Hot Tub Forum

Original => Hot Tub Forum => Topic started by: VV on September 01, 2006, 09:41:08 am

Title: Portable Hot Tub
Post by: VV on September 01, 2006, 09:41:08 am
  Just wanted to write that I am the proud owner of a new Dream maker x500 Portable Hot Tub, 110 V, so I didn't have to do anything electrical with this set-up.  Hooray!

I wanted to share this with other members like myself who may not want to invest in a Hot Tub with 220 V, for whatever reason.  This Dream maker model is a 5 seater with lounge chair & 4 seats, holds 270 lbs of water, and the best thing, it can be moved to any location where an outlet is available.

It's pretty deep, as I'm "5"7" 1/2, and hubby is "6"2"And, the water rests comfortably at hubby's chest area.  The cost was another good factor, as it was only $3,000 with chem, shipping & all.  And, no debt as a result.  Hooray!

I'm trying to post pics, but not sure how to.....Anyway, it can be purchased at some local pool & spas, or online at

I hope this helps anyone who may be interested in a portable and don't want hassles of electrical re-wiring, or exuberant costs, especially if you need or desire a spa for medical reasons like myself.