08:36 am

Title: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in it?
Post by: aaronr on August 30, 2006, 12:08:36 am
I just got a Vangaurd and have 2 quick questions.

1. For those of you with Hs tubs that have a soothing Stream water feature- did you put rocks (or anything else) in there?

2. Mine has nothing in it, but it's powerful enough that water goes out the side- will putting something in there help?

Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: Vanguard on August 30, 2006, 12:38:09 am
Putting rocks in it will give it a different sound.  You will need to put decent size rocks in or else they may end up in the spa.  You may find that water will still run over the side into the spa, but that is really no big deal.  

If you don't want it running that hard, you can turn it down with the valve.  

I put some clear glass "rocks" in mine.  It looks neat because the light reflects off the rocks.
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: kervis on August 30, 2006, 09:19:57 am
The water runs over the side with mine also--glad to hear it's not just me!  We tried one laser engraved, smooth rock, but that didn't cut it.  It looked dumb, so it was removed.  I like Aquatub's suggestion  of using a bunch of clear glass rocks that help reflect the light.  I think they have some nice big ones at Michael's craft store and I will try them out-thanks!

My next issue is one of those tiny jets above the moto-massage.  It shoots water up into my ear, hair, and all over the inside control panel to my left.  It won't stay put.  I did have a tech out to look at it and he seemed to think it was some type of possible flaw in the shell--the opening is too big or something, and it allows the jet to move freely and squirt all over the place.  He changed it out, and the new jet did the same thing, thus his conclusion above.  He offered to silicone it for me and I guess I'll have to take him up on it before winter comes!  Maybe I should try one of those spinner jets there?

We are really enjoying our Vanguard!  :)
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: cooltoy2000 on August 30, 2006, 03:30:16 pm
The sound is better with something in there and the rocks look good too.

I initaly put glass rocks into mine, I loved the way the light reflected through the rocks, however one time we had friends over and it was late in the evening on a fairly chilly night and we noticed that the glass cracked into sharp slivers. Not sure if it was due to the fact that the glass was cheap or the fact that they were cool and cracked when the hot water hit them.

We switched over to polished river rock. .
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: East_TX_Spa on August 30, 2006, 04:24:21 pm

Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: The_real_Clown_Shoes on August 30, 2006, 07:35:56 pm
You can turn down the flow to the Soothing Stream and then it won't spill over the side.
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: kervis on August 30, 2006, 08:21:50 pm


Out of nowhere, this has just totally cracked me up.  I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying....must go find a tissue! ;D ;D ;D

I did purcase some odd-shaped glass rocks today and put them in.  We'll see what it looks like tonight.  Interesting about them shattering in the cold.   Still LMHO!!!!
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: hot tub Frank on August 30, 2006, 08:34:40 pm
Hi Badval

I have an old leisure bay tub. I have to say that mine runns still very good.
it is true that is is impossible to reasearch on leisure bay products. i tried that and failed big time. for the money you are spending look for other products. the changing light is not worth 250$. for 39$ you can by a bulb witch does the same thing. that is what i did.
but once again. my tub is 7 years old and i love it.
good luck and dont expect any service out of the rec warehouse. i bin down that road also.
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: cooltoy2000 on August 30, 2006, 09:25:35 pm
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: Vanguard on August 30, 2006, 09:40:28 pm
Hi Badval

I have an old leisure bay tub. I have to say that mine runns still very good.
it is true that is is impossible to reasearch on leisure bay products. i tried that and failed big time. for the money you are spending look for other products. the changing light is not worth 250$. for 39$ you can by a bulb witch does the same thing. that is what i did.
but once again. my tub is 7 years old and i love it.
good luck and dont expect any service out of the rec warehouse. i bin down that road also.

Methinks you are responding to a different post - one about Leisure Bay??
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: East_TX_Spa on August 31, 2006, 12:12:43 pm

I put some polished rocks in there.  It looks pretty good in person, but looks like cat squat in the picture.

Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: Jack_L on August 31, 2006, 07:36:16 pm
I had heard that if you leave the waterfall on it will divert water from the circ filter, is that true?  Personally for me the waterfall is annoying and I just leave it off, but my wife likes to have it run from time to time for that 'asmospheric sound', or maybe its just because its there.  
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: TimC on August 31, 2006, 08:36:48 pm
Anyone thought about creating an insert to produce a Fountain?  Tried to make a prototype from wood that worked OK, but soon the wood swelled and it wouldn't fit anymore.  

It seems like you could create a plastic insert to get a single or double stream to spray out.
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: Vanguard on August 31, 2006, 09:36:51 pm
I had heard that if you leave the waterfall on it will divert water from the circ filter, is that true?  Personally for me the waterfall is annoying and I just leave it off, but my wife likes to have it run from time to time for that 'asmospheric sound', or maybe its just because its there.  

Its not diverted from the filter.  It is diverted after the circ pump.
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: MarKee on September 01, 2006, 03:34:51 am
for some reason plastic and rocks dont mix for me
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: aaronr on September 01, 2006, 09:06:15 am
WOW! Thanks for all the responses.

Terminator, you are the best man! Great pics! When I saw you responded I was sure there would be a bikini top in the waterfall :)
Title: Re: HS Soothing Stream - did you put anything in i
Post by: cooltoy2000 on September 01, 2006, 09:33:18 pm
Here are pix of mine with Pearl.

No water running:


With water running:
